Chapter 436

The full name of the dwarf evil spirit is Laire shiraisi. He must have been a musician in his previous life. Maybe he was a musician. When Saif saw him playing the violin alone in the woods, the birds in the tree refused to fly away. Some songs went to pathetic places, and even birds hit the tree and died.

In addition to these, Saif knew nothing about the evil spirit named shiraisi, but he provided a very important clue, that is, the evil spirit used Saif's satellite phone to call an outside line. At that time, Saif arranged several confidants to serve shiraisi. When he heard the person on the phone say, "don't worry, Lord shiraisi, things are safe here."

When his confidant told seif about the situation, he called out the number and found that it was actually from the United States. After checking the number, he found that it was a college in Ohio. He was very strange and didn't dare to ask, but he wrote down this matter and the phone number silently.

After listening to seif, we all think there is something fishy in it, which can be used as a clue to dig deeper.

It's a very simple truth. If it's between evil spirits and evil spirits, it won't communicate by telephone. It must be between evil spirits and humans. It's estimated that he doesn't want to be found by other holy spirits.

And what will a high-level evil spirit put in humans? And make sure it's safe? Or a college? We all became interested.

"Well, he said everything he knew, and this guy is useless." old black made a gesture and motioned for Zhuma to start.

Zhuma took Ivan's pistol, held Saif on the ground in both hands, and said, "Grandpa, I'll avenge you..."

But just as Everest was about to pull the trigger, other satellite phones on Lao Hei's chest suddenly "buzzed" and shook. Lao Hei answered the phone and began to speak French quickly. Finally, he scolded fuck and said, "I don't care. Talk to the little guy yourself."

Then old black threw the phone to Zhuma. The latter was very puzzled, but he still took the phone and listened.

Lao Hei spread out his hands and shrugged his shoulders: "shit, it's an officer of the Foreign Legion. He said that the news that Saif had been captured had reached the venue of the negotiations. Several rebel leaders said that the government sent someone to tie him up. If Saif was killed now, the whole negotiations would be destroyed."

"Fuck it, a group of bureaucrats know how to engage in collectivism." Ivan scolded angrily.

However, some people objected. San Mei patted the black sand Eagle holster on the outside of her thigh and said, "if we can talk about a ceasefire this time, we really don't hurry to kill him. When we want to do it is not a very simple thing."

Jinlihua also nodded with Sanmei. These two women are experts in sneaking and assassination. Plus us, it's really not difficult to kill Saif.

We talked here, and Zhuma also ended the call. He returned the phone to Lao Hei. He seemed to have no idea. He raised a small black face and looked at us, as if waiting for our suggestions.

With a long sigh, I called him where Saif couldn't hear me and asked, "do you want to kill him?"

Zhuma nodded, "think"

"Do you like killing people“

Zhuma thought for a moment and shook her head. After all, no one is a natural murderer. People are good at first, and it has nothing to do with color and race.

"If you kill him, the negotiations may break down and the war may continue for months or years. Do you hope so?"

Everest shook her head again.

"Well, this man serves a very bad devil. We won't let him live longer. I promise I'll kill him for you and avenge your grandfather. How about it?"

Zhuma looked at me seriously. There was no expression in her black round eyes. I didn't know what he was thinking or what he read from my eyes, but finally he nodded and said, "OK, I believe you."

Zhuma, who has the deepest hatred with Saif, decided to take the overall situation into account for the time being, and we have nothing to say. Lao Hei gave him a needle to affect the brain's short-term memory cortex. This medicine can make him unable to remember today's events for about half a month. As soon as the nerve touches the corresponding area, it will cause a severe headache, and even if he remembered, he must not dare to tell the evil spirit about the situation Tell us, or we won't die. I don't know. He must be chopped into pieces by the evil spirit to feed those hell three headed dogs.

At present, we waited for the transport helicopters sent by the foreign legion, a total of two or three, one loaded with people and two loaded with our assault vehicles, and returned to the Congolese capital Brazzaville, where we handed Saif over to the people of the government army. Whether it is used to exchange prisoners of war or to urge the rebels to agree to the negotiation conditions is not our concern.

Because we have more important things in front of us, we go to Oberlin College in Cleveland, Ohio, to investigate what is here related to the evil spirit named Laire Xie Lacey.

We were divided into two groups. Ivan first drove another 200 seaplane and returned to the island with our weapons and equipment. I, Sanmei, Jinlihua and brother donkey flew directly to the United States from Congo.

Because we had to go through the security check by civil aviation plane, we didn't bring any weapons. Lao hei and shopkeeper Qian would find a way to sneak into the country and bring our weapons and the artifacts to deal with evil spirits.

Otherwise, this person is cheap, cold and comfortable to sit in a chair once, and the civil aviation seen by a beautiful stewardess. I'm still uncomfortable all over. I always felt that it was full of iron sheets, which was filled with military planes wearing camouflage clothes and holding assault rifles. Sanmei said that I was one of the sequelae of war trauma, that is, I didn't adapt to ordinary people's life. Brother donkey volunteered to give me psychological counseling, but I categorically declined. If he nagged for half an hour, I could get out of depression without illness.

After several flights, I saw enough beautiful stewardesses from various countries all the way. Of course, I was pinched several times by Sanmei because of the pain. I was still rubbing my stomach when I got off the plane.

From Hopkins International Airport in the west of the city, we took a taxi to Downtown Cleveland. I took a city introduction in my taxi and looked at it.

Cleveland is the third largest industrial city in the United States. It is also called the city of forests because of its large park green area. The geographical location of the city is very excellent. It is close to the South Bank of Lake Erie and crosses the koyahoga estuary. The koyahoga river passes through the city center and divides the city into East and west parts. Therefore, in addition to steel, automobile, metallurgy and petrochemical industry, the shipbuilding industry of the main industrial system is also very developed. There are several large shipyards along the lake. We came all the way to see large and small ships loading and unloading. It can be said that the whole city is beautiful and busy.

When we arrived in the urban area, we first found a hotel to stay, ate some food and slept, bought some self-defense pistols with a false identity, rented a car, and drove to a quiet town more than 50 kilometers southwest of the urban area as a tourist.

According to seif, the phone call to the evil spirit shiraisi came from a university here. I thought it should be a gloomy and terrible western town full of weeds.

But when I got to the place, I knew that it was more beautiful than the urban area with shady trees and beautiful scenery. In short, it was sunny, with good air, wide roads, fewer cars and more flowers and plants. It was a quiet, neat, beautiful and poetic idyllic town.

Most of the buildings in the town are double-layer villas with lawn in front and swimming pool behind. The highest four storey white buildings in the center of the town are the famous Oberlin College, which is also the place where the phone is made.

The United States is a country that can't help shooting. There have been several campus shootings in history, so generally there are police with guns on duty at the gate of the school, but there is no police at the gate of the college, so we can see that the public security of this town is very good.

The college has a large area. There are several white four storey buildings and several two storey buildings. It is estimated that it is a canteen, library, indoor basketball court and fitness center. You can see several tennis courts from the door, but now they are empty and no one is waving and playing.

Although there is no policeman with a gun standing at the door, how to get in has become a problem that puzzles us. Among the four people who come this time, Sanmei, who is of vampire descent, looks younger. She changes her clothes and ties a ponytail like a female student in her early 20s. Jinlihua can hardly be said to be a graduate student. Both of them can muddle through.

But it's hard for me and brother donkey. In recent years, I've been either rolling on the battlefield or catching ghosts and Demons and fighting evil spirits. I've long nurtured the fierce spirit of a soldier. It doesn't look like a theory. It's said that the bodyguard of a rich family's child here still reluctantly said in the past.

Brother donkey is 70 years old, a few years older than me. He had been down for several years before he mixed with me, and he was tortured by years. He has recovered a lot in recent years, but he still doesn't look like a student. He looks like a visiting scholar with glasses.

We parked our car outside the gate of Oberlin College, looked at the campus from a distance, and discussed what kind of excuse to get in, but we saw that many cars drove directly into the campus without even showing their driver's license, and many people walked or rode in through the side door. The security guard of the school guided these vehicles and pedestrians. Among these people, there were old people riding on wheels and pushed by people, There are also holding and holding children of every age. It seems that not all of them are students in the college.

"What's the situation?" we all noticed the scene and helped the window to observe it carefully.

"I don't know. It's like what's going to be held inside," replied Sanmei, and shouted for a white boy passing by our parking lane by bike.

"Hi, hello"

The young man looked back and saw a beautiful woman with black hair and blue eyes calling himself. He immediately stopped the car and fixed his body and car with his feet. He asked Sanmei, "what?"

"What are you doing here?" three Mei pointed to the vehicles and people entering the college and asked