Chapter 1357

"Angelo, President of Deland bank, an internationally renowned banker, was born into one of the most prominent families in MIGA, the Douglas family. You can call him lord Angelo."

Zhao Xiaoxia introduced to he's sisters.

"What are these two beautiful ladies?"

Angelu smiles at he Wanxia and he Wanyun, stops when he is talking, and waits for Zhao Xiaoxia to introduce him.

To tell the truth, he did not want to know the identity of the two women, because only Zhao Xiaoxia was qualified to contact him personally.

But the rules of the game are like this. No matter what happens in the heart, the courtesy and greetings must be in place.

Sure enough.

After Zhao Xiaoxia's brief introduction of the he sisters, Angelu never looked at the two again. With a light word, he changed the topic, and then took Zhao Xiaoxia alone to go inside.

"Ms. Zhao, it should be your first time to attend the private cocktail party of our circle. In order to celebrate the smooth cooperation in our business, I'd like to introduce some important people in our circle to you."

Angulu laughs.

Zhao Xiaoxia nodded to he Wanxia and he Wanyun, motioned to them to play for a while, and then followed Angelu to leave temporarily.

"This is Donnie hale, the head of Hale's group."

"This is Mr. McCain. He's running for the next Imperial Senate."

"And this, Mr. Kerr, a banker like me..."

With the introduction of Angelu, Zhao Xiaoxia and the public met one by one.

These people are prominent figures in the international business circle. They fly in private airplanes 24 hours a year.

There are exaggerations, even living directly on the plane, and the reason is only because of the relativity theory put forward by scientists, fast objects will take longer, making their life longer than ordinary people.

"Qinglian Pharmaceutical Group? Is it the Oriental company that produces "quenched body fluid" and "quenched body pill" and other miracle drugs? "

He said with a smile.

"Yes." Zhao Xiaoxia also responded with a smile.

"Mr. Downey, as far as I know, does your Hale group control the largest biopharmaceutical company in MIGA? Do you have any cooperation with Qinglian medicine? "

John McCain's eyes seem to have swept Downey Hale unintentionally.

"I haven't cooperated yet, but one of my purposes this time is to cooperate with Qinglian medicine."

Donnie Hale gave a light smile, then looked directly at Zhao Xiaoxia and said very seriously:

"Ms. Zhao Xiaoxia, I know that you have tried to enter the market of mica and western mainland many times, but it has been resisted by some people.

I have a proposal. Our Hale consortium will invest 100 billion yuan in Qinglian medicine, with only 30% of the shares. How about I help you to open up the rice market

Zhao Xiaoxia's eyes widened.


What's the size of Qinglian Pharmaceutical Group now? It wants 30% shares for 100 billion yuan?

Let alone Qinglian medicine has no financing at all. The plan to let others intervene is to prepare financing. Even if it is 100 billion yuan, it can only buy about 5% of the shares.

Now the annual profit of Qinglian medicine is more than 100 billion. Last quarter's financial report shows that the income has exceeded 300 billion!

"Ms. Zhao, you need to understand that with the help of our Hale group, Qinglian medicine can occupy the whole high-end market of MIGA in the shortest time, and even form a monopoly."

Donnie Hale said with a smile.

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you are not satisfied with the proposal. We can also carry out another kind of cooperation, as long as you provide the corresponding formula, hale consortium has the most advanced biological laboratory, and production line, we can study better products together.

In the end, all the profits will be divided into half, and you can monopolize 50% of the profits without doing anything. "

This proposal can be said to be extremely exciting.

If it's a general company or group, I'm afraid I can't help but feel excited for a long time.

But for Zhao Xiaoxia, this is a kind of "extortion" and an insult.

The product formula of Qinglian medicine, all originated from Wang Xu, is unique. It has absolute competitiveness in the international market and has no rival at all.


At present, they belong to Monopoly!

"I'm sorry we can't accept either proposal. At present, Qinglian has no intention of financing, and our products will not be made public. "

Zhao Xiaoxia said calmly.

"It's obviously a pity that we can't cooperate with Ms. Zhao."

Donnie Hale sighed helplessly. The smile on his face gradually cooled down. He raised his glass and signaled that the people around him would take the initiative to leave. Obviously, he was not ready to continue to deal with Zhao Xiaoxia.

Their circle, Zhao Xiaoxia is just a newcomer, only Zhao Xiaoxia ask for their share, where they fall price to meet the situation.

Refuse to cooperate?

Donny Hale was only slightly disappointed.

Because he can't carry out normal business cooperation, he may have to use some special means.

And these methods, always make people hurt.

"Ms. Zhao Xiaoxia, if you want to enter the market of Mecca and the west, you must cooperate with these giants and make concessions. You can't monopolize all your interests."

Angelo sighed. He had a headache.

If it wasn't for someone's orders, in his capacity, he would never have personally received Zhao Xiaoxia, a new person of this level.

This woman can come to this point today. She should not be ignorant of some rules. How can she not be sensible?

It is obviously beneficial to both sides. Why refuse?

"Mr. Andrew, you are my friend and I respect you, but you should also know that it is impossible for me to hand over the group's product formula."

Zhao Xiaoxia eyebrows frivolous, light way: "moreover, they want too much, and they need to pay the price completely out of proportion. If they can be less greedy, I can't accept it


Andrew had no choice but to shake his head. He only felt that Zhao Xiaoxia was really too greedy.

"This woman is really a little ignorant!"

With this in mind, Andrew said with a bitter smile: "Ms. Zhao Xiaoxia, you may not know that Donnie Hale not only represents him, but also represents the huge alliance of interests behind him."

"If you don't compromise and share your interests equally with them, they will use all their strength and means to prevent you from entering the mica and Western markets, and even suppress you from raw materials and other aspects."

When Zhao Xiaoxia heard the speech, she frowned slightly.

Although Qinglian Pharmaceutical Group is not listed, it has little impact on the financial level, but if it is limited in raw materials, market and other aspects, it is also a big trouble.

"Of course, it's not really out of the question."

Andrew watched Zhao Xiaoxia's expression and suddenly said:

"Tonight's reception, there is also a dignified person will come, if Qinglian medicine can get his support, then everything will be solved."