Chapter 1672

On a plain in the west of darak's ancient demon world, countless demons patrol the border of the plain and hunt all the life that strays into the border.

This is the sphere of influence of Kalas. Among the tens of thousands of forces in the west of the ancient demon world in dalak, the influence of Kalas is not very big, but it is not small.

In the middle of the plain, there is a huge demon palace, where more demons are guarded. A powerful demon emperor is suspended in the air, guarding the demon palace of Kalas.

Outside the border of the plain, a Terran who is no more than two meters tall, wearing loose clothes, walks step by step, relaxed and comfortable, with long black hair floating behind his head, just tied up with a green branch.

Behind him, he carries a long sword half a man's height, but in his hand, he touches a ball of slowly rotating square objects, which seems to be some kind of books of the human race. He is fascinated by them.

"Terran, stop! You know this is the territory of Kalas! You people need to kneel down and kowtow to worship when you come here The patrolling demon guard yelled.

There are Terrans living in the darak ancient demon world, so this guard is no stranger to Terrans.

"What did you say?" Awakened by a rebuke, Wang Xu stopped at his feet and slowly raised his head: "nine steps, one kneel... One kowtow?"

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and his strange smile made people feel a little chilly. The "books" in his hands exploded and dispersed into smoke.

"Hum, you come to worship the Lord Kalas. If you can't worship, what do you want to do?" The guard's eyes are cold.

Most of these Terrans are weak and useless, but every once in a while, a strong man who doesn't look like a human will appear, constantly rebelling, which annoys the demons. If it wasn't for Kalas who had to spread his faith among these people, he would have killed.

"What do you want to do?" Wang Xu seemed to see through his mind, and his face was full of fun. He said with a smile, "I'm here to kill you, of course!"

With a smile, his hand had touched the hilt behind him, and a blade of cold light was slowly pulled out

"You want to die!" As soon as the demon guard's face changed, he suddenly became ferocious. His intention to kill suddenly broke out in his heart. He rushed out first and smashed his weapon at Wang Xu.

Wang Xuwei lowered his head, completely indifferent, still slowly pulled out the magic sword behind him. Looking at the speed of his sword drawing, I'm afraid that before the sword was pulled out, the weapons of the demon guard had already torn his body to pieces.

However, Wang Xu didn't feel it at all. Instead, he put his sword back slowly. Did he give up his resistance?

Just when the demon was stunned, all of a sudden


His body suddenly froze in the air, followed by a moment into pieces, fragmented, burst out to all sides, a piece of blood mist burst open, diffuse in the air, for a long time.


In the same second, in the distance, more than a dozen patrolling guards who were watching and didn't come up suddenly fell to the ground like wooden piles. Blood flowed from under their bodies and penetrated the ground. It turned out that their bodies were all cut into the same pieces, but they didn't spread out and stuck together.

"These rubbish are too weak to reflect the true meaning of killing sword. It seems that I need to kill more powerful demons... Practice sword!" Wang Xu shakes his head and lowers his head again. The foggy "book" disappeared in his hands appears again. He concentrates on it again.

The fog like book is a picture full of strange traces

The second true intention of kendo, sword of killing!

He crossed the border, stepped into the plain, and walked all the way, leaving a cold corpse of demons. At the back, the news spread, and countless demons gathered to kill

Wang Xu just raised his hand, untied the branch that tied his hair behind his head, and let his black hair fly in the air

He pulled out the magic sword and dropped it on the ground. The tip of the sword pointed to the earth obliquely, and with a smile on his face, he bravely rushed up to the army of demons.

Kill kendo.

In the process of killing, no one can get close to them. All the demons who are close to them are torn up by the light of the sword and scattered by the blood fog.

All the way to kill, all the way to the central demon palace, such as leisurely walk.

Behind him, there are only corpses everywhere, and the blood gradually converges together, forming thousands of winding streams, and finally converging into a small river, a big river

Wang Xu didn't use too much power. He just used the most basic sword moves to kill thousands of demons. He was practicing his sword.

In front of the Karas palace, Wang Xu is alone.



The footstep sounds in the heaven and earth, gradually approaches the magic palace, finally stops.

"Come out, I know you're in it." Wang Xu looked up and said faintly.


Dead silence!

It took 30 seconds for a loud voice to come out

"As a powerful demon, when you first appeared, I knew that your strength is far stronger than those of my subordinates, but why do you want to slaughter them like the weak?"

This time, Wang Xu was silent. After a long time, he spoke slowly: "because I'm looking for the way to kill!"

"So, are you taking revenge?" In the palace, the voice of Kalas became a little strange

"Terran strongman, you don't think you can kill me, do you?"

"You're right."

Wang Xu nodded his head seriously, then raised the magic sword in his hand slowly, turned it in the air, and then cut it down heavily. A black sky sword light hissed and fell from the air.


The whole demon palace was divided into two parts by the sky sword light. The sword was intended to kill, and the sword was cold. The terrible sword mark extended to a mountain behind the palace. With the roaring sound, the mountain collapsed to the center, the gravel fell, and the smoke rushed into the sky.

Taking back the sword, Wang Xu looks at the two corpses of a demon God sitting on the throne in the palace. After confirming his death, he turns around and goes on.

At his feet, he will walk out of the blood of hundreds of millions of fallen demons, a magic sword, kill demons and demons, practice sword with death, and understand the second true picture of kendo. He will not stop until the killing sword picture is completed

And just 20 days after Wang Xu left, a group of demons flew over at high speed and stopped above the corpse of Kalas.

A demon God, with a gloomy face, looked around and gritted his teeth: "no one survived. As before, everyone died!"

Another demon looked at the sword mark that had spread to the mountain far away and murmured:

"It's a terrible intention of sword and killing. This Terran madman has definitely entered the level of Lord. Not long ago, Lord dark god's eye noticed the change of boundary. He suspected that Emperor Wu of Taiyang martial arts sneaked in. No matter whether he was Emperor Wu of the three martial arts dynasties in Taiyang martial arts or not, he would rather kill by mistake than let it go!"

"If he is the emperor of Taiyang martial arts, he will die!"

Another demon God also said faintly that he was a race that looked very similar to human beings. If it wasn't for the demon behind him who planted magic wings and blood eyes, it would be difficult to tell if he was a demon.

In the case of Wang Xu did not know, a powerful existence called dark god eye, has targeted him, and sent a number of powerful demons to track his tracks.

Just when Wang Xu was killing demons and practicing killing sword in dalak ancient demon world.

In the Chinese world, heaven and earth change completely