Chapter 425


One of the two assassins is dead, but the other one yells out such a word. To whom?

There is only one possibility, that is, they have companions!

At the same time.


Wang Xu's fingers closed abruptly and broke the killer's neck without hesitation.

Then he reached into the killer's left ear and took out a small built-in headset. He heard a man's voice in his ears

"Two, three, what's going on? Answer quickly

"They're dead." Wang Xu light said a moment, the small communication device there suddenly a dead silence.

The next moment.

Four or five meters away, the French window on the balcony next door was suddenly smashed by a dark shadow. A steel bar lock that had been arranged for a long time quickly went down the wall of several hundred meters high.

The last killer left is not a fool. The person who can kill two of his companions in an instant in less than a breath is absolutely not what he can resist, and he runs without hesitation.

Unfortunately, even the fastest jump to escape, can he escape?

"Now that you have come, do you want to go again?" Wang Xu lightly said a word, suddenly step out, body shape like a dragon jump general, in a moment, out of thin air across the void, appeared in the next balcony above, left foot slightly raised, and then suddenly stepped down.

And at this time, the last killer just can catch the rope, is ready to jump down, in the face of Wang Xu this foot, he subconsciously want to turn over to avoid.

However, he has just wriggled his waist, and has not yet made any evasive action. Wang Xu's left foot has fallen on his chest. The terrible force suddenly broke out. The whole killer shot back, broke the French window on the other side, and fell back into the room he just escaped from.

Wang Xu didn't mean to kill him. He just kicked him back to the place where he was, seriously injured him, but he didn't want to die on the spot.

Following the broken French windows, Wang Xu entered the room step by step.

At this time, the last killer is half lying on the ground, struggling to sit up, he did not wear a headgear, his face is full of pain and fear.

"If you don't want to die, tell me the name of the person behind you." Wang Xu's light way.

"It's just the beginning! No matter who you are, if you dare to save fengyuqiao, you will die and you will regret it However, hearing Wang Xu's words, the killer just made a cold threat.

The next moment.

He suddenly grinned at Wang Xu. His mouth was full of black and smelly blood.


In Wang Xu's indifferent eyes, the killer grins at Wang Xu with a grin and opens his mouth to say something.

However, all of a sudden, his eyes suddenly round stare, his face was covered with a layer of blood, and then his whole head exploded in front of Wang Xu, just like a watermelon, leaving only a headless corpse.

The killer's teeth were poisoned and he killed himself on the spot!

However, it took a long time for him to die. The real cause of his death was a miniature bomb buried in his head, which was controlled and exploded from a long distance.

At the same time.

Wang Xu suddenly turned his head and looked out. Nearly three or four kilometers away, in the dark sky, a helicopter was roaring around. If ordinary people were to find it, they would not find it at all.

And a hundred meters away, there is a UAV hovering fast. The scarlet flash of the monitor on it is facing Wang Xu coldly.

On the helicopter, a young man is slowly putting down the remote control in his hand and staring at the palm computer screen in front of him coldly. On it is the monitoring picture from the UAV. The protagonist is Wang Xu.

"Uncle Wu, find out the origin of this guy for me. He is a variable. I want to know how fengyuqiao knows this kind of expert. But anyway, I don't want him to live three days! "

Looking at Wang Xu in the picture, the young man orders a middle-aged man around him in a cold voice. But when he says that, he suddenly frowns. Looking at Wang Xu in the picture, he always feels that the other person is looking at him.

But it's impossible!

You know, this is the surveillance image from the UAV, which is at least 5000 meters away from Wang Xu's real location.

Just then.

In the surveillance screen, Wang Xu suddenly takes a slow step back, his right five fingers clasping together into a fist, and his arm slightly shrinks back. It seems that he is going to punch something.

"Is this guy going to beat me?" In an instant, the young man gave a laugh, then shook his head and threw this incredible idea out of his mind.

He slightly pondered at the surveillance screen, and said with a faint smile to the middle-aged man beside him: "Uncle Wu, what do you say this guy wants to do? Looking at his posture, he seems to want to hit me! "

The youth's voice is full of undisguised irony. It's just a joke with the middle-aged man around him.

However, Uncle Wu frowned slightly. He seemed to think of something. His face suddenly changed and exclaimed, "young master, this guy doesn't want to hit you, but the drone we are monitoring!"

"Hit drones?"

The young man was slightly stunned, and then his face became more sarcastic. He shook his head with a smile

"Uncle Wu, I'm afraid this guy is not a madman, is he? What's the difference between hitting me? The UAV has begun to return, but it is at least 200 meters away from him. He waves his fist at the air and wants to fight the UAV? It's so naive and lovely

However, his voice has just dropped.

All of a sudden.

The surveillance screen on his hand suddenly vibrated violently, and then turned into a black screen in a flash.

In an instant, the young man's sneering smile froze, and the middle-aged man's fifth uncle was also full of dignified color, with uncontrollable horror on his face.

The whole helicopter is dead!

Well, damn

But hundreds of meters away!

"This guy, this guy..."

Young people gnash their teeth, but they can't speak at all.

The fifth uncle looked very dignified and said slowly:

"Young master, it seems that he is not a trivial variable, but an extremely powerful variable..."


At the same time.

Jinling spring five star hotel, 88 floors, in the next room of fengyuqiao suite.

Wang Xu stood in front of the broken French window and slowly took back his fist. In his sight, there was a brilliant flame exploding in the night sky more than 100 meters away.

"You can train these killers, and you don't trust to put micro bombs and drones in their heads... Do you mean you are careful? Or do you have too much self-confidence and you are a mere waste? " Wang Xu murmured, his face gradually covered with cold irony.

Just then.


A woman's scream suddenly came from behind him.

In an instant, Wang Xu's body suddenly froze. It seemed that he finally thought of something, and his face became extremely strange.