Chapter 352


After getting rid of the enemy's entanglement, Lin Chen took a long breath, and soon he had returned to the southern suburb stronghold.

This place is heavily guarded, and everyone's face is dignified.

Seeing Lin Chen's return, everyone was a little relieved, but his face didn't soften.

After getting off, Lin Chen subconsciously frowned, he immediately entered the villa.

Jiang Yanran and others are here, face is full of worry, eyes is full of fatigue.

See Lin Chen all have to get up, Lin Chen's eyes fell on Jiang Yanran, "what happened, how everyone is sad."

Jiang Yanran sighed softly and explained the course of the matter.

In fact, long before Lin Chen appeared, he had contacted Jiang Yanran, and they decided on their plan. Especially after they learned that Jiang Yanran and others were trapped, Lin Chen was more sure of his guess. He simply agreed with Jiang Yanran that he would drag the people to DengXiao tower, and Jiang Yanran and others would go to the real place where Su Ding Jiang and Jiang Fengtian were imprisoned to rescue.

After Lin Chen appears, Jiang Yanran and others go to the place given by Lin Chen, where they find two people who have been in a coma, but they are obstructed by a group of mysterious people when they leave.

The number of those people is only one tenth of that of Jiang Yanran and others, but it has caused them huge losses, which obviously is a huge blow to their confidence.

"It's normal for everyone to behave like this. Although we have been in a very passive situation since we started to fight against dengxiaolou, we have been fighting for many times and the other party has not really been able to help us, but this time it's totally different."

"What they have is combat power that we don't have at all."

Mentioned before the situation, Jiang Yanran's face is still very ugly.

Hearing this, Lin Chen can't help thinking of the man with green eyes he saw before he ran away from DengXiao building.

It seems that the dangerous building has really been involved in this matter.

Gently comforted Jiang Yan, and then, Lin Chen decided to repair for the time being, no matter what, the strength of the other side has made great progress, this matter they need to consider in the long run.

At dawn, Jiang Fengtian and Su Dingjiang finally wake up. After talking, they learn what's happening. Their faces have become very dignified.

"There are only two days left from the meeting of dengxiaolou. In such a short period of time, it's very difficult to gather all the people who dare to resist dengxiaolou in Beijing. We can't guarantee it."

After listening to Lin Chen's suggestion, Su Dingjiang frowned and said, "and the other party must have learned about our rescue. I'm afraid they may find our hiding place along this line. In addition, I'm afraid the other party will notice in advance and block us in this matter."

On one side, Jiang Fengtian said slowly: "Mr. Su's worry is not groundless. In fact, you don't know one thing about Lin Chen. Now the other party has really controlled DengXiao building, and most of the leading enterprises in Beijing have been under their control."

"Not only that, even most of the forces in the four or nine cities have fallen into the control of DengXiao tower. With the cutting-edge power of dangerous buildings, even if we can really gather all the forces in Beijing, we can't fight them."

Hear this words, the facial expression of Lin Chen already more and more dignified.

After a little thought, he said slowly, "in your opinion, what's the key to really solve this problem?"

Look at each other, two people at the same time: "Mr. Xuanyuan."

Lin Chen was stunned.

Jiang Fengtian said: "in fact, no matter how hard they try, Mr. Xuanyuan is the real controller of the 49 cities. The reason why they are able to control the power of the 49 cities now is that they take advantage of the information gap that people in the 49 cities do not know that Mr. Xuanyuan has disappeared."

"It can be said that they are now holding the emperor to order the princes. As long as Mr. Xuanyuan returns, all their plans will be broken."

Hearing this, Lin Chen slowly said: "so, they will control Mr. Xuanyuan."

When they heard this, their eyes widened and their faces were filled with shock.

Jiang Fengtian said, "do you mean that Mr. Xuanyuan disappeared because he was controlled by them?"

Lin Chen nodded.

This is what he infers from Tang Xing's words, but he doesn't know where Xuanyuan's words are.This is a troublesome thing.

However, he knew there was a place where he would find clues about the place where Xuanyuan Ci was held.

Taking back his thoughts, Lin Chen said slowly: "I'll think about this. What you said before is very reasonable. I'll let Huo Xiao find a way out. Before the decisive battle begins, we must preserve our strength. Only in this way can we really destroy all their plans."

Two people smell speech to nod in succession, but at this time suddenly have hasty footstep sound to spread, immediately after, the door is pushed open, Jiang Yanran face dignified of walked in.

"What's the matter?"

Three people open their mouths at the same time, Jiang Yanran's expression is more complicated, she quickly said: "something happened."

These words fall, three people facial expression at the same time a change.

Last night's action makes Deng Xiaolou alert to them, especially the reappearance of Lin Chen, which makes the other party find the complexity of the situation. By this time, the other party can't sit still.

"They accused us of disturbing the stability of the city, and now many people have spontaneously helped us to climb the night tower."

Lin Chen's face had already shown the angry color.

Those guys are still standing on the commanding height of morality, but the people in Beijing still believe it.

This is putting the cart before the horse!

"It looks like it's time to act."

Lin Chen's face was gloomy, and thick murders appeared in his eyes.

When night fell, Lin Chen came to a huge factory in the northern suburb of Beijing.

This is a very important place of DengXiao building. It seems to be a factory, but in fact, there are too many shady things hidden under it. To be more exact, it can be regarded as an arsenal of dangerous buildings.

He had investigated before that the dangerous building had been using some taboo power to produce a large number of powerful soldiers. After the power of DengXiao building was gathered up, their style became more arrogant.

Now, such places have been placed in Beijing.

It is clear that Beijing has become their back garden.

Hidden in the corner, Lin Chen's eyes are cold.

The factory in front of us is heavily guarded, and the people standing at the gate are very gloomy. The people here and the garrison force in the DengXiao building are obviously of two grades. Just standing there peacefully gives people a very strong sense of oppression.

Lin Chen's face is more and more gloomy. Those people think that there is no one in the capital city who can resist them. Then he Lin Chen will make them pay some price today.

Eyes cold, the temperature around has begun to decline.

After a deep breath, Lin Chen has adjusted his own state to the best, and he slowly goes out from the corner.

Outside the factory, people's faces were dignified, and the first man spoke slowly: "brothers, be alert, there's news from DengXiao building. Now Lin Chen has returned, and there was a huge noise in DengXiao building last night. The people above are worried that he will make trouble here. Anyway, we must prevent problems here."

They all nodded their heads. They knew the importance of dengxiaolou and even dangerous buildings. Although it was not the only arsenal of dangerous buildings, it supported a large part of the power supply in Beijing.

If there are problems here, it will directly affect the plan of DengXiao building.

At that time, they will be sinners of all ages.

Although they are not full members of dangerous buildings, they know much more about dangerous buildings than others. They are very clear about the punishment measures of dangerous buildings.

Thinking of the consequences of not being able to complete the task, there was a strong and extreme fear in everyone's heart.

No one spoke. They just adjusted their own state to the best. They were extremely alert to Feng chuncaodong.

In those eyes, there are even murderous opportunities flowing. At this moment, the factory seems to have turned into a huge steel fortress, and you can clearly feel the strong murderous opportunities and extremely thick ice and cold atmosphere from the steel fortress.

All the people look gloomy and stare at the entrance of the factory. The enemy can only pass in that direction if they want to come. Other places are guarded by heavy troops. Here is the place where the garrison is the weakest and the most easy to break into in the eyes of ordinary people.

In contrast, their workload is obviously the biggest.However, having said that, people don't think that anyone dares to enter here. After all, the strength of DengXiao building lies there, and now the factory is owned by DengXiao building.

Most of the people in Beijing have already belonged to dengxiaolou. On the premise that xuanyuanci continues to disappear, even most of the 49 cities have been under the control of dengxiaolou.

Even if Lin Chen has a strong strength, he will not be crazy to appear here at such a critical juncture and break up with Deng Xiao Lou blatantly.

Thinking of this, people feel a little relaxed.

Standing outside the gate of the factory, the guard looked around and saw that there was no disturbance. There was even a smile on his face. In his opinion, the people above were too nervous.

Even if Lin Chen came to face so many enemies, there was only one way to die.

Then, after all, it's just one person.

"Lin Chen is nothing."

The guard's face was full of smiles, but just as the words fell, he suddenly noticed a thick chill coming.

At the same time, there was a cold sound in my ear.

"It's not a good habit to talk about others behind their backs."