Chapter 211

"They pulled people back and came in again. A team of people wearing gas masks stopped us. I guess they were going to release gas. Half of the walkie talkie was broken," Andre said, pointing to a broken plastic clip tied to his shoulder. This guy is really lucky. What's five centimeters lower is his shoulder blade.

"Then why don't they let go?" I asked.

"They should not be able to spare their hands. It's too chaotic outside," Ivan said excitedly.

"Outside? What's going on? I said, can you explain it at one breath?" I cried.

"Well, the poison under the golden pear flower broke out. In addition, Sanmei secretly hypnotized several club guests and said that the poison in the club would murder money and life

, the customers were all clamoring to leave, and most of the staff in the club went to appease them. Some people were responsible for blocking the intersection and blocking the guests who wanted to leave, so they didn't care about this side for a while, "Ivan said.

"Then what are we waiting for? Kill out." I was ready to kill again.

"Wait a minute, Sanmei and Jinlihua will come to meet us. During your captivity, Sanmei hacked into a file server of the regional network with the computer in her room and found some room distribution diagrams, which indicated that a large amount of Engineering explosives were stored in a room, which was originally stored in the military warehouse here, but later left a small part. After finding the explosives, we will start from "Escape from the fourth floor underground." Ivan's words startled me, shaking the gun in his hand.

"Hmm? Fourth floor, shouldn't we kill it?" I felt dizzy.

"Sanmei hypnotized Irina, and she remembered everything. She had been here for more than a year, and she was often sent to work with..." Ivan stopped here and tried to calm down her anger "Spend the night with the guards on the first floor. There are many fixed permanent fire points on the first floor, as well as tanks and armored vehicles. These armored vehicles and tanks can be transferred to the parking lot between the first and second floors when necessary. Therefore, it is impossible to kill them from the first floor. They can also kill us alive with tank shelling. If there are only guards near the elevator on the fourth floor, we will do them After that, blow up the ventilation shaft on the fourth floor, and you should be able to escape outside, "Ivan said positively.

"Does your sister remember?" I asked.

"Yes, she suffered too much in this year. Moreover, the thing that appeared in my uncle's house may be another girl's. what's it? In your terms, how do you say that word in Chinese?" Ivan shook his head and thought hard.

"Yuanshen" I cried and urged him to speak quickly.

"To Yuanshen, that girl was also cheated in by Nikolay by traveling after falling in love. She also knew Irina and was a good friend of Irina. The girl had no parents and grew up in an orphanage. Therefore, every time she heard Irina recall her childhood life, the girl would say that if there was only one wish in her life, she would have such a father Love her. According to Irina, she refused to cooperate with these people when she died. After being killed, she was thrown into the river. "Ivan said a few words and couldn't go on. She focused on shooting against the enemy's fire.

Although he didn't fully explain the matter, I generally understood it. That's why when I was at Uncle Ivan's house, the paper moth stained with Irina's blood was in the ghost Sutra Driven by the mantra, Irina couldn't fly because she didn't die at all. After the girl died, she was thrown into the river. The water was originally negative, so it was easy to attract such things to attach to it. It was likely that the ghost would sink into the lake where the snake necked beast lived along the river and sojourn again. In this way, with her last wish, she went to "visit" one every day "She wants a father" to find her missing father's love.

Just as I tried to figure out the relationship between the front and the back, suddenly there were bursts of trembling on the ground, just like people in an underground bunker and the ground was being pounded by heavy artillery. Just as I tried to judge the explosion frequency, there were two loud noises at the entrance of the hunting ground, and a few strands of smoke flew up.

"Poison gas?" was my first thought, but when I looked at it carefully, I didn't feel like it. The color of poison gas was generally pure. At first glance, I knew it was the dust generated by the explosion.

Before the ashes of the explosion were completely dispersed, Jin Lihua jumped in with a gun. First, she hid behind the distorted bunker, found us and waved her hand to stop shooting.

After the meeting, she said, "go, sister Sanmei is holding it there..."

Regardless of nonsense, the three of us quickly followed her and ran out along the gate of the hunting game field that had been bombed. At the nearest elevator point, we met Sanmei who was shooting with MP7 in both hands and Irina who was screaming with her head close to the wall. I could still hear the radio in the corridor of the club saying something in English amid the loud gunfire Almost let all guests return to their rooms. Don't be accidentally injured by bullets in the corridor. They will be able to protect the safety of guests. Anyone killed in the corridor will be responsible by themselves.

The four of us tried to rush over several times and were all suppressed by bullets from other directions. The elevator shaft was in the center of the intersection. There were enemies in the other three directions. Sanmei and Irina hid in the concave part of the elevator door. Several bullets hit the wall beside them at a small angle. A military backpack was placed at the feet of Sanmei and Irina, which was attacked by Sanmei Kick to the corner.

Jin Lihua and I, Andre and Ivan, shot at the same time from two corners, but they were driven back by a truck of dense bullets. The terrain here is really poor. In addition, they did not know where to push a heavy machine gun with armor on both sides, which peeled off the marble materials on the wall, and the wall may collapse in a moment.

"Get ready, sister, I'm going to play hard." three Mei yelled at us across the bullet rain of dense horizontal flight, smashed the elevator switch with the handle of the submachine gun in her hand, kicked a bag under her feet when the elevator arrived, dodged in again, pressed the switch with the muzzle of the gun as a finger, and shouted to Irina nearby: "Calm down. If you don't want to be caught by them, do as I say."

Inspired by the hope of escape, Irina finally stopped screaming and nodded with trembling. Sanmei opened fire in one direction with both hands, turned her head to a grenade tied to her small man's waist and said briefly to Irina, "throw it in."

Sanmei tied the grenade by putting the pull ring of the grenade on her belt. In this way, when she pulled the grenade down, she pulled off the insurance and threw it out directly, eliminating an action. Irina understood her meaning, but she couldn't fully understand it. She saw Sanmei make a gesture below, pull the grenade down to the elevator room and put another bag under her feet Also pushed in with his feet.

San Mei, who was busy shooting, didn't see her move, but Jin Lihua's face next to me immediately changed and shouted at San Mei, "dynamite, run."

As soon as she looked down and saw that the two big bags under her feet were gone, she turned back and the elevator door was about to be closed. Without any hesitation, Sanmei loosened the gun in her left hand and pulled Irina forward. She directly fell on the floor of the corridor. After falling to the ground, Sanmei immediately propped up her body with her elbow, and the other hand pulled Irina's belt and carried her half to the ground. Their action was almost equivalent to death, The four people on our side also put their heads out, regardless of saving bullets, fastened the trigger and fired several bursts of fire to suppress the enemy.

Almost as soon as they fell to the ground, there was a huge explosion from the lower floor. Huge dust floated everywhere along the gap, and the visibility immediately dropped to within 5 meters. Anyone who has studied blasting knows that if you want to use the blast wave of explosion to cause the best "shock destruction" to the building Effect, then the stress direction should be aligned with the main load-bearing wall, because the load-bearing wall will transfer the kinetic energy of explosion to each floor, which can best achieve the damage effect.

The blasting took place downstairs. Most of the upward shock waves were absorbed by the floor under our feet. In addition, the dosage was too large, so there was an "earthquake effect" immediately The ground shook like a sieve, and the people standing on the ground above the explosion point were shaken to the ground like soybeans passing through the sieve. With such a violent shaking, the other party's machine gunners were also shaken down. Sanmei and Irina were not cut in two on the spot.

Lying on the ground with soft hands and feet, I felt that the whole person was shaking violently, and I couldn't see anything at all. Enduring the nausea caused by the shaking, I tried to climb over and pull San Mei back. Ivan also dragged his cousin to a safe place, and both of them were stunned. After patting her face, San Mei, who was in good health, woke up first, and Irina was still alive In a coma, but Jin Lihua used to press her finger on the artery for a few seconds and nodded to Ivan. There was no danger, but she fainted.

"The main guards on the lower floor are concentrated near the elevator. Now they are not killed or half disabled. Let's go down." Jin Lihua said, looking out to deal with the fire points on both sides. Who knows, he gave a "eh" as soon as he looked out.

Footsteps came from both sides, and men's voices shouted, "don't shoot, I've killed several guards."

"Who" Jin Lihua took up the gun very vigilantly.

After the footsteps came near, a man in one direction said, "I was caught and wanted to jump out."

At this time, I had seen the source of footsteps on both sides. There were three people in total. One was the blood dragon who killed his opponent in the second in the black fist ring, and the other was ares in the Gladiator field. Both of them were wearing camouflage clothes picked off from the club thugs. Ares was followed by a woman. From the perspective of dress, she should have been caught and auctioned to the guests by the club, because she was still young on her waist With a number of 97, she was trembling with fear. She seemed to recognize Irina and said to Ivan, "can you take Irina and me out?"

Jin Lihua and Ivan both looked back at me and hesitated for a moment, but they still nodded. We can't just die and save one in this damn place. Moreover, the guy named ares still had a blood dripping dagger in his hand. It seems that he solved several stunned guards on the right. The blood Dragon doesn't seem to like talking very much. I looked around him and pointed out Pointing back, he gestured on his throat with his hand to indicate that those people had been killed by him.

Regardless of the nonsense here, I must escape from this floor before the other party adds new guard forces to deal with us. I immediately ran to the elevator shaft and shouted, "if you want to run for your life, follow it. If you can't get out, it depends on God's face."

But as soon as I lay down in the elevator shaft, my heart clicked. It was clear that there were two floors below, and where was the first floor. Or there were five floors, but the fifth floor had not been announced to the guests. This time the elevator was blown up, and the entrance was exposed. But I didn't have time to think about this. I was the first to take the lead in, hold the protrusion on on the steel frame of the elevator shaft, and climb down with my hands and feet.

Climbing to the lower floor, as soon as I emerged along the blasted door, several guards who survived the explosion shot at me, but they obviously didn't have enough firepower. There were only two or three people. But just when I was full of confidence and wanted to shoot them, I saw a scene that frightened me very much.

A guard of a club, carrying two cans larger than the diving oxygen bottle and holding a nozzle in his hand, poked out his head behind a pile of sandbags 50 meters away and glanced at us. The flame nozzle of the sandbag was exposed, and suddenly lit a small blue flame.

"Climb down quickly" I shouted desperately to my companions behind me. The gun in my hand pointed at the sandbag and shot again and again, but the operator of the flame thrower had seen the position of the elevator entrance. He didn't probe at all, but just pointed the nozzle in our direction a little bit.