
Seeing this horrifying scene, even I was scared to the point that my legs were trembling. I turned around and knocked away a few of these things, then ran. As I ran, I thought that this must be some kind of demonic technique used by the third sister of the Bastard, trying to create illusions to scare me to death.

So as I ran, I shouted, "Third sister, come out and fight me if you dare! What are these bystanders, third sister …"

While calling me secretly want to laugh again, so that I was her big brother or second brother, call me home to eat dinner. A lot of people like to sing or talk out loud when they feel scared. I think it's a good habit. A dark figure rushed out of the slant and lunged at me. I grabbed at the collar of the man I had come from and tried to throw him off his back, but my hands caught nothing. At the same time, the three acupoints near my left ear, Yu Feng, the cheek car, and Dazhi were pressed down by three fingers. Three fingers pushed at the same time, causing me to lose all sensation on the side of my face. I couldn't help but fall to the ground. At the same time, I could smell a familiar fragrance coming from my nose.

"It's you?" I've scolded you, I thought.

"Don't make a sound." She pressed me hard against the ground, her ears pricked up as she listened to something.

I followed her example, but realised that it was very quiet in the fog. Those monsters didn't follow us just now.

"That way," she said, pointing.

"What went there?" I was curious about her reaction. Wasn't this all her technique?

"I don't know. When I fought with that thing just now, I was injured." Listening to her words, I noticed that there was quite a bit of blood on my body. She didn't know when the white fox in her bag woke up, but it came out to help her lick her wound. At the same time, it let out whining sounds. She no longer had the killing intent and handsome aura from her fight with me. Instead, she had a smile full of happiness as she looked at the white fox with a wry smile. I didn't know why, but my eyes made me feel a little jealous.

"Just what is it?" This fox in front of them — the vampiric relationship really wasn't an ordinary one. If he didn't interrupt them, it would be unknown how long they would have to look at each other. At the same time, I am also anxious to know who will be able to injure this expert who can send me flying within 2 seconds.

"Just now, I was walking randomly in the fog and came to a place similar to an altar. There were many human-like creatures worshipping a statue." There was a pause in her words, and it was clear that the injury was not light.

"Like a human but not like a human?" I wanted to ask her if she had seen the same thing I had, but then I thought it was unlikely. The features were so obvious that they could have been described long ago.

Yes, they looked like humans, but not humans. They had their own unique features. Men were extraordinarily ugly, while women were exceptionally beautiful.

A man is even uglier than me? This woman is prettier than you? Being in the mood to joke at any time is one of my many shortcomings, and I can't change it no matter what.

After listening to my nonsense, she slightly frowned and seriously said, "Women aren't as beautiful as I am, and men aren't as ugly as you. Although your skills are a bit lacking, but your appearance can still barely pass if you close your eyes."

"I …" When my anger had subsided, she continued, "What is it? You don't want to be called a weakling? "I'm telling you, I said you were a puddle of mud, and the mud didn't even like it."

I was so angry that I didn't know what to do. I was the one who lost, so I changed the subject. "How do you know they're not human?"

"It's very simple. The first thing they asked when they saw me was, 'Human?' How did you get in? I saw that they were rude and I didn't hold back, so I decided to fight. " Listening to her, I thought to myself, 'Oh my god, who else have you been so polite to except this white fox?'

"I didn't expect this thing to be so good. We agreed to not use any spells." "They just randomly picked someone who looked very blind and injured me in a few moves. I spent a lot of effort to escape and ran over here to listen to your shouts." Then she stopped, presumably in pain.

"The strangest thing is that deity statue. I've never seen it before!" There was a trace of fear in her voice, which was hard to come by.

"What does he look like? Eight heads? "24 legs?" As I spoke, I ripped open my coat and made a tourniquet to help her put the wound back together.

"No, there are nine heads with many eyes engraved on each head, many hands like a peacock with its tail spread wide, it is simply impossible to count how many hands there are, the number of feet is a little less, only eight, and there are even patterns of flames carved in its mouth …" She described something that could challenge my spatial imagination.

But as I listened to her description and sketched the pattern in my head, my head hurt more and more. Suddenly, I shouted a word I didn't even know where I got it from.

What is it? she asked curiously.

"I don't know, that's the name that comes up in my head. Maybe I'll remember more in the dream." I told her briefly about the history of my dream reading.

"Oh? Is there such a thing? " She thought for a while, then suddenly said, "That's easy to do!"

With that, she put her hands together and formed a triangle with her forefingers and thumbs. The rest of her fingers intersected and placed the tip of her index finger and thumb, the tips of the two index fingers, between her eyebrows.

"Spirit Demon Dire Charm — Hypnosis" As she spoke, her eyes turned from blue to red, as fast as the color of the lanterns on a festival.

I felt only a flash of red before my eyes, then faint, and in my dream I was back in that place where scraps of paper were scattered all over the place. Unlike before, there was a soft voice asking me to find something for her. I kept looking and reading to her, one by one, what she needed. For example: Hungry Ghost, Asura, Asura King, and finally, the most important name, "Six Paths of Reincarnation – Confusion Killing Array!"

When I woke up, the first thing I heard from her was, "You really paid a lot for your Supernatural Hunting Group!"

"What's going on?" Shaking my head, I tried my best to clear my head. Listening to her recounting my words after I fell asleep was clearly something in my head, but there had to be another part to it. It was so f * cking awkward. Other than that, it is also thanks to her own understanding of the matter. If it were an ordinary lady, she probably wouldn't have been able to explain it.

She organized her thoughts and said, "First of all, this is an ancient formation. I think it was provided by the Bai Ze Clan members to the Supernatural Hunting Group. This formation was activated with many special items and spells. The effect was to create an 'area of fragments' between the six paths. This area was an overlap of the six paths.

Wait, are you referring to the six paths of reincarnation? I interrupted her.

She explained: "Yes, they are: 1. The Heavenly Dao; 2. The Mortal Dao; 3. The Asura Dao; 4. The Beast Dao; 5. The Hungry Ghost Dao; 6. The Hell Dao. "You just saw two things, one of them is the Hungry Ghost sect's two hungry ghosts. What I met was the Shura sect's group, and they are currently paying their respects to one of the four great Shura Kings, the Flower Ring King Vimes."

It's complicated, you go on, I interrupted.

The Six Paths of Samsara was originally the basic rule for the operation of this world (not just the human world). Apart from the Path of Man and the Path of Beasts, under normal circumstances, there was no intersection between the Six Paths. However, the strength of this formation was that it allowed six paths to intersect with each other. Any form of life trapped by the formation would have to come into contact with the six revolving life forms.

"Moreover, most of the six forms of life have been reported to me. This is also why those Asura devils injured me the moment they met. You should be lucky, the first ones you see are hungry ghosts with no power or ability to kill, only knowing how to find food. If it is a Evil Spirit from the Infernal Realm, or an Asura, hmph. " She laughed coldly, her meaning clear. If it was me just now, it wouldn't just be a serious injury.

What is an Asura? So powerful? I asked curiously.

They were curious. They called it a god, but it did not have the kindness of a god. It was very similar to a demon. Although it was called a ghost, the Asura King had the divine ability of a god. Although it was called a human, although it had the seven emotions and six desires, it also possessed the might of a god or a demon. It was a monster that was not a god, a ghost, or a human. It was a monster that belonged to a god, a ghost, or a human. It could also be called an evil god, belonging to a fierce and aggressive race of ghosts and deities. Many deities were too aggressive, and would fall under the asura of the Asura Dao. Furthermore, the Asura King would often battle with the God of Heaven's Path.

Then let's just avoid them and go. Also, how are we going to get out? I asked eagerly.

This is even more complicated, if I told you earlier. Oh, that's not right. You told me first, then I told you what I told you. If you can understand it, then perhaps you can understand what's being said below.

Before entering the array, we were in a four-dimensional space, consisting of a time dimension and a space dimension. Now we're in something like a five-dimensional space. In addition to three dimensions of space and time, there was also a dimension that controlled six rotations.

The solution is to kill a creature in one of the six paths, draw a symbol in one of the other five with its blood, and then add the incantation in your head. It would cause six natural orders to be adjusted and repositioned, and we would be bounced back to our own space.

"Then can we use Ghost Slash to kill the Asura?"

"No, Ghost Slash can only have an effect on Primordial Spirit s or formless gods and devils that have been separated from their bodies. For example, the hungry ghosts you just met were the real thing. The Asura I met was also a real body. If either the Asura or the hungry ghost appeared in the form of an energy body, then the Ghost Slash would have a use. "

Hearing this, I regained my confidence in 'Ghost Scripture', even though it didn't mention how to create a divine tool like a Ghost Slash. However, when such a formation was used, even the deities of the Great Firmament Beast would be depressed for a while when they were trapped. Even though he was still afraid, there was hope, and his heart was slightly at ease.

She also continued in an admiring tone, "This Six Paths of Reincarnation – Disorientated Formation, its might is truly amazing." Activating this formation was also extremely difficult. According to your description after hypnotizing them, the materials used were unimaginable. There were the Feather of Angels, the Holy Priest of Sherry, the Teeth of Demons, the Salt of the Dead Sea, the Blood of the Lamb, and the Bone of Asura.

The salt of the Dead Sea is the most deadly substance found on Earth, while the sariras are the holy ones; the wings of angels contain holy power, the fangs of devils, on the contrary, contain the power of darkness; the blood of lambs contains the anger of the weak, and the bones of cultivators represent the desire of the strong to kill.

These few substances are put together to counteract each other, and the incantation is used to accelerate the interaction between them. To be able to open a fragment of space and time and activate the entire array, the Bai clan truly lived up to its name.

"Needless to say, a little vampire like you can only act arrogantly in front of Supernatural Hunting Group agents. "If you meet a real expert from the Bai Clan, just wait to surrender!" I hurriedly took the opportunity to attack her.

"Not necessarily. Even if the Bai Clan knows formations, these rare materials are hard to gather. Otherwise, why would this formation be so rarely used?" As she spoke, the mist suddenly began to change, the light in the sky turned blood-red, and we knew that the spell was working again.

"I don't know which one of the six is it this time, but if it really was the Mortal Dao, then it would be the prize!" I got up and helped her, whose wound had already stopped bleeding.

"If it's an animal, then it's not bad. At the very least, I can send you away first, you little fox!" I saw that she was grimacing in pain, and wanted to say something to distract her with a sneer.