Chapter 1522

This is the world of the spirit. Apart from the manifestation of the spirit itself, there is darkness in other directions.

In front of him, is a huge incomparable dark golden giant, Fang Zheng stood in the distance, staring at him, huge eyes are full of venom and unwilling.

The giant's body, almost 500 meters high, arms stretched out, is even more terrifying.

In the dark, blood colored thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and the thunder and lightning fell on the giant. With the light of thunder and lightning, we can see deep visible bone scars all over the giant.

This faint vision is the last scene of the giant's life.

His eyes, full of bitterness and unwillingness, stare at Wang Xu with a deep sense of death and long years of vicissitudes.

"Who are you?"

An old, low voice sounded in Wang Xu's heart.

"It doesn't matter who I am. What's important now is that you can't occupy my soul, so you don't want to come back to life from ancient times."

Wang Xu said calmly: "the era outside belongs to me, not to the dead like you."

"I'm not willing!"

The dark golden giant's eyes widened, and the voice of resentment came madly.

"Mingming, everything is ready. Mingming is only one last step away. All the arrangements have been made for thousands of years. Mingming..."

His venomous voice, smaller and smaller, more and more low.

The huge body of dark gold gradually faded and disappeared, and was gradually engulfed by the darkness around.

At the last moment, the venom in the dark golden giant's voice suddenly disappeared, leaving only a calm.

"You're right. The era outside no longer belongs to me."

"In order to revive, I abandoned everything, but in the end it was still the moon in the water, and I failed..."

"All of me, all of this..."

"It's up to you!"


Wang Xu suddenly opened his eyes. In the middle of the sky, a dark gold crystal appeared slowly, just like gold.

He flatly extended his hand, holding the crystal.

Just now, in the world of spirit and soul, the voice of the dark golden giant finally "looking back" still reverberated in his ears.

It's like the Buddha's Enlightenment of putting down the butcher's knife and becoming a Buddha. It's also like a dying old man's advice of seeing through life and death at the last moment in the world.

Next second.


Wang Xu's five fingers suddenly closed, and his powerful power instantly crushed the dark gold crystal.

Looking at the falling golden powder, there was a trace of irony on his face

"Give me everything you have? Do you want to pit me at last? Do I need everything from you? "


He stepped out of the range of the array and looked up at the sky with a chill in his eyes.

This wuzun relic, from the beginning, is a trap!


I can't tell day from night.

Shadow mottled, dark and humid dense forest, suddenly hit out two figures, running out to escape.

One of them was Xiao Hong, the eldest disciple of beidaozong, who should have left the secret space.


As soon as they got out of the dense forest, they immediately separated and fled in two directions.

With the help of the messy terrain outside, they moved very fast and disappeared behind the messy rocks in an instant.

Just as they ran away, a big tree was smashed by a group of monsters whose eyes were red and whose faces didn't look like human beings.

The head of the monster, the humanoid face, stabs out the bone like the tip of a knife. In his mouth, he bites the metal stick thick with his thumb, and the white smoke is constantly spouting from his nostrils.

"What about people?"

"Like the pigs in front, they ran in two directions." Next to him, a strong man with the same nose as a dog sneered. All his body was covered with naked thick black hair.

"Find them! Be careful not to break the baby. I'll see what's on that boy. He can run so far and save people? "

Take the lead to bite the metal bar, the height of the monster about three meters, light way.


Around him, a group of "dog nosed" strong men nodded together, then divided into two groups of people, quickly chasing out.

The leading monster stayed behind. Looking at the men who left, he bit the metal bar hard, then reached out and took out a black metal disc from his arms.

After pressing it twice, the surface of the disk opens, and an invisible wave of information flies out of it. In a twinkling of an eye, it disappears into the distant void.

After all this, he kicked off a big tree nearby and sat down to bite the metal bar.

Obviously, he was impatient and didn't want to go on chasing.

Another possibility is that he knows that the end of this rock is a dead end.


Xiao Hong panted and ran quickly among the messy rocks.

Because of the strange environment of this secret space, he could not see too far away. He could only see the scene within 20 meters around him.

He knew that now he was out of the woods and in the mountains.

After running for a long time, he didn't stop until a cliff suddenly appeared in front of him.

At the same second, there was a sound on the left, and then another young man stopped in front of the mountain wall. It was Xia Dong of Xia family in Xuankong City, who had fled with Xiao Hong before.

"There's no way out there?"

In an instant, Xiao Hong's heart sank.

"No, there's only one way to this side. wait! You there, won't also... "Xia Dong nodded, said, and his face suddenly turned white.

Xiao Hong's face is also not good-looking, two people gathered together, looking at the cliff in front of him, suddenly his face became more ugly.

It's just a long way away, and there's no time for careful observation on the run.

At this time, I found that there were hundreds of them on the cliff


"Damn it..." Xiao Hong scolded, calmed his shortness of breath and continued

"What's the matter with those monsters? Before those strange people also forget, these guys, is Chengdu the creature in this secret space? "

"If the protozoa here is OK, but those guys are too strong, I'm afraid they are..." Xia Dong's face is gloomy, panting and whispering:

"I'm afraid, I'm afraid... They are... Demons!"

Xiao Hong was stunned, and his face turned white to the bottom.

The news that the demon battlefield will come to Xuankong city is now known to almost all the warriors who have a little influence in Xuankong city.

If the monster chasing them is one of the demons, it means that the demon battlefield is approaching

No, they are not sure whether the Xuankong city outside still exists or whether it has turned into ruins in the battlefield.