Chapter 603

"It was president Lu who helped me, so I and the two major shareholders simply didn't show up."

Li Yun had no choice but to smile. Then he turned to Wu Enguo and said directly, "I'm still very busy. I believe Lu Ming has invited Mr. Wu to come. I have already told you that. Now, I will formally invite you to join my company and be the chief scientist in artificial intelligence."

To get to the point, Lu Ming is not surprised. He knows that Li Yun really has no time. Besides, he is still in class. Now he still asks for leave to come to the party.

Wu en Guo said with a smile: "at the beginning, I heard my old friend Lu Ming join a small game company. I was really surprised. At that time, I couldn't figure out why he joined you.

However, now it seems that the ambitions of Li Yunyou and Lu Ming have existed from the very beginning. Super tech will never be a company willing to play games. "

"In fact, super technology company is really a game company!"

"It's just a high-tech game company," Li added

"Oh? Can you tell me how to develop a high-tech technique? "

Li Yun talked about the plan he had talked about several times before, and then said, "I used to say that I was weak in artificial intelligence, but now I can confidently say it!"

Although the company's valuation of 20 billion is still very small, it has at least a little confidence.

"Well, now that I've said that, I'll take it."

"Then you agreed?"

Li Yun is very happy. With such a top scientist joining, his ambition will expand slightly and he will have more prospects.

Wu en Guo said with a smile: "promise is promise, but I also have several conditions. Well, the agreement with Lu Ming and you is similar."

"Yes!" Li Yun knows that he is talking about the investment problem. "There is absolutely no problem with an annual investment of 1 billion yuan. Now that the company has money, the capital can be put in place immediately."

Li Yun was rather impatient, and immediately said: "tomorrow may be a bit urgent, well, on Friday night, our super energy technology company will hold a celebration banquet, and then Mr. Wu will come, too. How about that?"

"No problem. Besides, just call me by name. "

"Ha ha, OK."

Lu Ming is very happy to see that the matter has been settled. He can fight with his old friends again!

Turning to Li Yun, he asked curiously, "you also gave me three conditions in my previous agreement with you, but I don't know what the third condition is."

At that time, Li Yun's three conditions were that the first game controlled the quality. Second, the research directions he proposed are expected to be implemented.

"The third condition..."

Li Yun is silent, which makes Lu Ming and Wu Enguo very strange. Is it a contract to sell one's life?

"Lu Ming, do you remember that I ordered the Dingwei building to be blocked two weeks ago?"

Lu Ming was also in the building at that time, but he didn't know the situation. When he asked Li Yun and other people, he couldn't find anything. He just thought it was a case of stealing trade secrets.

"Of course, I remember that a lot of police came. Why, do you have any inside information?"

Wu Enguo asked curiously, and Lu Ming briefly said what happened at the beginning.

Li Yun said apologetically: "I can't elaborate. What can be revealed is that there is a very powerful force. At present, their targets include me, the eldest lady and Xiao Jiayu, and Dingwei building is their attack target.

In addition, I remind you in advance that if you are sure to follow me, you may come into contact with something you can't imagine in the future. I can't say more, but it will definitely go beyond the scope of modern science and technology. "

"You mean we're going to be in danger?"
