Chapter 237

Li Yun looked at Murong Qingyue's beautiful face and was immediately at a loss.


He was horrified to find that Murong Qingyue's face was covered with crystal clear tears, which were falling drop by drop and directly fell into Li Yun's heart, drowning him.


Li Yun got up and came to her. He reached out and gently touched her tears. He held the white face of pear blossom with rain in his hands, but he couldn't stop her tears.

The silent weeping of the young lady and her helpless and pitiful posture made Li Yun's whole heart entangled.

She didn't cry, she didn't sob, she didn't even change the expression on her face. She just cried quietly, but it made people's heart cry with sadness.

"Miss, please don't cry. I promise you everything except this matter of life and death."

Li Yun holds her beautiful face, reaches out his hand to wipe away her tears, and comforts her with a tender voice.

Before Xiao Jiayu shed tears, he did not dare to do so, Xiao Jiayu is a strong girl, crying and laughing can quickly adjust their mood.

But Murong Qingyue can't do it. Li Yun saw her smile for the first time before. This time, I'm afraid it's also her first sad tears.

Fortunately, Miss Murong didn't resist. Li Yun wiped away her tears for her. She looked at him quietly and let him do it.

No words, no resistance, no anger.

Such a young lady is more distressing. Li Yun has no choice but to put his arms around her and hold her in his arms.


Murong miss did not resist, slowly put out her hands to embrace him, "Li Yun."

Hearing her wonderful voice again, Li Yun was finally relieved.

The beautiful body of Miss Murong is warm and soft, with a faint fragrance, which makes people feel very comfortable.

But now Li Yun didn't have the heart to enjoy the feeling of warm fragrance and soft jade in his arms. He said, "Miss, this matter concerns my life safety, so please forgive me for not being able to say it."

Miss Murong quickly left his arms, and quietly looked into his eyes, "someone to rob?"

It means to ask if anyone came to rob Dan.

"Yes, a lot of people will come to me."

"I protect you."

Miss Murong is right, but Li Yun shakes his head with a wry smile. "Miss Murong, no matter how strong the Murong family is, it can't fight against the world!"

He added: "however, if I can compete with the world in the future, I will tell you everything."

"The world..."

Murong murmured to herself, her eyes lit up quickly, and said, "I will be invincible in 10 years!"

She speculates that it only takes ten years for her to reach the legendary master level, and then she will have the power to protect Li Yun!

Li Yun doesn't know where her confidence comes from, but her happiness is more important than anything.

"Well, if you are invincible, miss, I will tell you everything."

"Remember what you said."

"Of course!"

Li Yun said to her with a smile: "however, I don't want you to be tired, let it be. I hope you can live every day happily. The truth is not so important."

"I know."

Miss Murong nodded and agreed. Li Yun coaxed her and made her happy again.

She does not necessarily need Li Yun's confession, but she does need Li Yun's explanation, asking him to let go of everything and care about her.

"You accompany me, I am very happy."