Chapter 322

In the afternoon, Miss Murong and the maid went back to their big library and bedroom on the 75th floor to read.

Li Yun worked hard and had to accompany Lu Ming and Li Qiang to analyze the plan.

In short, it is to arrange tasks for them in the next two months to convey Li Yun's requirements.

Li Qiang three carefully read the plan, Li Yun asked: "how about, say their own views."

"It's not a big procedural problem, there's no technical difficulty."

Li Qiang nodded and said confidently: "I add the four newly recruited program apes, and I can make a rough initial product in one month. Plus half a month's final effect debugging, I should be able to get the final product. The premise is that the fine arts can keep up with the progress in time, and that we use the engines on the market instead of developing our own engines. "

Li Yun said, "a month and a half? It's fast. In terms of engines, we can use the unity engine on the market. After all, we don't have enough money and manpower. "

If he also participated in the development, it would have taken half a year.

As for the game engine, Li Yun now has an idea, but it is also limited by the system points and real money problems, and can only be shelved for the time being.

Master meilinya added: "there may be problems in art. There are only nine of us, and we may not be able to make all the art pictures in a month and a half. After all, this game level has five themes of art styles. The program needs not be changed, but art can't!"

"How long will it take?"

"Nine people, I estimate it's about three months. Specifically, we need to list the art resources we need to get before we can determine the time! "

Generally speaking, in terms of workload, one plan can connect several programs, one program can connect several fine arts.

Lu Ming told Li Yun: "I have an idea that we can outsource part of the fine arts, which can save a lot of time."

"All right."

After that, Lin Ya will finish the work. She will be responsible for classifying the art content, which part is done by the company itself and which part is transferred to the outsourcing company.

"It's my turn to plan."

Xiao qianrou, the chief planner, said with a smile: "this plan is very detailed, which makes us feel useless in planning."

Li Yun and them all laughed. Xiao qianrou said: "since the plan has been completed, what is missing is only the follow-up specific level content. After the program is edited, I will be responsible for editing the detailed level.

In addition, I used to contact outsourcing companies, which I can do. "

Lu Ming agrees with her request. He can do it himself, but when there are people under him, he can do it by hand.

Xiao qianrou continued: "but there is still a lot of work to be done, such as audio dubbing, UI design, experience testing, and even international content, which need to be listed in detail and well prepared!"

A small game has so much work to do, not to mention those 3A masterpieces. I'm afraid several people will be responsible for the plot planning alone.

Li Yun really realized how difficult a game is. It's just game production, not including the later publicity and distribution.

Lu Ming gives Xiao qianrou everything she can do for her. The audio dubbing and international dubbing companies also ask her to contact her, and then report to him as the president.

After several hours of discussion, Li Yun doubted whether the company's five million yuan could last two months. There were too many places to spend money on!

Let's not say anything else. These three middle-level leaders have to spend 15W salary every month. Plus other employees, the average monthly salary is more than 2W!

Salary alone costs 50W a month.

No wonder now any good game, investment is tens of millions of level, as for the higher 3A level era masterpiece, no one billion is absolutely impossible to complete!