Chapter 542

When it comes to business, Xiao Jiayu also put aside her jealousy and said, "Shanshan, if you are willing to help publicize, Li Yun and I will thank you very much for your help. If we can't publicize, it's OK. We have secret killing tactics, which will certainly cause a sensation!"

Li Yun smiles. Xiao Jiayu's killing move should be Lu Ming.

Yishanshan seriously said: "can help, I'll go to play your game, and then send the screenshot to the microblog, if other promotional activities need me, I will definitely participate in it!"

Li Yun said, "just tweet. Thanks for Shanshan's help."

"Don't say thank you. I still remember the last time you helped me."

But is the game released on Saturday? Is there any press conference? What reporter did you invite and where did you publish it? "

Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu look at each other face to face when a series of questions are thrown down.

They don't know what's going on at the press conference. Lu Ming is in charge now. Li Yun has been busy with Religious Affairs recently. He doesn't even have time to ask Lu Ming on the Internet. How can he know about the game.

So did Xiao Jiayu. She didn't understand anyway, so she didn't ask.

"Don't you know?"

Ethan saw their faces and guessed the truth.

"Well, I'll ask the president of the company."

Li Yun made a phone call to Lu Ming. As expected, he said that the three major shareholders were more and more difficult to see one by one, and the products were about to come out. The chairman actually remembered to call the president!

When asked about the situation, Li Yun awkwardly put down the phone and said, "at 10 a.m. on Saturday, the company will hold a press conference in Dingwei building and invite some reporters to go. Will you go then, Jiayu? "

Seeing that he had been disciplined by Lu Ming, Xiao Jiayu began to laugh: "of course, but if our president doesn't show up now, will there be a reporter to go?"

"I don't know. We don't even have a publicity department. I don't know how he did it. But aren't you famous? "

"I hate to make fun of me again. I'm not as famous as him!"

Both of them didn't say Lu Ming's name. It must be very interesting to see her shocked expression at that time.

Yi Shan Shan didn't know the tacit understanding between them. Instead, she told her bravely: "I'll go to the press conference, too!"

"Are you going on Saturday?"

"Yes, and what if I ask my agent to invite some journalists?"

Li Yun said: "yes, but Shanshan, if you go to promote our little game in person, it will lower your image."

"It doesn't matter ~" Yi Shanshan said with a smile: "I don't care about fame and image at all. I am me. As long as the works I give to the audience are beautiful, why care what others say."

Li Yun takes a look at Yi Shanshan with a smile on her face. Her innocent smile can easily move others, just like Xiao Jiayu's.

Ethan is also a girl with spiritual beauty.

After the discussion, we had almost had dinner.

Dinner is really a good place to talk about things. After Li Yun and Yi Shanshan have a meal, Yi Shanshan's participation is brought in, which is worth tens of millions of publicity expenses at least.

After another chat, Li Yun is about to get up and leave with them.

Yi Shan Shan suddenly said at this time: "Li Yun, are you now a boyfriend and girlfriend with Xiao Jiayu?"


Two people were broken relationship, are looking at her in surprise.

"Friends and girlfriends are lovers. Are you lovers now?"