
The knife-scarred man rushed in front of me. When he was about three meters away, he suddenly dodged and launched a punch at me. His speed was so frightening that it took only a second for his fist to reach me. He was aiming for my head.

"Peng, peng, peng!" It was as if someone was hitting me with a baseball bat. Two fists, one light, one heavy, one coming from the back, caused my head to buzz. Venus's vision blurred. She could immediately feel blood trickling down her nose and lips. She didn't even need to look to know that her face had bloomed. From his concise and forceful movements, one could tell that he was a soldier who had received strict training. I couldn't help but think: "These guys look like they have a lot of background. Why did they spend so much effort to find the Elder Bai?"

But I didn't have time to think about it, because Scarface's second punch had arrived. "My chest and stomach were hit, making my mouth feel sweet. The food in my stomach was squeezed out by the huge pressure." With a "wow" sound, I spat out the Knifescar fellow's head and chest. The others were stunned for a few seconds. Next, he pointed at the scarred face and began to laugh maniacally. The scar-face also stood there in a flabbergasted manner.

Judging from his movements, if it was a normal day, I would have definitely been on par with him and not be beaten to such a state. But now that I'm tied up like a yangcheng lake crab about to go public, I'm panting and trying to see if I can find a chance to escape.

Scarface froze for a few seconds. He wanted to continue the fight, but seeing that I myself was covered in vomit, he was at a loss for what to do. After swearing at Fusang, he turned around and left, probably to clean himself up.

Following the light from his open door, I saw the leader for the first time outside the darkness. If there hadn't been someone standing around, I almost thought I'd seen a ghost. He was so skinny that he looked like a sparrow's eyes. His cheekbones were high and his mustache was like that of an easterner. His eyes were squinting as he pondered over something.

In addition, I noticed that there were a lot of mechanical devices in the corridor. I could see that there were some pseudonyms in Japanese, so I only recognized the two Chinese characters, "Heavy Industry". Plus, the house I was in had no windows at all, and no sound of cars could be heard, so I assumed this was some kind of underground storage area for a factory that didn't work.

At this moment, my entire body is burning in pain from the beating. I'm sure that a large area of my body is bruised. But it's all flesh, and the bones and guts are all right now, if I can get rid of the ropes and the handcuffs.

His movements weren't affected too much, and his battle strength wouldn't decrease by too much. A few minutes later, the sound of running could be heard again from the corridor. It turned out to be Scarface, who had returned with a large red plastic bucket in one hand. He splashed cold water all over my body, washed off the vomit on my body, and then rushed up to me again to beat him up. After being chilled to the point where my heart had turned cold, I was then treated as a sandbag. This instructor didn't teach me that year.

I had no way of dodging, no way of blocking, and no way of retaliating. I could only grit my teeth and take the blow head on while watching to see if there were any flaws in this fellow's footwork. As I observed, he was always shifting his back and foot in the middle of a two-way combination, and his lower body was vulnerable to an attack when he switched positions. When I saw this, I became even more furious in my heart, "F * ck you, now that you've become a human sandbag's meat, when I have the chance, I'll kick you into a eunuch."

The guy had been fighting for four or five minutes. He looked a little tired, or maybe he was just losing his patience. He put his hand on his waist to feel a military knife shining with a cold light. He rubbed his teeth as he said to me, "Just now, it was just an appetizer. Let's start the meal now."

Looking at his ferocious appearance, I knew that this fellow was about to run out of tricks. Back when I was interrogating the captives on the battlefield, I kept my mouth shut and didn't say anything until the other party admitted it.

And, at least for now, he can't kill me. I am confident that I can hold on. We cannot lose the face of the Special Forces of the Chinese People's Army, otherwise, we will never be able to face the heroic Resisting Sun after the death of Jiuquan.

Just as I was thinking, he twisted his wrist, and two slashes appeared in my shoulder. They weren't too deep, but they were painful enough to make me shiver. Before I could scream, he slashed a few more times, slicing my arms, chest, stomach, and thighs. Although he is an enemy, I have to admit that this fellow's knife play is f * cking good. Each wound was about four or five centimeters long, which meant that it didn't hurt the major blood vessels, and it hurt me to the core.

"Are you ready to say it now? Just say you can take a few less cuts earlier, just say it now. "Where's that damn old bastard?" As he spoke, he held the blade flat against my chest.

From time to time, he would poke the tip of the knife into my pink flesh and the tender flesh at the side. From time to time, he would poke the tip of the knife into my pink flesh and the tender flesh at the side. I didn't say anything. I stared into his eyes for a while. Although he was looking at me viciously, my instincts told me that this guy was bluffing.

Sure enough, after their gazes met for a few seconds, he pretended to look away. I know this guy won't be able to get anything out of me. He's already weakened in terms of momentum.

It was obvious that I wasn't the only one who saw this. The bald man who hadn't said anything since the beginning said, "Tong Fujun, take a rest. Let Chuanjing Jun deal with this pig."

The scarred man had a regretful expression on his face as he withdrew his knife. Both the movements of his blade and its retraction were extremely nimble. It seemed that he had put in a lot of effort. As I was guessing which of the remaining thugs was Kawasaki, a man suddenly walked out of the darkness in the southeast corner of the basement. It was Kawasaki.

The man came up to me without looking me up and down like the others, perhaps because he had seen me clearly in the dark. I looked at him curiously. He was not very tall, about 1.7 meters. Not as big as the other eight, but his eyes told me one thing. He was probably a sniper, and his eyes were fixed on three different parts of me, forehead, neck, and heart, before they landed on mine.

This Chuanjing didn't say anything, but just stared at me expressionlessly. His eyes were empty, without any killing intent or anger, nor did they contain any probing questions. After watching for a few seconds, he suddenly said, "He won't admit it. This person is very strong-willed, and the Asians view dignity very highly. They can't tolerate betraying a friend, just like you."

As he said that last sentence, he pointed at the baldy's chest. The place where the bald head was pointed seemed to be itchy. When I reached out my hand to scratch it, I saw several thick scars that looked like earthworms crawling under the shirt. I didn't know how many areas were covered. It might have been a knife or a fire, but it didn't look like a gunshot wound. Because even if the wound was healed, it would still be an azure-purple circle, so it wouldn't have such an irregular shape.

"Then we can only think of another way. Let's see if Kato Lord and Island Lord can bring us some surprises," said the thin man sitting in the shadows. Maybe to put more pressure on me, they were all talking in Chinese. Then I saw that he was fiddling with something in his hand, because his eyes were swollen; it took me a moment to see that he was holding my cell phone.

"Oh no, they're going to make a move on my friend." I couldn't hold my temper any longer, but the scolding only revealed my panic. I began to consider putting on some fake information to stall for time, but once again there was the sound of heavy military boots and cement clashing against each other in the corridor.

When I first looked at them, I noticed that they were all in casual clothes. But the shoes on their feet were the same, thick, waterproof boots of an airborne soldier, so I guessed they might have come from the same unit or mercenary unit.

With the sound of footsteps, three people appeared at the door. My heart sank to the bottom again, and if there was anything more depressing than being kissed by a tiger, it was.

That was to be captured together with one's brothers and friends, and the enemy could then torture the weakest to achieve the goal of destroying all of them.

Two guys wearing identical military shoes, one of them carrying the one I don't want the most right now, Manager Qian.

"Let him go!" I said through gritted teeth to the skinny Foreigner in the darkness.

Seeing me speak to him, the man rose from his seat and walked slowly to the light. I could see that apart from being unusually thin, the man was also extremely tall, at least 1.95 meters tall.

"My name is Ah Bie Chou Hua, you should know my name. I don't like you Chinese. I can still maintain my little bit of politeness. "Therefore, I hope that you can cooperate well and don't try to play any tricks. Otherwise, my subordinates will happily dismember your body and your friends' bodies." At the same time as he spoke, there was almost no change in the expression on his skinny face. If it wasn't for the murderous look in his eyes, he would have been a dead man talking.

I am confident that I can withstand their torture, but Manager Qian may not. Now, they had to think of a way to tie Manager Qian to another cement pillar in the house.

"Let him go. After he finds a safe place to call me, I'll tell you where the Elder Bai is going." I thought I had a good idea, but instead I exposed my own soft side.

The muscles of Abe Chou Hua twisted, showing an expression similar to "laughing". Then he said to me, "Don't think I don't know what you're thinking. I'll take you two to the northeast and let you two go when I find that old scoundrel. I'll kill your friend if you dare to play any tricks on me on the way."

After saying that, he waved his hand towards Ryoko, who walked in front of me and said, "The wounds on your body are very painful right? Then, she took out her right hand that she had kept in her pocket all this time. This time, she directly smeared the rapidly evaporating bewitching potion under my nose. Smelling the already somewhat familiar smell of ether, I fainted once more …