
I figured they'd sleep next, so I wanted to go back. But Sanmei still wanted to hear what the Priest and the rest were saying. Since I couldn't understand the Italian language, I just looked around in boredom.

Suddenly, I felt a subtle change in the light on the surface of the water. As the ripples and Sanmei were on my right side, it was too late for me to think about it as I abruptly pulled her behind me. Almost at the same instant, a dark figure rushed towards me with a torrent. Before it hit me, the current almost knocked me over, and I had no time to think about it as I held up the G36C in front of me. He saw a mouth bigger than a washbasin, with sharp fangs, bite into the gun, and when it did, it jerked its head and threw me into the water.

Looking up from the bottom of the water, it was possible to see the shadow created by the object. It was a multi-toothed giant catfish. Its head and tail were very thin, and its mouth had a few long whiskers. Its entire body was about three meters long. I cursed silently in my heart. How did this damn rainforest dare to jump out to attack my animals? They were at least 3 meters long.

He bit the G36C in his mouth, perhaps feeling the gun oil taste unappetizing, and spat it out along with a stream of water. I immediately kicked the river bottom to catch the falling gun. With a touch of my hand, the solid light Sighting Telescope was crushed into pieces. If I hadn't blocked it just now, my arm would have definitely left my body.

After spitting out the spear, this huge fellow, who was enough for a company of people to eat Boiled Fish at the same time, charged towards Sanmei with his head swaying. When I pulled him away, Sanmei had already taken out his blade. At this moment, she nimbly dodged to the right while bending her body in the water to form a C shape, accurately dodging the big mouth that was aiming for her waist. The water is good with the sea snake to have a go, make me almost cry out in the water.

Moreover, Sanmei's Wing Chun concept was really carried out thoroughly. Not only could her "continuous" destruction "deal with me, it could also deal with this catfish that was even bigger than a black bear. In her right hand, she held Fall KnivenMC1 and stabbed at the eyes of the giant catfish. The giant catfish frantically shook its head, but she firmly held onto the handle of the military knife. She pulled out another MC1 with her left hand and stabbed the fish in the neck with her backhand. Every time she stabbed it, she would have to twist her wrist an angle before slashing it down, increasing the damage caused by the blade in her flesh. If this went on, she would have to take off the entire head of the fish.

Seeing this, I started to feel a little sympathetic towards this giant catfish. You said that it's not good to offend someone, but it's good to eat small fish and small prawns. As much as I sympathize, I can't just stand by and watch. Pull the gun away. I move up close to the belly of the struggling fish.

While this oversized catfish was still struggling, I pulled out my Stinger Tactical Straight Tactical Knife and stabbed it in the stomach. Gritting her teeth, she used her arms to cut open the shell of the giant cat using the top military knife that was as sharp as a helicopter. The entrails in the fish's belly all fell out of the wound into the water, and the fish intestines curled up like ropes all over my body.

When the villagers heard the loud noise coming from the water, they also ran over to take a look. However, there weren't many people who came over to take a look. At night in the rain forest, animals fought in the water, and sometimes pythons and crocodiles dragged down mammals that came to drink at night and drowned. Sometimes, the carnivores in the water would not be happy with each other and would start to PK directly.

Sanmei and I immediately went down a few dozen meters from the bottom of the lake, avoiding their line of sight, to get to the shore. There was so much blood in the water, if we attracted a group of cannibal fish, it would kill us before we could even run away. With a strong fish-like smell, the moment they climbed onto the shore, they saw Lao Hei and Manager Qian coming to meet us. The two of them also heard the sound of boiling water and guessed that we met something. Seeing the natives on the other side of the river again, he speculated that we might be able to move ashore.

After cleaning myself, I returned back to the camp. I described what I saw in the water, and the Manager Qian had the same question as me, why did all of the beasts that attacked us were carnivores that were at least 3 metres tall?

"Animals attack us mainly for food. Before they attack, they have to gauge the success rate of the attack, and also, for example, the giant multi-toothed catfish. It has to make sure that it can swallow the prey after it is killed." Sanmei said to us as she shook the water from her long head.

"I can't believe it. Everyone says that there's someone who's considerate. You even understand beast intents …" Halfway through the conversation, I was stunned again. I remembered that she had half the blood of a demon fox.

Sure enough, her expression changed as she said, "I originally wanted to thank you, but now I see that there's no need." After saying that, he angrily went to sleep. Lao Hei and Manager Qian looked at me in joy, as these two bastards liked to see me become a joke.

Before going to bed, I decomposed the G36C and cleaned it up. I threw away the damaged optical sight. However, this was also good. In the forest, there were not many opportunities to use optical Sighting Telescope, and it was much more convenient.

The night passed quickly, and when the Manager Qian who was in charge of the morning shift saw the tribesmen carrying the captives away, he immediately woke us all up. Sanmei still ignored me with a straight face. He was probably angry because I said last night that she had a "kind understanding of beasts", so I didn't bother to lower myself to her level even if she didn't understand anything.

During the tracking, I wanted to pull her closer, so I took the initiative to ask Sanmei: "You should have seen a lot of werewolves before right?

Who would have thought that she would casually glance at me and say, "You'll know after you look in the mirror."

It took me a few seconds to realize that she was scolding me in a roundabout way, but a man can't be more serious than a girl. Besides, her father was not by her side since she was young. Lil 'White couldn't talk, so he couldn't take good care of her. He just felt rather pitiful.

So I played dumb and pretended to be serious, then came home. I took out the special forces equipment, the mirror used to reflect light to send the signal, and shone it in front of her, and said, "Does it look like this? "You're quite spirited!"

With a "Pfft" sound, she laughed out loud. Finally, she became as charming as a girl.

Her smile distracted me a little. I don't know why I would fly out of my body for a while every time I saw her smile.

As he was lost in thought, some unknown mechanism appeared on his leg. A solid round piece of wood was hung by vines, and along with Sanmei's "A pile of mud, be careful", it came smashing down towards me.

Determining the direction of the stake, I rolled to the right, dodging the stake, and stood up in an air of calm. He was just about to say a few words of "small talk" or "not enough stimulation" to brag and support the scene. Who would have thought that before I could stand still, my feet would have missed again, and the grass I was stepping on was hidden by the trap. Seeing that my body was falling as well, I pounced on a monkey that was eating mud. "Bucky" fell onto the grass.

Sanmei hurried over to help me up, blaming me for being careless, I couldn't even see the mechanism.

"Isn't that fine?" I said as I pushed aside the grass and twigs covering the trap. I looked down at the sharpened bamboo and said fearfully, "If I had rolled half a meter longer, I would have fallen."

"This mechanism is not used to deal with people," Sanmei checked and said.

"Stop joking, do you mean local hunters? "It can't be, why do you need such a thick wooden stake? Smashing dinosaurs?" I asked.

"No, let me finish. I mean, this set of mechanisms, the wooden stakes and craters, is used to deal with vampires. The vampire's movement speed is faster than a human's, so that's why you didn't fall into the pit. " Sanmei explained.

At her words I took a few more steps and found that it was indeed as she had said. My cold sweat dripped down as I asked, "Was this arranged by the Wolf Clan people? To deal with vampires? "

"Yes, all these years, I am not the only one who wants to snatch the Emerald Buddha Head. However, the werewolves weren't given to him for nothing. The vampires wouldn't be able to return. Moreover, this trap means that we have entered their territory. " As he spoke, Sanmei opened up the buckle on the Desert Eagle's holster on the outside of his legs, using his actions to transmit three words to us: "Be careful."

"Since we will be able to find the werewolves soon, should we think of a way to rescue those people and let them go?" Manager Qian pointed at the local people and captives that were faintly discernible in the distance of the forest. This brother of mine is always so kind. Even though he had already experienced death once, and Death's footsteps hadn't gone far, it was still threatening him. His nature had not changed, and he was full of sympathy for the innocent.

"Right, go save them," Lao Hei also agreed with him, and with a "hualala" sound, he pulled the AK's safety. Just when I thought it was the kind of time that Father Moreno spoke of, the divine light also enveloped Lao Hei. He said something that almost made me spit out blood, "I haven't killed anyone in days, my hands are itchy …"

Right now, Sanmei and I will take the left path, while Manager Qian and Lao Hei will take the left path, to speed up and flank us. He made a small ambush ahead of them. When they were splitting up, I told Lao Hei to kill as little as possible. At the same time, he thought that if Sanmei's Fragrant could only be used in such a small windless space, there would have been zero casualties.

After drinking a few mouthfuls of high-energy nutrient solution, we sped up and finally got ahead of them before they took their noon break. After contacting Lao Hei and Manager Qian on the radio, we decided to catch them all during their lunch break. After rescuing the hostages, they left a family of Satellite Phone, food and water for them.

However, today was a strange day. Originally, these local people's lives were very regular, but today, it seemed that they did not plan to rest or eat. Instead, he pushed Father Moreno, the volunteers, and the nuns on their way.

"What do we do, monkey? "Take your decision," Lao Hei and Manager Qian both asked me on the radio. When they turned around, they looked at Sanmei with a "You have the final say" expression.

"Action", the moment I gave the order, a bloody hole suddenly appeared on the head of the leader of the local people. I leaned down again and whispered into the radio, "Stop. Watch."

"Sniper, at the native's 11 o'clock direction, your 2 o'clock direction" Lao Hei was not a mercenary for nothing.