Chapter 405

With an earth shaking but frightening explosion, a lot of rat people ran out of the stone crevices at the bottom of the valley. They looked very close to humans, so their eyesight was much better than those of mouse heads and human shapes. After looking up to judge our position, they rushed up squeaking and screaming.

My main weapon, the sniper rifle, was handed over to shopkeeper Qian, so now I use g36c. This time, Ivan brought an ak-108 in order to make the caliber of bullets universal. We set up assault rifles on the gravel belt, and the muzzle was down, ready to shoot.

"What can I do?" brother donkey saw that sol did dangerous technical work. He couldn't get involved at all. If C4 rang accidentally, he would screw up the whole plan. He ran to us to help.

"Well," I said slowly after staring at the red dot in the center of the reflex sight and gently pulling the trigger to fly the first exposed rat man, "you can move some stones and smash them when there are not enough bullets. If you still remember the shooting skills we taught you some time ago, it's OK to go to Ivan and use a gun. Just be careful to hit them accurately."

Originally, I meant to let brother donkey choose one from two, but this stubborn guy actually played a multi-choice. First, he sweated and moved three piles of stones next to everyone. His hands were all cut. Then he ran to Ivan. He wanted to come to Ivan's PP2000 as a secondary weapon, and returned to me. He imitated my kneeling posture and fired at the rat man halfway up the mountain.

When he moved the stone, Ivan and I each hit half a magazine. The steep slope that was very laborious for us was also a problem for the rats. When they climbed the slope from bottom to top, they were shot one by one by Ivan and I, who were from a high position, and the rats who fell down fell back to the bottom with more of their kind.

"Don't panic. You've just moved a heavy object, and your hands are a little weak and trembling, which is not conducive to shooting. First move your hands, and don't shoot repeatedly. They're still far away from you. Keep the muzzle low, aim the red dot in the center of the sight at the target, and just shoot a single shot."


PP-2000 was modified by him. He changed an extended barrel, changed a picatinni guide rail and a red dot sight above the gun, so that this pistol sized submachine gun can quickly lock the target, and the effective range is increased to 150 meters.

We all use these small guns as auxiliary weapons. When we pull them out in close combat, we should be in a hurry, but brother donkey still holds them with both hands. It's hard to hit a single shot. Basically, only three shots can hit one, but it's good. It's impossible to ask him to hit with a gun like Ivan and me.

Soon after we suppressed the rat people below, we found that some rat people climbed up from the other side. Although the number was small, they could attack sol closer. I immediately sent Ivan to guard there. Brother donkey and I felt the pressure increased and watched the rat people climb closer and closer in groups.

As they approached, my shooting speed continued to accelerate. When I changed the magazine, I looked down at the shells piled up in front of my feet and shouted to sol, "how long will it take?"

"Give me ten more minutes"

"OK, it should be done in ten minutes." I patted the magazine stuffed in the chest of the tactical vest and said that there was also a group of three parallel extended magazines in the tactical quick pick-up bag, which were used when preparing to retreat. I'm not in a hurry to take them out now.

"Monkey, that" brother donkey stabbed me with his finger, looking like he wanted to talk and stop.

"If it's not too important, you'd better not bother me. Master monkey is very busy now." at the same time, my men kept talking. The butt of the gun turned the muzzle against his shoulder and knocked over four or five in a row.

"I'm afraid we don't have ten minutes," brother donkey said nervously.

"What, you are so unsure of me? The terrain is so good that I can play well on it."

"I'm not talking about them. Listen," brother donkey pointed up and motioned me to listen to them.

As soon as I listened to it, I couldn't help but feel nervous. I didn't know when the thunder in the air would ring, but I didn't find it covered up by the gunshot just now. Now when I listen carefully, I find that the thunder is getting closer and closer, and it means to chop down at any time.

"Fuck, does God have eyes? I'm working for him, and he's going to give me five thunders?"

"There must be biological activity on the ridge, causing charge accumulation, which is about to discharge."

Brother donkey said that I was also aware of this problem. The thunder horse was about to chop down. The lead like cloud was low in the air. I could see the blue light of electric arc from time to time, and it was getting brighter and brighter.

"Sol, how long will it take you? You're a fake. Thor is really unhappy with you and wants to operate on you." I shouted at sol from a distance.

"Don't disturb me, where's the wiring?" Sol's voice sounded a little stuffy. He should answer with his head down. It was really a technical job to connect the wire. I immediately shut my mouth and turned to deal with the rat people.

However, the charged clouds in the sky will not move away because we don't speak. With a burst of dazzling white light, the first lightning finally split down.

As expected, the thunder and lightning hit the wall to the highest position nearby, and directly split a towering sharp stone into several sounds. The blasted stone was wrapped in the strong wind and shot outward. I immediately dodged behind the newly built stone pile according to the donkey brother, listening to the loud noise caused by the stones being thrown up and falling down with a crash sound, My heart can't help but have a deep fear for the next seven or eight minutes.

After the first thunder came down, another string followed. Although the strength was not as strong as the first one, the density was really frightening. The whole ridge seemed to be shrouded by lightning storm, and there were blasted gravel and ash everywhere.

The dust was better. I coughed twice at most. The gravel was deadly. It was strong and powerful. It was as fast as throwing a baseball. One hit me on the chest, hit me directly, and the gun flew away. I was trying to climb over to pick it up, but I found several rat people quietly climbing up while I was hiding from lightning, The nearest one has reached a place less than 20 meters away from me.

The assault rifle flew too far. I had no time to pick it up. I pulled out the pistol and started shooting. Two shots killed the latest one, but more climbed up behind. There were countless black and black. The small firepower of the pistol was not enough.

"Monkey, then" brother donkey threw the submachine gun in his hand to me. I stretched out my hand and took over the two guns. The right hand slightly rushed and swept, and the left hand Glock shot again. I was busy and finally held down my feet.

PP2000 used 40 rounds of magazines, and it was all shot back and forth. Brother donkey wanted to go to Ivan's side to get the bullets, but he was afraid of lightning. He had to climb over a little on the ground. Looking at the speed, I couldn't wait for him to get the bullets back, so I had to draw out the sabre and prepare for hand to hand combat with the rat man.

These rat people rushed up with strange cries. Some of them may be too anxious to straighten up. A flash of lightning came down and flew up several times. They were directly hit by thunder. They were roasted into coke by huge current on the spot. There was a smell of meat burning in the air. Maybe there was nothing in my stomach. I felt a little hungry, I'm thinking about the rat man cutting a piece. I don't know if I can eat it.

After being killed by lightning, the others learned to be smarter and crawled over to attack me. We arched up like a group of polio patients fighting.

When I stabbed the fifth rat man and was bitten in several places, I finally heard my long-awaited voice from sol: "Okay"

"Then what are you waiting for? Detonate quickly." I was stimulated by pain, and my cry was particularly loud. I was surrounded by rats and people. I couldn't see his position at all. I should have hid in a safe place and was preparing to detonate.


"But what, detonate it quickly"

"Well, that's what you said."

Before Sol's voice fell, an explosion that was even more shocking than lightning roared. I could feel the whole ground shaking when I lay on the ground. Those rats and people were knocked to the ground one after another, and a large group of them rolled in a mess. I took advantage of this opportunity to use a pistol to shoot from front to back, left to right, and solved the biting. I took off two grenades and threw them into the rat man pile. Then I was happy to see the scene of broken limbs and meat flying all over the sky.

While I was happy about the success of the plan, I felt that the stones under me seemed to move slowly.

"What's going on?"

"Run, this rock has been blown loose and will roll down." Sol shouted and got up, but he was pushed to the ground by brother donkey: "be careful of lightning"

"Then run, too. As soon as the stone rolls, we will become meat mud."

"Throwing rat corpses" brother donkey thought out a move in a hurry. We picked up rat corpses and threw them into the air, causing lightning to release. Under the use of strong electric shock, one rat corpse after another was hit in the air. After the discharge phenomenon in the clouds was slightly weaker, we tried our best to get up and run to another rock.

When I passed the blasting point, I looked sideways. Sol's technology was really not covered. He widened the gap between the two rocks. The waterfall that originally flowed down the canyon poured directly into the mountain wall along the gap. It is estimated that those rats and people will suffer.

I don't know if it was my one more look that delayed my time, or if I was the farthest away from the safe place. Sol and they jumped on another rock successively. When I was more than ten meters away from them, the rock under my feet finally lost its balance and rolled to the bottom of the Canyon.

"Jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump.

The boulder under my feet had begun to roll. Like a triple jumper, I ran up and jumped up, reaching out and holding brother donkey's hand together.

Brother donkey immediately tried to hold me, but we all ignored a problem. Just now, in the process of fighting and avoiding lightning, our hands were stained with a lot of moss on the ground. Our hands slipped and I fell directly below.

"It's over, I must fall to death" I thought desperately, but my body fell on a stone and knocked. There was water in the falling place. There was a military backpack behind me. These two things buffered for a while, so the fall was not very heavy, but followed by another fall and impact. In a series of bumps, I was rolled all the way to the depths of the rat's nest by this changed waterfall