Chapter 591

I believe anyone who has studied biology in junior high school knows what it means.

It is defined as: without sexual cell combination and direct reproduction, called asexual reproduction, also known as cloning.

In modern science and technology, there are two types of cloning, namely:


2. Firstly, the donor cell's nucleus containing genetic material was transplanted into the recipient egg cell without nucleus, and the two cells were fused by micro current stimulation, so that the gene of the offspring was the same as that of the donor cell.

And Aunt Li in front of her is the clone of Aunt Li. They are identical in gene level!

Aunt Li, you'd better call her Aunt Li. Her face is more and more fierce, which makes the little maid who faces the golden soldiers for the first time hide behind the young lady in fear.

"Don't think you can catch me!"

Aunt Li's face was ferocious. "When I die, I will be revived in the embrace of God. I will come back again!"

After that, she bit hard and cut off her tongue. The pain made her shiver on the ground uncontrollably, and the blood in her mouth sprayed all over the ground.

Li Yun immediately went forward and turned Aunt Li over and lay on her back to prevent the blood from flowing back into her throat and blocking her trachea.

"It's terrible." The little maid didn't dare to look at it any more. Her bloody tongue fell out and looked terrible.

Seeing her like this, Li Yun asked her to get the wound medicine, and called Director Cai, asking him to bring the police and the doctor.

Li Yun is quite sorry that the golden soldiers are all people who have fanatical beliefs and are fearless of death. Even if they save her, they may not be able to ask for any useful information.

Because this golden soldier is not afraid of the pain of biting his tongue, let alone other torture.

It's hard for normal people to bite their tongue to commit suicide, because it's too painful for them to bite.

While waiting for Director Cai to come, Li Yun made a phone call to the Security Department of the building. He blocked the door of the building and temporarily banned anyone from going out. He called Fangjie to ask her to send an order. The restaurant was forbidden to eat.

Everyone, except the security department, will stay where they are until the alarm goes off.

Now everyone in Dingwei building knows that except for miss xing'er and sister Fang, Li Yun is under one person and over ten thousand, so he has no hesitation in executing his orders.

Later, he and the young lady went to the 74th floor to check the maids and find out if there was a second golden soldier.

The way to distinguish is also very simple. As long as these maids make some happy, scared, flustered and other expressions, it doesn't matter if they are fake. Anyway, they are better than the dead faces of the golden soldiers.

"Where are Aunt Li's things?" After confirming that there were no golden soldiers, Li Yun asked again.

When the maids noticed something abnormal, the eldest lady appeared in person. Something extraordinary must have happened.

Therefore, everyone was nervous. After hearing Li Yun's question, he quickly took him to Aunt Li's room.

The house is a bit messy, with a lot of things.

A maid explained: "usually there are three people living here, one bed for each, and there is a cabinet. This is Aunt Li's cabinet."

"What about the other two? I need you to separate Aunt Li's things. "

"I, I live with Aunt Li, and there's still one person who hasn't come back from vacation."

"Call her back, in addition, these things should be careful, handle with care, to prevent bumps, by the way, put on gloves."