Chapter 1422

After Wang Xu left.

Long pingtian and Bai Wu, two ancient immortals, fell into a long silence. They never felt that they would be so small as they are now.

long time.

"Dragon, how true do you think what he said?"

Bai Wu sighed and looked up at the sky which was the same as before and seemed different.

"No matter what is true or false, this man is powerful and unpredictable. We can't be enemies with him. Not to mention, we still have to ask him at this time. "

Long pingtian shakes his head. However, looking at the direction of the palace, his eyes are complicated.

How true?

What kind of vacation?

Maybe there is something wrong with the detection magic he used secretly. He even feels that what Wang Xu said is true. Even, he seems to feel that Wang Xu is hiding something.

But it's clumsy

Is it possible?


In the following time, Wang Xu left himself to his bride and relatives.

Lengthen the length of the inside, play cards, play mahjong, make dumplings, cook, or on the spur of the moment, take people across the mountains and rivers to see the beautiful land of China.

Leisure time is always short, there is always time to leave.

This day.

Wang Xuzheng is walking along fengyuqiao in the streets of Beijing, just like ordinary lovers, holding a cup of milk tea, helping each other, shopping, eating delicious food.

Suddenly, he seemed to feel something in his heart and suddenly looked up.

In his eyes, in the small world where he lived, there suddenly appeared many invisible regular lines, which quickly interweaved into a magnificent and mysterious pattern.

That's a warning from the world.

His time is coming to an end.

"You're leaving?"

See Wang Xu suddenly stop, fengyuqiao first slightly a Leng, and then eyes suddenly dim down.

Although Wang Xu has not been pointed out, but she had a faint feeling in her heart, Wang Xu can not accompany her forever.

"Yes, I'm going."

Wang Xu also did not hide the meaning, directly nodded.

With that, he lowered his head, took a slight kiss on his face and said with a smile:

"Of course, since I have promised to accompany you shopping, eating and watching movies today, I will definitely finish everything."

"Well... Today, I'm going to wipe out all the cinemas in Beijing!"

Fengyuqiao doesn't want to be a drag on Wang Xu either. She smiles again, nods gently and follows closely. There is a trace of blush on her face

"And... In the evening, I want you to accompany me, we don't go home, we go to the hotel..."

"Ha ha, good!"

Wang Xu laughs. He naturally knows what fengyuqiao means.

This day.

Fengyuqiao cherishes it very much. She doesn't have any time, especially when they are alone in the hotel at night. It seems that she wants to squeeze out her last strength and linger until she faints.


Things in the world are so wonderful, that is, Wang Xu can't control everything. When he comes to the hotel with fengyuqiao, he is secretly thought about by the little girl at the front desk of the hotel.

"The man and woman who just opened the house seem to be a wind and rain bridge!"

With this kind of thought, the front desk girl after opening the room, and secretly two people registration of the specific information turned out to see.

Sure enough, the woman's information shows that it's the storm bridge!

In an instant, the little girl was excited.

This is big gossip.

Without any hesitation, she immediately opened her microblog and sent a mood message on it.

"Wow, I'm so excited today. The first day I came to work in the hotel, I met my idol fengyuqiao and her boyfriend. Now I regret that I didn't ask for a signature!"

Although it's just a mood, without any pictures, it still immediately caused a sensation in the whole entertainment industry.

Countless paparazzi are moved by the wind.

"Strong explosion, wind and rain bridge unexpectedly and mysterious man opens a room?"

"It's amazing that Feng Yuqiao, the famous actress, retreated behind the scenes for love!"

"Exclusive news, first-hand news, Feng Yuqiao, a popular superstar, mysteriously appeared in a five-star hotel in Beijing, with a man..."

Many we media and promoters on the Internet don't care whether the news is true or false. As long as there is anything that catches the wind and catches the shadow, it can be blown into a big explosion by them.

But after all, these are just trifles.

For Wang Xu and fengyuqiao, they are not any waves.


the second day.

Wang Xu sent fengyuqiao home and then had breakfast with Liu Meiling, Liu Yuqi and Kong fengque.

After saying goodbye one by one, he got up alone and went directly to the headquarters of Wumeng in the capital.

Before he got close to 300 meters, long pingtian and Bai Wu took the initiative to meet him. They were all strong men who had reached a certain level. They didn't talk nonsense. In a few words, they set out directly to the location of Chishui secret place.

Without any means of transportation, the three flew with their own strength, and all of them were far faster than the plane. Within half an hour, they crossed hundreds of miles and came directly to the secret place of Chishui.

It's different from the last time I came here.

At the moment, the location of the Chishui secret place has been completely covered by a gray fog. The city wall built by the Wumeng is not there, and the Chishui base has been engulfed by the fog. All the people inside have evacuated.

And this foggy place is also listed as a forbidden area by the Wumeng, which allows no outsiders to enter lightly. Because of the great danger hidden in the fog, the Wumeng once sent many exploration teams led by congenital masters, but none of them came back from them.

"The fog of space, because of the impact of the power of the forest demon, the secret place has been broken, and now it is being gradually engulfed and integrated by the Chinese world."

Wang Xu saw at a glance some difficulties in Chishui secret place. The situation is slightly different from what he thought, but the difficulty of solving them has not increased, on the contrary, it has weakened.

The origin of the world began to devour the Chishui secret place, which also means that the distance between the Chinese world and the taiyangwu world is getting closer and closer.

In the future, the Chishui secret place will be completely fixed as a natural world passage to the solar martial arts world.

"Tell me more about Chishui secret place." Take back the vision, Wang Xu light way.

"We don't know much about it at present. Apart from the void storm that blocked the communication between the two realms, some of the heritages left in Chishui secret place have also changed after this change."

Long pingtian said in a deep voice:

"This time, the friends of Baiwu road will accompany you to go in. He has explored some roads before. It can effectively avoid some debris space and avoid getting lost. "

Immediately, Bai Wu also said all the accidents he met in the last time.

It is nothing more than too much debris space, which creates a space labyrinth, which is enough to trap the weak people forever until they starve, thirst and die of old age.

Wang Xu nodded noncommittally.

These are not of great value.