Chapter 300

Repeated battles and expeditions have seriously overdrawn our physical strength. If we had not had good training and strong perseverance, I think these people would have fallen half.

After we drilled back to the tower used to simulate the operation of the galaxy, climbed through the floors full of computing devices, and saw a scene I had never dreamed of in the tunnel leading to the door of truth.

Yan carries a black stone box on his back, escorting Ares and Nightingale, who are bound by hands and feet, and confronts Po at the entrance of the passage. At the moment, Po is no longer an entity. His body is slightly shining, and is becoming more and more transparent.

In front of Po's body, there is a barrier composed of white light. Empress Yan is being blocked outside by the barrier, but seeing that the white light is getting weaker and weaker, Po's body is the same. It can be seen that Po is blocking empress Yan's footsteps with his last bit of energy.

"It seems that you are stupid enough to make such a great sacrifice for these greedy and stupid humans," said empress Yan with a sneer.

Po didn't answer her directly. He showed a happy expression when he saw us galloping to her, and then said, "humans may eventually be destroyed, but it should be up to them. Monkey, I've tried my best. I'm sorry I didn't help you more." with this sentence, his body has faded to an almost invisible level and finally disappeared.

"There are a few small miscellaneous fish left. Do you still want to hinder me?" empress Yan said coldly.

"Others don't know. I never wanted to hinder you." I shook my head, took over the demon killing copper sword handed over by Sanmei, and said with a more awe inspiring momentum: "all I want is to kill you."

"Monkey, give me the sword, which made my mother lose her life. I have to cut her." with this sentence, a woman full of hate but with a radiant face appeared.

"Lao Hei, you're finished at last." I pulled light on my mouth and made a few gestures to my companions to rescue ares first, otherwise if he died, no one would open the stone gate.

But Lao Hei, a shameless guy with no skin, replied calmly, "hehe, isn't it urgent? Let's have a simplified version first. It's almost two hours. Go back and have a full version."

"Do you really think I can't help it if you have that sword?" empress Yan suddenly changed her face and tried to rush up.

Three Mei's Zhutian and shopkeeper Qian's ghost chop opened fire at the same time. After hitting Yan directly, she seemed to be knocked down without hiding. My heart immediately tightened. I'm sure it won't be so easy.

"On top" I don't know who shouted. I looked up and saw another "Queen Yan" or her "yuan God" floating on it.

"Brush" the demon, who came out of the body of the yuan God, went straight to the golden pear flower, but after she threw herself on the top of her head, she was bounced away.

Seeing this scene, I sighed in my heart: "thank God, before coming, I painted runes to prevent attachment with waterproof paint on everyone, otherwise empress Yan has drilled into the body of Jinlihua at the moment."

After the appearance of empress Yan's appearance, the slight red light in the demon killing copper sword in my hand can feel the heat from the palm. The red light even covers the blue of the sword body. It looks like holding a burning torch. This radiation seems to do great harm to empress Yan. Her appearance is rapidly aging under the red light.

Empress Yan was restrained by the copper sword and did not dare to move towards us. With a strange cry, she went straight to the third woman here, Nightingale, and jumped on her. This time, she was not bounced away, and the yuan God was directly attached to her.

The Nightingale struggled for a few times and then stopped moving. When she spoke again, she became the voice of empress Yan: "Oh, I didn't expect you to be well prepared, but you still missed one. Come and kill me?"

We were all stunned. We all looked at ares who was tied up and fell to the ground. After all, the nightingale is her people. It's not good for us to move our hands.

"Leave me alone and kill her," cried the Nightingale, but this time it changed to its own voice.

"You just want to die with me and take the baby in your belly?" said the swallow queen attached to the Nightingale's body, which surprised all of us.

"What?" Ares was stunned.

"What?" the Nightingale seemed surprised.

"Oh, it seems that you don't know yet. As soon as I came in, I felt two breath of life. It's only been more than ten days," said empress Yan in an interested tone.

"Don't you believe it? I'm a demon. What I'm good at is studying and controlling your human hormones. Otherwise, why my kiss will make men impotent, and why my blood will make people desire to expand. Pregnant women only need to smell the estrogen on them, and I can judge it." said empress Yan, controlling the Nightingale's body, and smelled it around.

"You seem to have a little meaning, but it's not obvious. It should have just been combined. I think it will be easier to judge in a few days." empress Yan actually pointed to Jinlihua and said.

"Fuck you, I'm just finished. You can judge how fast it is," old black scolded angrily.

But Jin Lihua seemed to believe it and said to Lao Hei faintly, "you're right. Your other gun really has more firepower and can hit more accurately."

We looked at each other and believed empress Yan's words a little. I'm afraid this is the so-called "abdominal legacy". Can Andre's front foot leave and his rear foot, an unborn child, be lost?

"Now, I want to go out. Whoever kills me will kill two lives." empress Yan said, controlling the Nightingale's body and escorting ares to the door of truth.

We lined up and stood in front of her. I pointed my sword at the chest of the attached nightingale. I hesitated and didn't know what to do. I thought I would stab it with a sword, but every time I couldn't make this determination and was struggling. The Nightingale's voice spoke again: "do it quickly. Even if I die, I will die with my child. Otherwise, even if Andre's child and I survive, they will grow up in the world ruled by demons. They were born slaves. If so, what face do I have to give birth to this child, and what face do I have to raise him up."

Seeing that I was still hesitant, the Nightingale rushed forward as if she had made some determination, threw herself on the tip of the sword, and immediately the sharp sword passed through my body, and blood gushed out, splashing on my body and face.

The copper sword immediately changed color, and the body of the sword kept emitting light. Empress Yan kept struggling in the Nightingale's body, but the light of the sword became brighter and brighter. It was so hot that I almost let go, but I gritted my teeth and held back until the red light finally wrapped the Nightingale's body.

When the red light on the copper sword faded, the Nightingale and empress swallow were silent. I shook my hands and pulled out the copper sword. The Nightingale twitched and stopped breathing on the spot.

Ares knelt next to the Nightingale's body and cried bitterly. He knocked his head on the slate. Soon the blood flowed out. I heard him say, "Andre, I'm sorry for you. I can't even protect your unborn child."

"Try Buddha's head?" whispered Sanmei.

Shopkeeper Qian sighed and took out the almost transparent Buddha head. He put it on the Nightingale's chest, touched the Nightingale's carotid artery and shook his head at me, which means there is no heartbeat.

The only little green on the Buddha's head flowed into the Nightingale's body, but it didn't seem to have any effect, nor did it return to the Buddha's head. But at this moment, the Buddha head changed, a change we have never seen before.

The fully transparent Buddha head, like an ice sculpture, suddenly has a liquid like water flowing in it. After turning for a while, these water like substances flowed into the Nightingale's body, some of them gathered in her abdomen, and some of them reached her heart and head. After the transparent liquid flowed out of the Buddha's head, the whole Buddha's head had become like an ordinary stone, and there was no trace of vitality, as if it were just an ordinary stone carving.

"God, she's breathing." I don't know who screamed.

"Child, the Buddha head wants to save the child. Although the mother has died, the little life being conceived has not died. If the Buddha head wants to keep it, he must ensure that the Nightingale can't die." because of the excitement and moving in the past, Sanmei's voice has brought tears.

Now I want to kneel down and knock a hundred heads to heaven. It's really my Buddha's mercy. The Buddha head has used his last energy to ensure that the Nightingale's vital signs do not disappear, so as to deliver everything needed for the growth of this little life. In other words, the nightingale is now in a "vegetative" state. As long as it is treated in a large hospital in time, there may be hope for everything.

"I'll open the door." ares struggled to get up. After we broke the rope, he cut his palm with a knife and opened the heavy stone door. After we came out of Shimen, we began to dive back to the ground. The sea snake buckled the mask to the nightingale. Sol and himself took turns to use one, and finally brought the Nightingale out safely.

After reaching the ground, I met Ah Wei and others waiting outside with a large team of people. Although they didn't go in to help, they also did a lot of things outside. We wiped out the vampire troops we met before, and ran away a group of people to meet empress Yan.

The Nightingale was immediately sent to the medical plane and took off with the first dial of oxygen. The second group is all kinds of wounded, and the last is us. Sitting on the rising plane and looking at the smaller and smaller Peninsula, I couldn't help mixed feelings. Empress Yan died, Po disappeared, Buddha's head was abandoned, and more than 200 people died on both sides of the exchange of fire. Such a magnificent underground forest fell into darkness foreve