Chapter 230

After tossing to the United States, we took out the Buddha's head and prepared for a dangerous "thoracotomy" at Sanmei's house

Jinlihua stood on my left with the Buddha's head full of green life again. On my right was Ivan with a sharp knife. It's not accurate to say that it's a knife. It's imitated by the bleeding tool I saw before. It's a hollow tube. One tip can pierce into the body, and then the blood will flow out along the thick end of the tube.

I stood there naked. I was a pig butcher in the forest farm when I was a child, but this time it was not the fat pig who tied his limbs and struggled desperately that was stabbed into his heart by a knife, but myself.

"Are you ready?" Jin Lihua asked me.

I nodded without speaking. My hands were sweating a little. I stabbed a sharp knife into my heart. Not everyone can do this.

"Well, actually, it's worth it," said Jin Lihua.

"Of course, what's a knife for such a good girlfriend?" Ivan turned the sterilized knife back and handed me the handle.

"No, I mean, this is also a good opportunity to test whether Sanmei loves you or not. Didn't empress Yan say that. It's only a Wang of blood in the heart of the person who loves her that works. This is just an opportunity to see if you are in her heart. You know that many women want to know the answer to this question all their life." hearing these words from the female killer, I couldn't help looking at the golden pear flower again.

"You mean, if she doesn't wake up, she doesn't love me. Won't I get this knife for nothing? It's still stuck in my heart." I said, counting my ribs with my fingers and found the rib seam at the heart. The knife here won't be stuck by the bone. The knife can be killed with one knife. Oh, no, bah, the crow's mouth can release blood with one knife to save Sanmei's life.

"If your wife doesn't love you, can there be a more failed man in the world than you? I think you don't waste the energy of the Buddha head and just decide yourself." Jin Lihua rolled her eyes and said.

"Well, well, if Sanmei doesn't wake up, you don't have to save me." after saying this, I stabbed myself in the heart

In the Buddhist scriptures, suicide is a great sin. There is also a layer specially prepared for suicide in the eighteen layers of hell. At this moment, I know that it takes a lot of courage to commit suicide. At the moment of cutting into the body, the first thing I feel is not pain, because the conduction speed of people's pain nerve is slower. Therefore, what I first felt was cool, and it was really "cool through my heart", because the knife had pierced my heart, followed by the tide of swallowing pain, and then I fainted as soon as my eyes were black.

When I woke up, I was already lying in bed, and Sanmei was looking at me with wide eyes. Seeing me open her eyes, she smiled. It was strange that she didn't say anything. Instead, like an ordinary woman asking her husband every morning, she asked me, "are you hungry?"

I took her warm hand and said, "I'm not hungry. Let's talk for a while."

"After so much blood, you'd better mend it," Ivan said, standing on the side of the bed.

"Stupid bear knows how to eat," said Jinlihua, wiping her eyes.

"What he said is reasonable. Find shopkeeper Qian and Lao Hei. Let's celebrate. Ha ha," I said with the joy of surviving.

Shopkeeper Qian didn't come, but invited us to his house. Lao Hei was also in the United States, so we all met at shopkeeper Qian's house. After meeting, the three men talked for a long time and talked about their experiences. It turned out that during this period, they also experienced a lot of dangers, but they both saved themselves by relying on their own abilities.

After chatting for several hours, shopkeeper Qian got up to prepare meals. Lao Hei was bored and began to talk nonsense. He asked me, "how about giving the golden pear flowers to the hidden rules?"

I replied, "this is a female employee. Don't talk nonsense."

Lao Hei said carelessly, "it's no use for a woman to be an employee. It's comfortable to serve her husband in bed. Just make dinner every day."

Shopkeeper Qian poked his head out of the kitchen and said, "rice? I'm working on it. It's almost ready. Bailing, you treat them to fruit, except for your favorite strawberries."

Lao hei and I were very angry. We rushed to the fridge and ate all the strawberries in it like robbing. While eating, I asked Lao Hei, "don't you have a fixed one?"

Before Lao Hei could make a sound, Jin Lihua said coldly, "there are fewer and fewer blind women these days. Who would like this kind of goods?"

Old black got angry and said, "I warn you to be careful when you eat kimchi. What do you call me?"

Jinlihua showed no weakness and scolded, "what's the matter with women? Are you talking about what's worse than you?"

"Well, I'll tell you what women are inferior to me," old black said while rolling up his sleeves. He doesn't like people saying that he pricks dog water, but his transformation medicine does contain rabies saliva.

"Put your horse here. I'm afraid of you. One-on-one, if you lose, you have to dance a pole dance." Jin Lihua is also a hot temper. When she jumps up, she starts her posture.

Sanmei and I hurried up and opened one. I hugged Lao hei and said, "brother Hei, look how you see things like women."

San Mei took the golden pear flower and said, "look at you. What are you doing with those smelly men?"

Sanmei and I heard each other's words at the same time, stared at each other and asked, "who do you say is a smelly man?", "what is common sense with women?"

Seeing that it was going to become a debate or fight between male chauvinism and feminism, fortunately, shopkeeper Qian solved the problem in time. He put his head out and shouted, "are you all free? Come to the kitchen to help"

Several people started together. When the food was ready, we started to eat. Just after eating for a while, the doorbell rang. I went to open the door when I was close to the door. I found a little blonde girl standing at the door with a candy box hanging on her chest. It seemed that she was selling candy. There are often such school girls selling here, and the profits are given to charities. Americans pay great attention to raising children from childhood.

"Oh, this little girl is so cute. Come on, let uncle touch her head," I said and patted her on the head.

Unexpectedly, she turned her eyes and said in a man's voice, "pay attention, I'm Po."

"Ah? Brother Bao? Is it you? Aren't you..." I was so surprised that I could hardly speak.

"Yes, almost died in the hands of that monster." it's really scary to watch a girl speak in a man's voice.

"Then why are you attached to this little girl?" I asked.

"I was badly injured and my skin bag was broken, but most of her mana was consumed. I took a chance to pretend to be dead and run away. Now I need some time to find a suitable skin bag. I want to tell you before I leave," said Po.

I also described the confrontation between myself and empress Yan before and after. Po nodded and said, "it's her. No wonder she's so powerful. But you destroyed her skin bag with the sky killing crossbow. She also has to spend a lot of effort to find it. We can take advantage of this time to find something that can deal with her."

As soon as I heard it, I was interested and said, "what? Zhu Tian, unparalleled, can't ghost chop kill her? And why are you all in a hurry to find a skin bag and just find someone to possess?"

Po shook his head and said, "whether it's the Holy Spirit or the demon, if we can find a skin bag that matches our own, our strength will be brought into full play, otherwise it will be greatly discounted. The skin bag that matches is not easy to find. It takes a lot of effort. We have to get ahead of her, find and destroy her skin bag, and then further destroy her identity."

"What the hell is she? Even you can't figure it out?" I asked in an unbelievable tone.

Po sighed: "She is an ancient demon, very powerful. Besides the tail pin, the poison powder on the colorful wings is also very powerful. However, she used up all her blood when fighting with me, and her blood is also a powerful aphrodisiac. In addition, she has many unique skills for dealing with men. Once a man is kissed by her, he will lose his sexual ability to other women and have sex with her alone. Instead of going to bed with her Men who have passed the bed will be sucked away by her and will be transformed into part of her energy. "

"My God, such a cow and fork?" I was startled.

"Yes, every time she is killed, she will reincarnate after a thousand years. You can only kill her if you find the corresponding weapon. Pay attention to protect yourself. She will chase and kill all those who have seen her. I don't have much time. I'll find the skin bag first." After that, the little girl fainted on the ground. I quickly picked her up, woke her up, told her that she might be too tired, bought all the candy she sold at one time, and let her go home and have a good rest.

After dinner, when I returned to Sanmei's house, we thought of the ring again. We must send the ring by international express according to the address on the letter paper.

Who knows when we went through the formalities, we were stopped by a staff member: "Sir, there is something wrong with your consignment. Have you checked it?"

"No, it's just a ring. What's the matter?" I said in wonder.

See for yourself. After that, he handed me the tablet computer, which showed the enlarged picture of the ring after passing through the X-ray machine. The picture showed that the thumb belly size grandmother emerald was hollowed out in the middle, and there seemed to be something in it.

"Oh, I handled this for my friend. I'll go back and confirm with him." I lied, took back the ring, took Sanmei home, and called Jinlihua and Ivan on the way to let them meet.

When we got home, we looked for tools. With the help of a magnifying glass, we pried down the green gem and poured a paper ball the size of a soybean grain out of the gem.

After carefully unfolding with tweezers, there was a piece of paper as big as Ba Chang, which was painted with dense graphics, ordinary

People may think it's useless waste paper, but experts know that this is a miniature Photocopying technology used in World War II, which can reduce the map to a very small medium again and again.

"It seems that the star of Shawshank's redemption this time is not a banker, but a spy elder," I joked.

After taking pictures with high-definition SLR, and then using software to enlarge, sharpen, restore, pixel repair and a series of operations, we finally restored this map, and the contents on it stunned the three of us.

This is a world map, specifically a world map during World War II, because today's world pattern has changed a lot, and the map will naturally change accordingly. Another obvious feature is that the map is printed with eye-catching Nazi symbols.

More importantly, many places are marked on this map. The places marked include Tibet, China, Beijing, China, the Hindu Kush mountains in Afghanistan, the Tunguska River Basin in Guatemala, Honduras and Siberia, and another place we just visited. After careful comparison of longitude and latitude, we found that it was completely consistent. The marked place is written in German to confirm its existence.

In addition to the marked places, there is also a question mark written in German - to be confirmed.

The four of us looked at each other and showed a look of doubt. What is this map going to say?