Chapter 711

Wang Xu accidentally looked at Ren Yu, light said: "I only want to kill my enemies, they are dead, but you, not."


Ren Yu was very surprised. He opened his mouth and tried to stop talking several times before he asked: "how do you know I didn't participate? After all, I was with them, and my escort went up with them too... "

"I asked before I killed him." Wang Xu light said a, the body shape has returned to ascend the emperor step.

This kind of attitude obviously does not care about Ren Yu and is not ready to kill her.

"I owe you. I'll repay you later!" Take a deep breath, and let the rain sink word by word.

"You don't owe me, and I don't care." Wang Xu did not turn his head back, let alone pause at his feet.


Ren Yu opened his mouth, then took a deep breath again, bit his lips and continued: "but if you kill them, I will report back truthfully, and I will also get back in the future!"

"Whatever." Wang Xu's voice didn't fluctuate at all. As soon as he turned around, his figure disappeared again in the clouds above.

Ren Yu stands in the same place, biting her lips. Her face turns white and red. It can be seen that her mood fluctuates greatly.

"Wang Xu, you don't care about me? Don't even want to look at me one more time? " Ren Yu is bitterly astringent in his heart. He looks at the clouds above and seems to be able to see the straight back.

She almost according to the heart, word by word swearing: "today, you see I can't afford... Because I'm too weak!"

"But one day, I'll let you look me in the eye!"

"I'm not a stranger to you!"


Six thousand steps above, the next rest platform of dengdi step, many of the family members who left before, staring at the dengdi step blocked by clouds below.

"Why haven't you come up yet?"

"Can't something happen?"

"That's right. The general great master of liupinjing should have been here long ago!"

"Maybe he's not really a great master of liupinjing. He was able to buy that" kan "before, just with the help of some external force?"

"Did you go back on the way?"


There was a lot of discussion.

"Damn it

Then suddenly, a middle-aged man seemed to think of something. He patted his thigh and cried out with regret

"I was just excited before. If he can't climb up and go back on the way, don't we miss this uncle?

Liuzi! Liuzi! Are you leaving anyone to watch down there? "

"Second master, all hands are out to find Miss..."

Behind the middle-aged man, a servant in green clothes, with a helpless face, bowed his head and said with a bitter smile:

"What's more, before that, everyone thought he was a 21-year-old" great master of liupinjing ". It's hard for his peers to be a genius in a hundred years. We didn't think that he might not be able to climb up..."

"Damn it! Damn it

The middle-aged man was yuan Qing. He murmured a few angry words. When he looked up and saw Liuzi standing in front of him, he was furious

"What are you doing here? Hurry up and go to the rest platform below. Is my uncle going back? "

At this time, a proud voice came

"Ha ha, I'm the first one to lead my granddaughter here. It seems that my good son-in-law is Zhang Ling's!"

Hearing this voice, Yuan Qing's face suddenly turned green, really green!

After all, the news hasn't really spread. Most of the imperial family members who "choose their husbands" here are not strong enough. Among the more than ten waves of people, only one wave of power was feared by Yuan Qing.

It's the old man Zhang Ling!

It's not that Yuan Qing's side forces are not good, and the betrothal gifts can't compare with each other, but it's the granddaughter of the old man

In the imperial family, she is also a famous beauty!

Sure enough, as soon as he looked back, he saw an old man laughing and leading a 20-year-old young woman to stride up.

This young woman's eyebrows are as clear as waves, her eyes are like a crescent moon, and her delicate red lips are dotted on her white face. At a glance, it makes a man have an impulse to hold the beauty and taste it gently.

This kind of beauty can't be described by words, and it has great impact.

Standing behind the old man, the young woman lowered her head and lowered her eyes, just like a delicate white rose. Without doing anything, she had already given any man a desire to care.

In a flash.

On the mountain road, which had been mixed before, it was quiet, and almost everyone's eyes fell on the young woman.

After the initial surprise, some people are full of despair:

"It's over! Zhang Ling, an old man, brought his granddaughter emperor Qingzhu so quickly. Does it mean that she went out to explore a new secret place? When did she come back

"Asshole, how can this old man come so fast? Isn't my sister hopeless? "

"As far as your sister's body is concerned, there must be no hope, but my daughter's buttocks are round..."


A group of people talked about it, but Zhang Ling directly took emperor Qingzhu to Yuan Qing and said with a smile

"Yuan Qing, why did you come back empty handed? Where's your lady? I heard that she was very unlucky. Today she went out for a outing with her best friend

"Go for an outing?" Yuan Qing was slightly stunned.

Where did miss go? Even his uncle didn't know. How could Zhang Ling know so clearly?

At the next moment, he seemed to think of something. In an instant, he was furious and raised his finger to Zhang Ling. His angry fingers trembled

"Old thing, you? You did it? Don't you want to be old enough to cheat my jade out by playing tricks? "

"Yuan qinger, you have to talk about evidence. I'm not the one who did it. I'm the one who has good news. Don't learn to talk about it! " Zhang Ling's face sank, but he couldn't suppress his pride in his voice.

You didn't make it?

Yuan Qing smell speech almost angry old blood spray on Zhang Ling's face.

You didn't do it. You're so damn proud? Can you hide your pride before you lie?

Damn it, old man!

Yuan Qing was furious. He wanted to hit the old man on the spot. If he couldn't beat him, he would.

A mouthful of resentment choked in his throat, which made yuan Qing extremely uncomfortable. However, his eyes swept by the cloud and mist, and there was no movement on the steps of ascending the emperor. Suddenly, a smile came out of the corner of his mouth.

"Mr. Zhang Ling, do you think you will win?" With disdain in his eyes, Yuan Qing brushed his hand and turned to look down at the emperor's steps

"It's been such a long time. The boy we're looking for hasn't come up yet. It's obvious that his ability is not enough, so he retreated in the middle of the way.

I tell you, it's useless for you to bring your granddaughter up here, because my people have already received him from below. By this time, they have already invited him to the house! "