Chapter 241

While they were stunned, Ivan, who received my hint, went back to find some wrenches and hammers, screwed and smashed the Bentley, and found a lot of heroin in the interlayer of the body. The difference is that the interlayer space in the car is relatively large, so they all use plastic bags as big as bricks, and there are packages the size of instant noodles in the seats.

After dismantling a sports car, the drugs piled on the cabin floor are already half a meter high. If it looks from a distance, it should be like a small snow pile glittering with plastic reflection.

Jin Lihua went forward, picked up one of the bags, took a small mouth with a military knife, put a little bit on the tip of his tongue, put it in his mouth for a few seconds, spit it out quickly, bit the military water bag, sucked some water and rinsed his mouth "Colombian goods, high purity, one-time addiction and high dependence. These are not as simple as marijuana. They are the ashes of the devil. Any bag can kill the people on our ship." he paused and said: "it seems that the international attack on drug lords' private aircraft and ships has increased in recent years, otherwise they can't get into civilian goods."

"Fuck me" for a long time, brother donkey finally broke out his first foul language since I knew him.

"Literati, see heroin for the first time." I joked, because I saw that Captain Zhang really didn't know it was on his Wendeng. I was afraid that if he really "died to old black", he would want to relax the atmosphere.

"Isn't it diacetylmorphine? In the laboratory..." the donkey seemed to be very face saving and couldn't accept that others said he didn't know anything. After a hard word, he said softly, "see you for the first time."

"There are also in other cars," Lao Hei said, pointing to a row of 14 other sports cars.

I thought to myself, no wonder those people kept biting. If the drugs in 15 cars were added up, they would be worth at least tens of millions even in the place of origin. The purity was so high that it would be very popular to transport them to the destination with impurities. A bag of instant noodle seasoning was so large that it was worth thousands of yuan. Excluding the drugs in the other 14 cars, there was only a small "snow pile" half a meter high in front of us It looks white and flawless, but it is enough to make tens of thousands of people lose their wealth, sell blood, sell kidney, sell children and sell women to suck to death.

Xiao Long, Xiao Hu, you were responsible for the inspection when the ship was loaded. What's the matter? Lao Zhang's words also have a glimmer of hope, because he thought that his two sons might give himself an explanation.

Zhang Wenlong and Zhang Wenhu brothers looked at each other. They both lowered their heads and didn't speak. Lao Zhang trembled like he was electrocuted or Parkinson's disease, and asked his remaining nephew, "do you know these?"

Zhang Wenxin lowered his head with the same action, but he nodded a few times before lowering his head.

"What about Xiaoqi?" Lao Zhang's words had no hope, but brought a kind of cold like death. I know that the old man who has been sailing all his life must feel as painful as being gouged out by a knife at the moment. Because even in the darkest world, the betrayal of relatives will stimulate our most painful nerve.

The three young men glanced at each other and nodded together. The captain, Lao Zhang, could not be described as dead gray at the moment. There was a sense of despair from head to foot, as if the whole person's spirit had been evacuated in an instant, and there was a body standing there, a bit like the stone core zombie that almost killed us some time ago.

In this way, Lao Hei, who had uncovered the truth, felt a little guilty and said to Lao Zhang, "Captain, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause internal contradictions in your family. I just want you to know the truth."

Lao Zhang shook his head slowly and said, "you're right. It's my family's misfortune." after that, he stretched out his hand and took a gun from Zhang Wenlong's waist. Seeing that the posture was to fulfill his promise and die in front of Lao Hei, but he was immediately stopped and hugged by several older crew members.

"Brother Zhang, what is this? The whole ship is pointing at you."

"It's inevitable that young people make mistakes. Just discipline them and don't make them again."

"What are you three doing? Installing a pole? Admit your mistake."

I want it to be so simple. This is not a small fight. Drugs worth hundreds of millions are definitely not finished by admitting a mistake.

Sure enough, Zhang Wenlong raised his head, looked directly into his father's eyes and said, "Dad, you don't understand. The times have changed. Transporting these things once can top your profit of running a boat for a year. Just do it three or five times. Needless to say, at your age, even the four of us can retire."

The older crew members began to persuade Zhang Wenlong: "Bruce Lee, your four brothers grew up watching the old people on the ship. It's reasonable for your father not to do this business. He has a life to earn this money. He's afraid of losing his life. Catching him is the death penalty."

Zhang Wenlong said with a sneer: "how can people catch loading and unloading on the high seas? They were fine the first two times. If these nosy guys didn't get on the ship this time, even you wouldn't find it."

As soon as I heard it, I thought to myself that this was not the "first intimate contact" between the four brothers and drugs. It turned out that they had secretly transported drugs twice without telling Lao Zhang.

Hearing the first two times, Lao Zhang couldn't help it anymore. Waving his calloused hand, he slapped Zhang Wenlong in the face and kicked him to the ground. He thought of Ivan grabbing a hammer in his hand and shouted, "look, I won't kill your donkey day." it seems that the old captain was confused and scolded himself when scolding his son.

Ivan took one hand and began to tug of war with Lao Zhang's two hands. Other employees on board began to argue again. Zhang Wenlong stood up and wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth with his hands.

After a few snatches, Lao Zhang found that he was no match in strength, so he gave up the idea and continued to preach to the three young people with tears: "People who run to the sea must not do anything harmful to heaven and justice, or God will ask Lord long to take over the ship. If they die, they will have to catch the lives of the whole ship. These opium and white powder are the most harmful to people. My grandfather, your great grandfather, died of smoking. How can you do these things? No, it also killed Xiao Qi. You are all people who have read books, It should be much better than me. Why don't you understand these principles? "He squatted on the ground and cried.

After listening to the last sentence of Lao Zhang, I thought, you old man grew up on the sea. Of course, you believe and strictly abide by this set. But the moral and conscience of the four brothers have changed greatly. They don't believe your "God sent the Dragon King to collect the wicked" What about those statements? For example, Xiaoqi, whose body had just been cut into two pieces, was not taken away by the Dragon Lord, but died in the hands of pirates.

Thinking of this, I interrupted Lao Zhang's words: "three feet cold is not cold in a day. Let's take our time in education, but there is something in front of us that I think it is necessary to solve, because it may be related to the people who are after us. Who entrusted you to transport drugs? Did you contact them after being attacked?"

Zhang Wenlong shook his head and said, "I can't say who it is. The rule of this line is to keep it secret. I secretly contacted them with a satellite phone. They said it might be a leak. Some peers came to rob the goods. Let me not panic. As long as the goods are delivered to the place, the freight will be doubled."

This sentence doesn't matter. Lao Zhang jumped up from the ground again: "you don't give up, do you? What are the rules of this business? You really regard yourself as a professional drug dealer, don't you? OK, I'll call you a drug dealer."

This time, instead of beating people, Lao Zhang found a large canvas bag from the cargo hold and threw all the drugs in. The heavy bag made the old man unable to stand up. Lao Zhang called two older ships for help, and the three people carried it to the deck.

"Dad, what are you doing? Dad," Zhang Wenlong and Zhang Wenhu, two brothers, followed to hold Lao Zhang. They were too scared to reach out because their father's eyes were already congested, so they had to follow with a cry.

"Second uncle, if something happens to these things, the other party will kill our family. You can't do this." Zhang Wenxin opened his mouth.

"Let them kill," Lao Zhang said, squeezing a sentence out of his teeth.

We also followed behind, trying to persuade Lao Zhang. It's not that we want these drugs or because it's not easy to refine these high-purity goods. If they are destroyed, we look distressed. But if there is something wrong with the goods, maybe Lao Zhang's family will be in danger. We have seen the energy of kunba family. These drug lords can kill Lao Zhang's family with their fingers.

The second reason is that keeping these drugs may also serve as an amulet. If the other two ships catch up again, we can throw the drugs to them, which will lead them to divide the stolen goods, and the shipper will be busy getting the goods back. Maybe Lao Zhang can also pick up his life. As for the three little bastards who want money and want to be crazy, whether they die or live or continue to do this business is up to them After all, they are adults and have the right to choose their own way, although what they choose is a path of no return that is harmful to nature and reason.

In this way, a large group of us tossed down the stairs to the deck and quarreled all the way. There were persuasions, scolds, soy sauce and mud. However, when we got to the deck, everyone was quiet.

Because we found the "Wendeng" I don't know when it began. It was surrounded by thick fog. I couldn't see the position of the sun clearly, and the whole sky turned gray. The color of the fog reflected on the water surface seemed to turn gray. All seabirds didn't know where to go. The sea was silent, only the sound of the ship. It seemed as if we were the only black cargo ship left in the world Driving in the boundless gray mist