Chapter 917: The Secret Realm of Sunlight (16) Visiting Jenny

Chapter 917 The Secret Realm of Sunlight (16) Visiting Jenny

As for the mysterious behind-the-scenes boss, Mu Di in the Cloud and Ice Black Tea both gave guesses.

Su Yu is not sure whether their guesses are correct. He plans to visit Jenny to see if he can get some useful information.

30 minutes later, Jenny's house.

Jenny lives in a house next door to the mistress.

Su Yu entered the house and found that the interior decoration was very elegant. Not only are all kinds of furniture exquisite and beautiful, but there are also many beautiful sculptures on the furniture. At first glance, it looks like a rich family.

"Adventurer, what's the matter with me?" Taking Su Yu into the living room, Jenny smiled and looked at him.

Originally, she didn't want to see Su Yu, not only Su Yu, but also an adventurer.

However, when she saw Su Yu carrying a box of cakes made by Aunt Susan, she immediately welcomed him in.

This kind of cake is her favorite, and if she doesn't eat one piece every day, she feels uncomfortable.

How did this adventurer know she liked this cake?

Su Yu smiled and put the cake on the table in the living room.

As for why he knew that Jenny liked this, of course he spent a lot of money asking the villagers!

"I came this time mainly to express my gratitude to you." Su Yu said solemnly, "If it weren't for your map, we would definitely not have achieved such a high harvest, so I came here to thank you."

"You're welcome, we're just mutually beneficial." Jenny picked up a piece of cake and couldn't wait to take a bite.

Wow, so sweet, she felt like her heart was melting.

If he was in the "Evolution" game now, Su Yu would definitely see the words "[Jenny]'s favorability towards you +10" on the game log.

Su Yu continued: "But we won't stay in the village for too long. Probably the day after tomorrow, we will be taken out of the village by the gods."

"Is that so?" Jenny looked at Su Yu, slightly reluctant.

She was not reluctant to give up because she liked Su Yu, but because the appearance of these adventurers was quite interesting.

After the adventurers left, the village returned to peace, and then there was endless loneliness.

Just when Jenny was thinking about it, Su Yu said softly: "We are leaving the day after tomorrow, but I have a lot of things that I don't know when I come to Sunyao Village this time. I wonder if you can answer it for me?"

"If you want to ask, just ask, it's for the sake of the cake." Jenny finished the first piece of cake and picked up another.

"First of all." Su Yu went straight to the topic: "Why did the gods want us to sacrifice a lot of fish?"

"This..." Jenny was stunned, and the cake stopped to her lips.

"Why, is it inconvenient to say?"

"It's not that it's inconvenient to say, but I don't know." Jenny showed an apologetic smile:

"Just yesterday, the gods suddenly sent an oracle that requires a lot of fish sacrifices, and they said that they would send 50 of you adventurers to help. The specific reason why the gods did not say."

"Is that so?" Su Yu nodded.

But he quickly raised the next question: "Did the gods often send such oracles before? I mean the oracles that require sacrifices."

"Well... no." Jenny thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "I heard from the mistress today that this is the first time since the founding of the village that the gods explicitly asked for sacrifices.

In the past, the gods only accepted offerings, and they offered blessings according to the number of offerings. They never asked for offerings at all, except this time. "

"Is that so?" Su Yu frowned.

When things go wrong, there must be demons. For the first time in 800, there must be a problem.

So he continued to ask: "Jenny, do you know what enemies the gods have? Or what powers can threaten the gods?"

"Enemies?" Jenny also frowned, looking puzzled: "Gods are gods, where are the enemies? Gods never have enemies.

Also, are you finished with your questions? "

Asked here, Jenny was obviously a little impatient, she felt that these questions of Su Yu were very innocuous.

"Alright then, I'll ask the last question." Su Yu compromised.

"go ahead."

Su Yu threw the last question: "There have been a lot of firefin fish in the lake recently. We encountered three this afternoon. Do you know why there are so many firefin fish?"

"This...I don't know either."

"Then can you help me investigate tomorrow? As a thank you, I'll come over tomorrow night with Aunt Susan's cake."

"Okay, for the cake's sake." Jenny thought for a while, and finally nodded in agreement.

In fact, it’s not just for the cake, she is also worried about the large number of firefin fish, and wants to investigate why.

After saying this, Su Yu said goodbye to Jenny and left her home.

Although Jenny didn't reveal much information, Su Yu still felt that the trip was worth it.

A lot of the information Jenny said was quite useful.

After returning to the base, Su Yu, Zhong Feng and others soon fell asleep after exchanging information.

was speechless all night.

In the early morning of the next day, it was just a little light, and Su Yu and his party came to the altar in the north of the village.

They are here to exchange for "Fire Avoidance Stones".

But the list after the altar has also changed a lot.

Last night, they only saw one adventurer whose name was red. After one night, there were already as many as 8 with red names!

Iced Black Tea looked at the list and sighed slightly: "Alas, all the seven dead adventurers entered the lake to fish last night. I have been watching from the pier."

Su Yu asked: "Iced black tea, is it only the seven of them who entered the lake and died in it? Or are there many people who entered the lake and the seven of them died in it?"

"Only 7 of them entered the lake." Iced Black Tea affirmed: "The mortality rate is 100%, and several of them are seventh-order."

Iced Black Tea pointed to several red names on the list.

4 of the 8 red names are legendary powerhouses of the seventh order, and they are all famous figures in Skrull.

did not expect them to capsize in this little gutter.

"Tsk tsk." Su Yu shook his head.

Fortunately, they listened to the fisherman's advice and did not enter the lake, otherwise...

"However, this list has changed." Zhong Feng pointed to several names on the list: "These should be new additions to the secret realm. It seems that this secret realm is not limited to 50 people, but can carry 50 people. people."

The names on the current list have increased to 58, of which in addition to the 8 dead, the other 50 names are beige survivors.

Among the 50 survivors, 8 were named Su Yu and others who had not seen each other yesterday. These 8 people should have joined the secret realm this morning.

It seems that this secret realm can keep adding people until there are 50 survivors.

And the compensation for this group of people entering the secret realm has been increased to 300 red shell coins.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter that much." Su Yu turned around and distributed the Fire Avoidance Stones he just exchanged to everyone: "Let's go, everyone, cheer up, and hope to have a good harvest today!

Also, the secret realm is full of dangers, everyone must be careful! "

"Set off!"

"come on!"

Everyone no longer cares about the adventurers who died, the hunting that should be hunted, the fishing that should be fished.

Hope all goes well today!

(end of this chapter)