
After meeting Monica's friend, I realized that "friend" might mean a lot to a woman.

Zhao Shengkui, the police officer, might have liked or pursued Monica in the past, but his eyes were almost shining with laser light when he saw her. At the same time, he was neither hot nor cold to me and the Manager Qian, and he even stared at us as if we were wolves protecting their food.

"Bro, I think you have a love rival. However, thinking about it, it was very strange for a woman with such good conditions to not be chased by anyone. Don't be afraid, I will support you spiritually and support you in defeating all your rivals. "If you bring a beauty home, you can directly carry her to bed." Looking at Monica and Zhao Shengkui at the end of the corridor, I said.

"If you don't say anything, you might get cancer. Get lost as far as you can. When did I say I would chase after Monica? This is not all one company's, we can't just sit by and watch. This is helping others make me happy, it's a sign of my high cultivation realm. Please don't judge me by your selfish, obscene mind, OK? " Manager Qian's face was serious, but his eyes kept darting to the other side of the corridor.

Although I couldn't hear Monica and Zhao Shengkui's conversation, I had a course in the army called "Interrogation" which taught me how to judge a person's thoughts and intentions based on body language.

From the looks of it, Monica was begging Zhao Shengkui. It seemed to be a difficult task. Zhao Shengkui frowned and shook his head slowly, showing an expression of helplessness. It was obvious that he wanted to refuse, but he was hesitant at the same time. Thus, the shaking of his head was not too strong and the frequency was not too fast.

Monica's actions were very interesting. She took a step forward and grabbed Zhao Shengkui's arm and elbow. He was very close to Zhao Shengkui and nodded his head as he spoke. Looking at this scene, I couldn't help but admire Monica for her persuasive skills and determination. Generally speaking, unless it was a particularly important or principled issue, women could always ask for this much from men. Not to mention that Zhao Shengkui might have some little fantasies about Monica.

Zhao Shengkui seemed to have made up his mind. He pursed his lips and then sighed. After saying that, she turned around and returned to her office. Monica walked through the corridor and said to me and Manager Qian, "Let's go eat first. We'll check it out again in the afternoon."

They found a place to eat in the afternoon. The atmosphere was heavy for some reason, the Manager Qian was quiet for a rare reason, he didn't argue with me. The three of them thought about their own things, randomly ate, and then went to find Zhao Shengkui.

This time, Zhao Shengkui's gaze towards Monica was filled with helplessness and sympathy. He brought us to the corner of the stairs and looked around to make sure that there was no one around. He handed a USB drive to Monica and said, "Don't let anyone know about this. The data in the USB drive will be completely deleted once it's used. Once used, the USB drive will also be smashed and burned. Let the leaders know that I lost my job and that I might even end up in jail. However, I have a few classmates who went to a police academy and became a prison guard. They might be able to take care of me. "

His cold humour relaxed us a little, but we all knew the importance of the USB drive. Monica thanked him four or five times in a row. Zhao Shengkui shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "No need, you won't hurt anyone anyway. We were talking about your two uncles' families behind the scenes, but we didn't know what happened. In any case, I wish you a safe passage through this crisis. "I was waiting for someone in charge of the internet to go eat before I copied the data. I'm going to eat first, contact me later if anything happens." Then he smiled at the three of us and walked down the stairs. The three of us looked at the data and left the squad in a hurry.

Back at Monica's house, we saw the data on the USB drive and knew how much risk Zhao had taken. What he copied to us was a summary of all the intel on Monica's two uncles in the squad's database.

It contained minutes of meetings within the police force, references to possible leads and progress in tracking them down. The information shows that these professional police officers have more questions than we do. They even considered the possibility of political battles within the government causing the murder and so on, but they were all eliminated one by one.

With this information, we separately interviewed the suspects we had analyzed in the next few days.

This included the situation of the person who was killed by Liu Chen while he was still alive, and the families of the people who were injured or killed during the demolition process. However, the results were depressing. No one in these families understood these weird things. There was not even one who studied the Yin, Yang, and Five Elements. Zhou Yi gossiped about them all.

The only person who understood Feng Shui was actually a senior in architecture major who was studying hard at school. Even more infuriating was the fact that he had failed such a useful course.

One by one, the clues were cut off, and time passed slowly. We couldn't help but get more and more nervous, because every day that passed meant that the ghoul became stronger.

Last time, it was caught off guard and managed to chase it away. This time, I don't know if we were that lucky.

Today, the three of us went to check out a house for evictions. One of the elderly people in the house was injured by Third Uncle Monica's subordinate. After complaining a few times, he was also suppressed by the officials. There was no other way but to sign the demolition agreement, take compensation, and then the old man died of illness.

Monica lied about being a journalist and wanted her family to tell her about such things.

Manager Qian and I took this opportunity to observe the family and to see if the expert who knew how to work ghosts was here. As I looked around, I noticed that this junior high school kid was organizing photos on the computer. Some of them were taken from their previous home, and Monica saw them and said she wanted to send some of them to the newspapers and copy some of them to her computer.

"Monkey, this is the last clue. What should we do next?" Manager Qian asked me on the way back.

"Add some vinegar!" How would I know what to do! "We'll talk about it when we get back," I said, rubbing my head. And the ghost that could appear at any moment was like a big stone blocking my mind, and I thought about how easy it would be to carry out the mission I had previously carried out. At the very least, my opponent is someone like me, who knows what kind of weapon can kill the enemy.

I got to the gate of the neighborhood in my wildest dreams. It was already past 8 pm. After parking the car, the three of us headed to Monica's house. Fortunately, there were a lot of rooms in her house. During these few days, Monica slept in the master bedroom, and Manager Qian and I slept in the second bedroom. We stayed in the living room and watched the Ghost Fixing Needle as we worked.

As I walked along, I felt that my surroundings were different from before. I stopped writing and looked around to see if there was anything wrong. However, Manager Qian and Monica also stopped as they felt something was missing. They nervously looked around.

"What's wrong?" Manager Qian asked.

"Cat, usually at this late hour, there are a lot of wild cats in the neighborhood, but now there's not a single one." When the Manager Qian asked this question, I finally found the answer.

"Bro, I know you are very loving and fond of small animals. But now is not the time to consider this issue, maybe you were taken away by someone from the animal rescue station." They both let out sighs of relief.

"There's definitely a problem, let's hurry back!" As I said that, I took out a lighter and a cinnabar cannon from my backpack and signaled the Manager Qian to prepare the garlic juice.

The three of them ran to the door of Monica's building. It was hard to look away from a big-chested woman in high-heeled shoes. Monica was just a few steps away from the door, getting the key. I suddenly felt something falling over my head, heading straight for Monica's head.

I gave Monica a quick tug. She was very light and wore high heels. I didn't manage to stand steadily with my whole body, so Manager Qian hurriedly went forward to support her. At the same time, they heard a "pa" sound. A ceramic flower pot fell onto the ground where Monica was standing a moment ago and shattered into pieces. A few flying fragments hurt my leg. It seemed I had fallen from a high place. If I hit it, my head would burst open.

Lifting his head, he saw a blurry shadow on the rooftop of the fourth floor disappear. It was too dark and he could not tell if it was the thing he had met in Shanghai a few days ago. But now was not the time to think about this. I snatched the key from Monica and rushed into her house on the second floor.

After entering, I quickly locked the door, and checked all the doors and windows with Manager Qian, smearing the garlic juice on the gap between the door and the window. Monica, pale with fright and flustered to help, poured a whole bottle of garlic juice on the windowsill. My heart was pounding like a drum. After all, it was us who suddenly attacked them last time, and this time, it's them who came looking for us!

"I'm not very brave, just because he's more helpless than I am," I said to myself as I led my squad, and I took a few deep breaths to force myself to calm down. The habits of this battlefield have often led me to make the right judgment in complicated situations, because panic often brings death.

"Manager Qian, protect Monica well!" Seeing that Manager Qian was also frightened, I heavily patted him on the shoulder a few times. I often encouraged the soldiers in my class to do so in the past. I don't know if it was my slap that gave him strength, or if he realized he had to protect the woman he loved, but courage returned to him. In one breath, we sealed all the cracks in the door and stared into the smell of garlic, our ears pricked up in search of suspicious places.

The room was frighteningly quiet. There were only three stifled breaths.

Suddenly, there was a series of "bam, bam" sounds coming from the bathroom. As if the sewers were normally clogged or the water was flowing to the end, I hurried over to check on the situation.

When he went to the bathroom, he saw that black water was seeping out from the drain. The water was so black that you mistook it for almost a black hole.

This black hole is getting bigger and bigger... When it's the size of a washbasin. A head popped out of the black water!