Chapter 57

"Oh?! No wonder

Instructor Zhou looked up and down at Li Yun, and his face revealed a sense of righteousness. Even if he looked at him like this, he still looked straight ahead. He never spoke without orders, which was much better than Xiao Jiayu's answer before!

"Take a few steps and I'll see!"

Li Yun turns around and takes a few steps. He doesn't stop until the instructor stops.

When Ji Keban saw Li Yun's extraordinary posture, he could not help cheering and clapping. Even Xiao Jiayu could not help but ripple her beautiful eyes.

When Li Yun was wearing ordinary clothes, he was just an ordinary handsome man, but after he put on his military uniform, his military temperament suddenly showed.

Xiao Jiayu even thought that he was more like a soldier than an instructor!

Orders and prohibitions, good posture, strict military appearance!

After instructor Zhou called back, Li Yun returned to Xiao Jiayu.

"Yes, it seems that you have not forgotten your ability in the team!"

Li Yun is in a complicated mood. As a veteran, he has to be praised by the younger generation led by his old instructor. It really makes him sigh that the fate of life is really wonderful!

Instructor Zhou asked curiously, "which army did you belong to before?" Can teach this kind of soldier, Zhou instructor thinks must be the trump force in the army, can teach Li Yun this kind of good soldier!

"Report, this is within the scope of military secrecy regulations. Please forgive me for not being able to answer!"

Instructor Zhou was shocked. After he retired from the army, his troops were not confidential. However, Li Yun still said that it was the scope of confidentiality. There was only one possibility.

The place where Li Yun used to be is so mysterious that even giving his name is forbidden!

But why did he retire? If you go into that place, you will be prosperous, at least a captain!

Li Yun's words attracted the attention of the instructors around him. I didn't expect that there was another veteran who was born in the Niubi team in the University of China!

"I'm reckless. I apologize to you!"

Instructor Zhou apologized and then said, "since you are a soldier, I believe you can be a good training pacesetter and lead our class to win the military training contest!"

"Yes! I will finish the task

Instructor Zhou was more and more satisfied. Although he looked at him as a baby face, he had the clean demeanor of a soldier!

"I don't agree!"

Standing out is mo Tianyi, who followed Xiao Jiayu to become a professional. He is short and not 1.6 meters, but he is very strong. His whole body is covered with dark muscles. He looks like an iron ball full of muscles.

Instructor Zhou lowered his face, and there were students who dared not agree with the instructor's order! You have to practice him well later!

Mo Tianyi comes to him and stands with Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu.

"Pooh, ha ha ha ~!"

All the students in Jike class couldn't help laughing in a low voice. Mo Tianyi's short and strong figure stood beside Li Yun, who is more than one meter eight and Xiao Jiayu, who is nearly 170 meters tall, just like a toad!

Li Yun is also slightly frowning. This mysterious classmate is also chasing Xiao Jiayu, but Jiayu doesn't know him. It seems that she only knows the family behind him.

Last night's class meeting, Mo Tianyi began to provoke Li Yun, he also wants the position of deputy monitor.

And is brazenly and xiaojiayu grab Deputy monitor, no cover up the expression of the pursuit of xiaojiayu means.

Because of his mischief in the class meeting, almost no one in the class likes him, except Jing Xiucheng, who is opposite to Li Yun!

Xiao Jiayu told Li Yun on QQ last night that Mo Tianyi's martial arts are very good and will never be better than ordinary special soldiers. Li Yun must be careful of him!