Chapter 204

But before we started looking for it, we received an email from the LAN on the computer. When we opened it, we saw the schedule of tomorrow's activities, as well as the photos and materials of 50 beautiful women bidding. Sanmei and Jinlihua were among them.

The funniest thing is that the two people were also organized into a group for auction. The name of the Shuangfei group is still frightening. What's its name "the combination of glacier and demon fox". I really don't know which guy with acid water overflow can take out such a long name. It's really in line with the temperament of two women, Sanmei and Jinlihua.

Both of them changed their beautiful clothes. They also took a bath and ate. My hanging heart finally fell a little. After all, they are not weak, and Sanmei has the art of containing fragrance.

But staring at the photos carefully, I always feel that there is something wrong with the group photo of the two people. It may be that the photographer of the club deliberately forced them to pose in order to highlight the sexuality of the two people. Both of them were photographed sideways. Sanmei was a little backward and Jinlihua was in front. Both hands of Jinlihua are stuck above the waist, almost the part of the ribs, because it will highlight the long thin strips of the legs and make the already sexy to a higher level.

Sanmei's right hand made an action of listening to the phone. Her thumb and little finger stretched out on the left side of her face, and her right hand held a glass of red wine. If it was accompanied by the advertisement: "come on, have two drinks together?" it was an advertisement for red wine. But I always feel that with Sanmei's intelligence, even under the muzzle of others, I will try to convey some information. I always think what this posture represents.

Photos are different from videos. If it is a video, Sanmei may blink with her eyelids or tap with her fingers seemingly unconsciously, and use Morse code to pass the corresponding information to me. Moreover, she also knows that we must be in this abnormal club changed from a huge military base. What does she want to convey to me.

Moreover, the most important thing is that the other party will not understand the information she conveys. Only the two of us can understand it. I used my hand to move her to make a phone call, and my brain reacted fiercely. This is the "six" in the Chinese number. The Chinese figure is different from the Europeans. The Chinese open their thumb and index finger, which means eight, while in the United States, it represents the number two. Therefore, Sanmei must use this gesture to convey the meaning of "six".

The other hand is holding a glass of wine, which is homonymous with "Nine". Does Sanmei want to?

Thinking of this, I shook my head and thought that the business was not over yet. How could I think of this mess. Look carefully again, six is in the top nine, then the number to guess is 69.

Yes, what does it represent? I began to think hard about what Sanmei is best at, Yongchun Kung Fu, gun shooting, multilingual, computer hacker.

When I think of computer hackers, I have another flash of inspiration in my mind. What does 69 stand for in the computer? I went through my few computer knowledge and immediately had the answer

In ASCII code, represents the capital letter E.

Then pay attention to the action of Jinlihua. Her left hand is forked under her ribs, her right thumb is buckled to the palm, her four fingers droop, and her fingertips are directed to the ground. I finally understand the combination of these two actions. They are in area E on the fourth floor underground. We are located in area a on the second floor of the underground. We have to find out the terrain before we make plans for the next step.

Thinking of this, I put on my mask again and left Ivan to take care of his frightened cousin. Andre and I were going to go out and find a chance to see if we could get close to the elevator.

According to the figures we saw on the elevator before, the fourth floor is already the lowest floor. The underground military facility is in a "well" shape. Four areas are connected. There will be an elevator leading up and down at the middle point of the "field" shape, but every time we try to get close to the elevator, we will be stopped by the guards there. The fire door leading to the parking lot was also half closed, and more than a dozen people were there to guard.

I went to another place to pretend to be lost, but it didn't work,

The operator of this club is very management minded. All guests can find the food, drink and play area, so the elevator is only used by the staff. Any masked guest trying to get close to the elevator will be mercilessly blocked back. More than two guards with assault rifles are on guard in any elevator. In desperation, Andre and I had to go to area E on our floor to see if we could find places such as ventilation holes or fire passages.

Area E on the second floor is the place to fight black boxing. The excited cries of the audience can be heard from a distance. When we went in, the previous game had just ended, and a black boxer had just been strangled by a white muscle man with neck strangulation. As the black man's struggle gradually eased until it stopped. The atmosphere at the scene was warm to the top. The people who won the bet applauded loudly, and the losers scolded their mother with a louder voice. However, whether they won or lost, they all made the same action and took out money from the box carried by their entourage to prepare for a new round of betting.

All the male spectators in this field wear masks. It seems that they should be guests and their entourage bodyguards. Some women without masks serve with tea and water. According to the regulations of the club we saw on the service flow sheet before, whether it is the beauty assigned free of charge or the one photographed by bidding, they are accompanied throughout the whole activity. If the service there is not good, they can complain to Nikolay and replace it free of charge. It is estimated that the women complained will end badly.

I found an empty seat to sit down, pretended to stretch and looked at the air vents on my head and in the corner of the wall. Most of my heart was cold. The equipment standard of the military base was really not comparable to that of ordinary office buildings or civilian houses. The air vents were welded with thumb thick steel bars. It seems that this method used before will not work. In order not to arouse the suspicion of the door guard, I had to stay and watch the scene before I left.

At this time, the players of the new round have begun to play. One of them is the winner. He is a strong white man with a height of more than 2 meters. His muscles are like Mr. bodybuilder. He is waving to the audience in the paddock.

The other is an Asian who has just played. According to his skin color, he should be in Southeast Asia. He is only about 1.7 meters tall, more than a head shorter than his opponent. There is no muscle mass on the body, but it looks very strong. In addition, it is relatively black. After warming up, it is covered with a layer of sweat. It has a metallic luster under the light.

The second guy didn't shout or make trouble, but wrapped his hands with hemp rope. After that, he folded his hands and made a devout salute to the East. The audience immediately cursed, and others threw the drink bottle in their hand at him. Although the iron cage like boxing ring was blocked, it still splashed his drink. He didn't get angry. He turned his head to wait for the opening.

The staff took the tablet computer and shuttled through the seats. While collecting the money, they input the seat number and bet amount into the software. The software connected to the local area network will summarize the information to the computer in front of the boxing commentator, and it will also be displayed synchronously on the large LCD hanging directly above the boxing ring. I thought as I looked at this dog day place, the degree of informatization is really high, which is higher than the efficiency of ordinary government organs.

Now the odds are 1 to 3. Most people bet that the white man wins, but after observing for a while, I think I should bet on the Asian. Those people must think that if they are big, they will be more able to fight, but people like me who have been fighting on the edge of the knife all year round know that if you want to observe a person's combat effectiveness, what muscle scars are floating clouds, and looking at them is the king.

The worst look is floating, that is, erratic. Such people are afraid of pain and death. They are generally good at playing mind skills. One level higher than floating is ruthless, that is, those with vicious eyes (pretending to be ruthless doesn't count) are heavy. They can be cruel to others and themselves. They can withstand hard training, so they will also have strong combat effectiveness. Another level higher than ruthlessness is empty. When this person's eyes look empty, he feels that this person can't measure the depth at all. This kind of person is not only cruel to kill, but also killing is no different from killing chickens in his eyes. He not only takes other people's lives seriously, but also doesn't care about his own life. This kind of person is the most terrible.

In front of the Asian, his eyes are very empty and light. In the face of a powerful opponent, he is neither fierce nor weak and afraid. He stands there like a stone pillar. He listens to the host's introduction of what the name is blood dragon. A closer look may be related to his tattoo. A blood bathing dragon is tattooed on his chest and tossed in the red cloud like a burning cloud. He seems to be struggling to survive, The scene was quite tragic, but it was also very imposing.

I turned my head to Andre and said, "I bet 40 seconds that the game is over and the Asians win."

"Oh? You're so confident. Well, I'll bet. It's not my own money anyway. If I win, I'll stay privately. The salary is really not enough." Andre waved to the staff while complaining, and put $2000 on the Asians.

With a bang, Bihan officially began. The white candidate immediately took a half step back, turned sideways and opened the actual combat step. It was a heavy and cruel front hand straight fist like lightning. From the position and posture of his hand frame, this man is mostly from boxing, because his hand frame is relatively high and tends to face the enemy.

When the blood dragon heard the Gong, his eyelids moved slightly and stood upright until the big fist of the sandbag almost touched his nose, then he flashed his neck like shaking, and dodged his opponent's attack. It was when the opponent's fist was fully extended and I couldn't move, my eyes immediately widened and the word "master" flashed in my heart