Chapter 230

Xiao Jiayu has been staring at Li Yun for fear that he might say something that could not cure Xiao Mingxi.

She is now extremely confident that Li Yun will be able to cure her sister!

After Li Yun asked about the system, he said: "it's OK to eat directly or drink in water, but Xiao Xi will sweat a lot, so she can prepare some water to drink."

Xiao Jiayu immediately said, "I'll get it. Is it pure water?"

"Just as usual."

Xiao Jiayu soon came back with a small glass of water. Li Yun poured the powder into it. The powder quickly melted into the water, and there was no other abnormality.

"One more thing."

Li Yun took the cup and looked at Xiao Mingxi.

Xiao Yu respectfully said: "please say, anything you need, we will go to prepare immediately!"

Xiao Mingxi's big eyes are full of the light of hope, always looking at Li Yun.

"It's not about those questions, it's about Xiao Xi."

Li Yun said: "Xiao Xi, you can drink this cup of water to repair your internal organs, but it will be very painful at that time."

"Brother Yun, I'm not afraid!"

Xiao Mingxi's small face was full of firmness. Looking at Li Yun, she said, "just like Phoenix needs fire bath to be reborn, these are all the sufferings I have to go through. I can bear them!"

Her address to Li Yun changed from brother Li Yun to Brother Yun.

"Well, Xiao Xi is a strong child."

Li Yun puts the water cup to her mouth. He's afraid Xiao Mingxi won't be able to hold it, so he'd better feed it to her in person.

Xiao Mingxi didn't drink it immediately. She lowered her head and said in a low voice, "Brother Yun, will there be a fairy miracle?"

To the last moment, before has been very strong Xiao Mingxi is afraid.

She was afraid that what Brother Yun said was false.

She has been telling herself that her illness is hopeless, so don't bother her parents and sister.

Can be in the bottom of my heart has been looking forward to one day, can have a person suddenly appeared in front of her, said to her, "Xiao Xi, I can make you healthy!"

Then she can jump on the grass happily like other girls.

Unfortunately, she heard a lot of similar words from childhood, but she could feel that others were just comforting her.

No one is sure to cure her.

It was not until Brother Yun came to her and told her that she could cure her illness that Xiao Mingxi really heard for the first time that someone had such confidence to save her life

Li Yun took her hand and said softly: "miracles and magic exist ~! No matter what kind of despair, Xiao Xi should not give up hope! "


Xiao Mingxi raised his head, pale face with a faint blush, "Brother Yun is my hope!"

Li Yun gave her a smile and said, "drink it. After a while, Xiao Xi will get better."


Everyone's eyes are staring at her, Xiao Mingxi slowly close to the cup, almost bloodless lips against the edge of the cup, a drink inside the body Dan solution in the mouth.

In an instant, the feeling of explosion burst out in Xiao Mingxi's mouth. Her small face was wrinkled in pain, and she was about to spit out the things in her mouth uncontrollably.

Fortunately, Li Yun was ready. When everyone was extremely surprised, he quickly put his hand over her lips and said in a low voice, "Xiao Xi, drink it!"

"Well, well!"

Xiao Mingxi is like being forced to drink some strange liquid by Li Yun, and gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp gulp Gul.