Chapter 146

I opened my eyes in a huge headache. At the same time, I looked up at the ceiling. I thought it was a rain leak or dripping water from the air conditioner, but the scene in front of me made me forget the feeling of headache. The whole basement was in a mess. Bullets of various calibres flew around. People were shot and fell. Many people outside were shooting at the garage. Bullets penetrated windows or thinner walls and were raging everywhere. The agents in the garage also hid behind some load-bearing columns and fought back desperately, but the firepower was much weaker than the attackers of unknown origin. Corpses or many human bodies turning into corpses could be seen everywhere in the house.

Dr. Steven with white hair was lying on the computer in front of me. What splashed on my face just now was the blood brought out by the bullet after he was shot in the chest. At the moment, his finger is pressed on the red button of "emergency wake-up". It seems that this respectable scientist is trying his last breath to wake me up from my dream.

I tore off the metal hemisphere covered on my head and the electrode stuck to my temple. I rushed to wake up my companion, but when I rushed to the main control computer connected to Sanmei's brain wave generator. The large red font of "brain death" and several groups of straight-line parameters flashed on the screen, which made me feel like I was struck by lightning. The whole person stood in the rain formed by the gunfight between the two sides until Lao Hei rushed and threw me to the ground.

"Wake up, monkey." Lao Hei just shook me when he grabbed me. It didn't work. He slapped me in the face. I'm back to my senses.

"It's impossible. When the broken machine breaks down, Sanmei can't die. She hasn't experienced any big storms in 200 years. How can she die like this? The computer must be the shansai goods of some unqualified foundry," I said, desperately trying to refuse to admit this fact.

"Monkey, I don't want to believe it. Shopkeeper Qian didn't wake up. The technician who woke me up said that they all died of brain failure. Sister-in-law was because the nightmare beast embodied her dream infinitely, which was beyond the bearing range of her brain capacity. Shopkeeper Qian made an error because there were metal elements in the mutated bone, which affected the radio waves. After that, the technicians The agent was killed by stray bullets. If there was no action, the next one would be us. "Lao Hei looked at the falling agent and grabbed me and shouted.

"Yes, we must take them out. Maybe there is a way." the news of the death of shopkeeper Qian made me feel that I was hit by lightning for the second time, but I forced myself to find a way to escape first, and then I could avenge my companions. Climbed a few meters, pulled a ump9 from a dead agent, and then touched two magazines from him. Meeting Lao Hei, who also got weapons from the sacrificial agents, they covered each other and hid behind a load-bearing cement column. The scene was very chaotic, with gunshots, explosions, moans and screams. Listen to the news, the enemy sent out a large number of people and horses.

"What should I do?" old black asked me habitually, loading the shotgun full of blood.

I observed the firepower of both sides and said to Lao Hei, "we have to find a way to get your transformation medicine first, otherwise it's difficult to break out."

Lao Hei nodded. I scanned the terrain and rushed from the current position to the place where we put our backpacks. I had to pass through a door and a window. I made a gesture to Lao hei and rolled out. My side moved well. An enemy who had rushed to the front raised his hand with tec9 and fired a shot. Lao Hei leaned out half of his body and shot him to the ground while his attention was attracted by me.

After rushing to the first door, I hid there and killed two guys eager to rush in, and Lao Hei followed. I ripped off the T-shirts of the two bodies, with some abstract star patterns on them, which were similar to those of several people we attacked in the desert stronghold. It seems that the people from the Juarez Gang headquarters arrived this time.

"It's easy to know who moved the hand. When I kill out, if the gang can leave a dog, I'll abolish the name of black wolf when I go back," old black scolded fiercely with fierce eyes. I also bit my teeth and nodded.

It's easy to rush to the place where we put our backpacks, but it's tragic to see that it has been almost collapsed by grenades, and everything has been blown up badly. Even my m107a1 titanium alloy barrel has been bent, not to mention the potions filled with syringes.

"Big trouble" Lao Hei followed in and looked silly.

"PlanB" I looked up at the structure of the room and said to Lao Hei, "the vent should go straight to the ground, blow it open and drill out. The assault car we parked in the car has heavy weapons."

So we climbed back to the dead bodies on the ground and found some offensive grenades. It seems that the training of Taiji tiger is still useful. Back in the storage room, I stepped on Lao Hei's shoulder, arranged the grenade, jumped down and pulled off the insurance at the same time. They rolled and crawled and hid far away from the door to avoid the storm.

After the loud noise, the vent was blown up. When I was about to get out, there was a running sound and Spanish shouts, followed by AK bullets and grenades from top to bottom. They drove me and Lao Hei back like raindrops.

"Let's go from the emergency exit," Lao Hei said, pointing to the fire door on the other side of the underground garage, but after we rushed there, we found that the door was locked from the inside and someone could be seen guarding from the outside.

"Find some acetylene tanks. There are repair tools over there. I've seen them just now. Find another fire axe and we'll have to kill them out." I said to Lao Hei, and then asked some active agents in the basement to come to me.

After a row of four heavy gas tanks were brought back, I tied the remaining grenades to one of them, and the pull ring was tied to the leg of the table with the shoelace on a corpse, indicating that Lao Hei was ready with a fire axe.

After getting the reply from the old black dot and seeing that he was holding a fire axe in both hands, like splitting firewood in his hometown, I suddenly opened the fire door. The old black axe chopped off the regulating valve of the acetylene gas tank. The four gas tanks were shot out by the high-pressure gas in the tank like a rocket, rolled far outside the door and swirled in place. The fire door was immediately closed and resisted by me. There was a huge explosion and several fireballs outside. Many gangsters hiding in the corner were burned all over with fire. The scream turned into black charcoal and fell to the ground without a sound.

Several uninjured agents went out with guns, followed by the wounded who helped each other. Lao hei and I also followed with the bodies of Sanmei and shopkeeper Qian. When we arrived at the place where we parked the truck, we were desperate to see that it was a sea of fire. After the fuel tanks of several cars were pierced by bullets, we didn't know what ignited them. The fire was too big to rely on people. Lao hei and I had to find a car to put our companions' bodies in. At this time, gangsters rushed to shoot at us from all directions. There were vehicles coming from afar. People in each car jumped down with long and short guns and greeted each other in Spanish.

At this time, except me and Lao Hei, the other agents don't know where to go. In this case, it's mostly bad luck. I really don't know how they receive training. The fewer people they have, the more they can't be dispersed. Otherwise, they will be killed by the enemy who has a dominant number of people.

"I'll find a car to help you open the way, and you take them out." after that, without waiting for Lao Hei to retort, I found a truck whose ass was still on fire and jumped up. Several gangsters saw my action and immediately shot in my direction in an attempt to suppress my action. But the first few shots I still shrunk my neck to hide. I didn't care at all when I went back. I thought it would be better for them to send me to see Sanmei and shopkeeper Qian.

I don't know if I'm brave and the bullets are hiding, or Sanmei and shopkeeper Qian, who haven't gone far, are blessing me. Anyway, I haven't been patronized by bullets until I rushed into the car. After starting the car, I slammed on the accelerator, knocked open several small cars that were also on fire, rushed out, pushed up the last box of bullets of ump9, folded the butt of the gun and opened fire at anyone in front of the road. Lao Hei followed me closely, and from time to time also helped me fight some enemies who rushed from the side.

But when they rushed to the exit of the town, several cars together blocked the road. There was an abandoned gas station on the side of the road. Several cement columns supported the roof, and a sniper lay on the roof. Just from his lying position, I knew that this guy's level was definitely not good. If I had to stay away from the big army, even if it was my own, it would easily attract enemy fire, but these gangsters had never experienced the battle with artillery.

Shrinking in the small space under the steering wheel, I stepped on the accelerator of the car to the bottom. I went straight to the place where the sniper was lying. Although I knew I couldn't reach him at the height, I could break the load-bearing column and kill the bastard.

The truck with the fire still on rushed to the abandoned gas station like a fireworks dragon. The sniper on the roof shot twice and stood up and ran. But it was late. After a shock so strong that I was almost shocked and vomiting blood, I heard him fall off the roof. Trying to hold back the tumbling in my stomach, I tried to push open the door, but I found that I had been hit and didn't know where to fly. Shaking, I jumped out of the car. I touched the pistol from the sniper and knocked him unconscious with my grip. After that, I shot at the shaking figure in front of me, no matter 3721, until all the bullets were fired. Lao Hei also rushed up, parked the car aside and shot back the enemy who rushed to me

Throwing away the empty gun, I picked up fx05, which was not far in front of him. It was originally an assault rifle nicknamed "fire snake". I picked up this extended and weighted barrel and telescope sight, which can be used as a sniper gun within 300 meters. The accuracy and power are worse than the m107a1 I use. It's not a star and a half, but it can only make do at the moment. How does that sentence say "begging is not too bad, and picking up money is not too little."

Although the shock caused by the impact made my eyes a little dazzled, I had a hard guy in my hand to say anything. I lay down behind the collapsed concrete column and began to look for the target. Although the cement fragments and exposed steel heads here hurt me, it is really very suitable to be a sniper position here. The half square cement column is set on two piles of rubble, leaving a small triangular gap below, just enough for me to stretch out my gun, which is almost like the deliberately left shooting hole.

I was surprised to find that the trajectory of the gun in my hand was very strange. Although I couldn't say why for the time being, a sniper's intuition told me that there must be something wrong. After shooting several more shots to cover Lao Hei's moving forward, I was more sure that the ballistic drop of the gun in my hand was wrong. Generally speaking, the bullet will fall to a certain extent during the flight due to the influence of the earth's gravity after it is out of the chamber, but the ballistic drop of this gun is much smaller. Although there are many parameters that may be affected, this difference still makes me wonder. Although this error is small, it is so small that only people like me who deal with sniper guns all year round can find it.

Under the double attack of Lao hei and I, the enemies here were soon eliminated. We can see that more are catching up. I jumped into the car and continued to rush. I leaned out of the skylight from the co pilot's seat, then put on a sniper gun and kept deflating the tires of the approaching car. He told Lao Hei about the strange trajectory of the gun in his hand. Unexpectedly, he said, "speaking of this, I also think a lot of things are wrong."

"What do you mean?" I asked without leaving the sight.

"Do you think that shopkeeper Qian's constitution will change because of...?" Lao Hei said thoughtlessly, but I saw that he couldn't spit out the word "death".

"Certainly not. Last time in the underground of Afghanistan, we saw those bodies that died of radiation mutation (see Volume I, abyss and sunshine). They were all serious and dying, like the appearance after the death of Wolverine."

"When I was carrying the money shopkeeper just now, I found that he was almost as heavy as an ordinary person. In addition, the smell on my sister-in-law was gone. I don't know if it had anything to do with her." Lao Hei's words frightened my hands and the bullets were so heavy that I didn't know where to fly.

What started flying like bullets was my thinking. If the gun trajectory alone could barely explain, but several things happened at the same time, there must be a big mistake. What's happening here doesn't conform to the laws of physics we're familiar with, so? Is it possible that this is not the world we know? If it's not the world I know, where is it? Is it related to the nightmare beast?

After listening to my question, Lao Hei thought for a few seconds. One hand was holding the steering wheel and the other hand didn't know what was playing. Just when I reminded him not to turn the car over, he suddenly turned around and said to me, "monkey, I'll take you to see my sister-in-law." he immediately raised his hand with a pistol facing my head, Before I could react from the shock, I saw his index finger move, pulled the trigger directly, was facing the center of my eyebrow, and the gun rang