Chapter 313

After driving away the arrogant man, Liu Fang walked up to Li Yun, looked at him and said, "you can start, do you interview first or me?"


Wu Li looks at Li Yun in shock. Does she say

"Well, I'm the boss of Yuyue company."

Li Yun said to Wu Li with a smile, "Yuyue company is the parent company of super energy technology."

Wu Lijing was a little lost. Unexpectedly, Li Yun had already bought a house and started his own company when he was a freshman!

Think about herself again, she is still working hard to be a sales girl. The gap between people is too big!

Around the job seekers are also looking at Li Yun, before no one thought, this looking at the young young is the real boss of this company!

Li Yun introduced Wu Li to Liu Fang, and then said, "I think it's good. I won't have an interview alone." Now he doesn't understand the interview process of the company, and he hasn't even gone to the interview. Isn't he making a fool of himself when interviewing others alone.

Liu Fang nodded, called everyone over and said, "as you can see, the company has just been established. Now there are no employees except the management!

However, I can guarantee that as long as you can meet the requirements of the company, your salary and treatment will not be a problem, and the treatment level of our company is absolutely the top in Zhonghai city! "

People whispered, obviously doubting Liu Fang's words.

Liu Fang waited for them to be quiet for a while before saying, "this building is called Dingwei building. It's the asset of sanshuiyue company. Sanshuiyue company is also one of the major shareholders of super energy technology. The chairman of sanshuiyue company has already opened his mouth. All the facilities in the building will be open to the employees of super energy technology!"

After a pause, he continued: "including the free restaurant on the 48th floor, various ball games grounds on the 56th floor, gym on the 57th floor, swimming pool on the 58th floor, leisure bar + game room on the 59th floor."

A bunch of things said down, so that everyone is staring at her, Liu Fang continued: "all free to you open!"


There was a cry of surprise, and everyone was cheering.

Although they have been in a good company before, none of them is so rich!

It's a free restaurant, a sports ground and a swimming pool, and it all takes up a whole floor of space. It's beyond their imagination!

Wu Li was a little dizzy, thinking, is this what a big company should have? Sure enough, and her previous sales office a sky a ground!

If she works in such a place, she would be willing to get a salary less than one or two thousand.

No, it should be said that if you can experience in such a large company for a year and a half, you are willing to get internship salary!

What's more, there are free restaurants, and the expenses can be reduced by 1000 per month.

"And, what's more ~" the little maid boasted: "in the half-hour break of afternoon tea, you can go to the restaurant to eat all kinds of fruit cakes. They are all made by famous chefs in five-star hotels, and they are all free!"

One candidate asked, "half an hour? Working hours or... "

"Count in the working hours," Li said! But it's more flexible. As long as you finish the task, you don't need to work overtime! " These regulations follow the tradition of March, and Li Yun doesn't want to touch it.

"That's good. If you work efficiently, you can rest for more than half an hour. If you work slowly, you can speed up!"

The mood of the public continues to rise, which is also Liu Fang's goal. She also tells us the advantages of the company and mobilizes their enthusiasm. Otherwise, she may miss out on some talents because of the company's poor appearance.

After all, you can't ask the company to look shabby, and others believe that you really have strength unconditionally.