Chapter 246

We lost five crew members, drove away the sharks and advanced three kilometers towards the island. Although there were no sharks in the remaining two kilometers, there were many reefs. Large waves are surging towards the reef, hitting more than half a meter high waves on it, and retreating for the next round of beating. Our assault boat lifeboat is rubber inflated, and the draft is shallow. Maybe it can be pushed over, but the lifeboat should not be able to bear it.

Get ready to wet yourself. Ha ha, after Lao Hei roared, he took out the artificial gills and diving mask and put them on his face. Lao Zhang also ordered the crew to take everything with them and prepare to give up the lifeboat.

We all unloaded our backpacks into the assault boat, jumped into the water and pushed the assault boat. Brother donkey followed with his simple diving mask. When we got to the place where the waves were the most urgent, we let go of our hands and let the waves push the assault boat to the reef and ran aground there. Several people rushed to a place a few meters under the water, so as to avoid the waves on the sea and avoid being pushed by the waves and breaking their bones on the reef.

Our five big heads dived to the bottom of the water and waited until the rapids overhead passed before picking up others. But there are many invisible undercurrents and eddies under the water, which make us stagger and try our best to stabilize our body.

After it was easy to stabilize, I noticed that there seemed to be several sunken ships at the bottom of the sea. When I swam over, I saw that they were all landing boats during World War II. On that day in Normandy, these things were everywhere on the beach. In front of us, most of them are buried in sand, and only half of the stacker at the bow or tail is exposed. It seems that they are all tilted into the water. I just can't figure out why they appear here. Was there a German garrison here during World War II?

Before I could figure out the first problem, Lao Hei noticed more. Along the direction of his fingers, I saw that in the distance, like a pit in the water, there were many sunken ships. Most of the main parts were buried with thick seabed sediments. The quantity could only be judged by the upper skyline and mast. There were no less than 50 ships within the line of sight, There seems to be more people living far away where they can't see clearly.

Time didn't allow me to see more clearly. We quickly floated up and took others to climb the reef. In the first wave, we sent several wounded in poor condition. If we soak in the water for a while, it's estimated that these people's lives will not be saved.

The second batch were Hongjie, Yangyang and several minor injuries, but we encountered trouble at this time. Neither Hongjie nor Yangyang could dive. We had to put two artificial gills and masks on their mother's faces. Lao hei and I took care of them with closed breath.

The first time I dived a few meters under the water, Yang Yang was very curious. I looked east and West. I motioned Lao Hei to keep an eye on him. There were many fish in the reef cracks, and many colorful fish in the sea were poisonous. Not to mention jellyfish that sting for several days, and crabs that can clip off their fingers. The child usually takes medicine as food. If he tosses around a few more times, he will be miserable.

But when I finished gesturing to Lao Hei, I turned around and found that sister Hong was missing. I hurriedly looked around and found that she was rolled into the reef crevice by an undercurrent. I rushed to pull her, but the suction of the undercurrent was very strong, and her backpack was firmly stuck by the protrusion of the reef. At the moment, she was panicking and struggling to get away.

The artificial gill we are equipped with is based on the principle of bionics. It uses a polymer material to filter out the oxygen in the water and mix it with nitrogen for people to breathe underwater. However, due to the small amount of oxygen, it can only adapt to general underwater activities. If you want to do vigorous exercises such as underwater fighting, you need to use the small tubes of oxygen in the matching mask.

But sister Hong didn't know this. She first breathed frantically, increasing the oxygen consumption, and didn't know to bite the breathing tube in her mouth to release oxygen. I quickly motioned her to bite hard, but I didn't know whether she didn't see clearly or was too flustered. She thought I let her open her mouth. It didn't matter if she let go. Even the artificial gills with a mask were swept away by the undercurrent, and sister Hong choked a few mouthfuls.

This made me almost choke, so I quickly signaled her to loosen her backpack. I took her to the water. Unexpectedly, she shook her head and was unwilling to loosen her backpack. Seeing this going on, both of them would drown here, or I let go and she drowned herself, but this was not what I wanted to see. I took out a military knife, cut the straps on her shoulders, and forced her to swim to the water.

Lao Hei, who had climbed the reef, reached out to pull her. Unexpectedly, sister Hong cried. She pushed Lao Hei away like crazy and wanted to go back to the water. She said, "medicine, my son's medicine." but the backpack had long been rolled there. Let alone that she couldn't dive. The seabed situation here was chaotic. Even if an experienced diver went down alone, he had to find at least an hour or so. We even persuaded her to push her up, and wore the remaining three man gills to meet Lao Zhang and others.

After getting on this reef, we can see the whole picture of the side of the island. The island is surrounded by reefs layer by layer, like a circle of city walls. Some reefs are much higher than the water surface, while others can only come out of the water at low tide. The one we climb is considered to be higher than the one with lower bottom. There are basically no wind and waves from here to the island.

Standing here, I took a general look at the terrain. I couldn't help clicking in my heart and made a "eh?" sound in my mouth.

The three companions thought I had found the enemy. They immediately leveled their guns and formed a 360 degree defense formation with me back-to-back. I didn't have time to stop them. Maybe it was because I was too nervous by pirates and sharks all the way.

I hurriedly said, "don't be nervous, it's all right."

Lao Hei turned off the insurance and scolded, "don't make strange noises, dead monkey. I'm scared to death." brother donkey asked me what I found.

I compared the reef circle around the island with my hand, and the dangerous shoals where we had just passed, with strong winds and waves and countless underwater sunken ships, and said, "what do you think it looks like?" several people shook their heads and said they didn't know.

I said to everyone: "ghost Sutra, Feng Shui chapter" It records some knowledge about geomantic omen and geomantic omen, as well as the terrain and landforms that are prone to breed demons and evil creatures. There are four sentences, which are called, the green dragon is soaring, the white tiger is the most dangerous, the rosefinch is Guangrun to absorb gold and jade, and the Xuanwu Dragon cuts off its descendants. They say four different geomantic geomantic omens, the best of which is the Dragon pulse rising to the sky, and the most ferocious is the hungry tiger rising. Look around the island The round reefs and the rows of reefs we just passed by look like a tiger's face and a row of lower teeth. "I pointed to some mountains hundreds of meters in the middle of the island behind me and said: "Does it look like a tiger's nose? I bet if you look down from the sky by plane, it must be a hungry tiger roaring up to the sky, which is a fierce place."

As soon as I say these things, Lao Hei is always the first to say that he doesn't understand. He said, "I don't care about the wanzhang Qinglong. If I come to the wanzhang Qinglou, I'm interested in living in it for a few years."

Jin Lihua was always silent when she didn't understand. Ivan scratched his head and said, "your Chinese things are amazing. I don't understand either."

Only brother donkey nodded repeatedly and seemed to understand something. I joked, "it's not easy. You are so educated and believe in Feng Shui, ghosts and gods?"

Brother donkey immediately began to preach again and said to me: "Look down on people. I tell you, the more knowledgeable people are, the more they believe in the existence of gods or supernatural forces, because they have more things that are difficult to explain. In fact, religion and science not only do not conflict with each other, but can complement each other. More than 95% of famous scientists in history are theists. Just say two cultural levels like you know, Einstein Tan must know. Newton has heard of it. There are Watt, ampere, Edison and Pasteur.

What? Pasteur has never heard of it? He is the founder of industrial microbiology and medical microbiology. His research helped us overcome rabies and anthrax. He also brought the whole human medicine into the era of bacteriology. Therefore, the average life expectancy of human beings in this century has increased by 30 years, and he ranks 11th among the 100 people who affect the human process. I don't know such a famous person I really despise you. I have no culture. I don't care to say you... "

I can barely bear it, but Lao Hei can't stand it. He said to me, "you continue to listen to this stupid donkey, I'll take everyone to the island first." I'm afraid this guy really threw me down to listen to brother donkey's lecture, so he hurriedly pushed the assault boat into the water.

Carrying the wounded and the crying red sister in the assault boat, we didn't have to swim in batches this time. The remaining less than 40 people swam to the beach of the island.

Leaving the water surface and stepping on the Yellow fine sand, almost everyone except the four of us was paralyzed. The people in front directly fell on the beach exhausted, and the people behind directly lay on the people in front. After the four of us dragged the assault boat to the table with hard teeth, we were too tired to sit on the soft beach and rest.

In just over two hours since the shipwreck, everyone has drained their strength under the threat of the waves and crazy sharks. Everyone is not talking, and the beach is quiet for a moment. After a while, Lao Zhang and all the sailors observed a moment of silence for the dead fellow shipmates. We also got up and participated in this simple but sincere little event ceremony.

Lao Zhang said to the sea, "don't worry. We'll take care of our family."

Brother donkey looked up at the gray sky and said, "although there is no sun in the sky and no hope in his heart, it is better to live than to die."

Seeing that most people went to the island safely, I was in a better mood. I joked: "you said you had integrity. Why did you climb ashore with us? It's not good to learn from Lu Xiufu."

Brother donkey thought for a while and said to me seriously, "there is only one kind of heroism in the world, that is, people who understand life and love life."

"Shakespeare?" I said in a questioning tone. It doesn't sound like brother donkey's original.

"No" brother donkey saw that I guessed wrong. He was a little proud and shook his head. Generally, people who have some ink in their stomach and are always bullied always don't miss the task opportunity to show their IQ.

"Roman Roland" golden pear flower floated a French name coldly.

"Yes," said brother donkey with admiration on his face.

Jinlihua seemed not to hear the praise of brother donkey. She continued to face the sea and comb her hair with her fingers to dry it with the sea wind. Old black eyes looked up, grinned with white teeth, and whispered, "after showing off, she pretended to be a deep, woman, an extremely shallow creature." I was afraid that he would cause a new round of scolding, so I quickly motioned him to talk less and rest more in order to recover his strength as soon as possible.

After drinking water on the beach and recuperating for several hours, everyone's stomachs screamed. Our assault boat brought military rations and fresh water for five people for ten days, and Lao Zhang and the crew also brought some compressed biscuits and water on the lifeboat to the island. Therefore, we don't have to worry about starvation within five or six days. It's hard to say for a long time.

Lao Zhang and brother donkey have the same opinion. They eat what they bring and see if there is anything to eat in the woods and bamboo forests near the beach. I don't know how many days it will take to wait until the fog clears before they can call a boat for rescue by satellite phone.

After drinking some water, everyone went to look for it separately. I asked Ivan and Jin Lihua to take care of the wounded and change gauze for the wounded. I took Lao hei and brother donkey and began to get busy in the coconut tree on the beach.

It seems that brother donkey has rich knowledge in this field. He volunteered to put a Jungle King machete in his waist and used both hands and feet. He soon climbed up and didn't forget to give me and Lao Hei popular science: "Coconut is definitely a life-saving thing. Its ingredients are similar to human blood. There is almost a liter of juice in a coconut. There are a lot of nutrients and trace elements in it. It can also supplement the potassium lost by sweating. In World War II, sometimes it was used directly as plasma..."