Chapter 712

Qingya Research Institute, in fact, is another name for the Research Institute under the name of the national special action team. There is indeed a research institute in Qingya, but it is just for selling dog meat with sheep's head to hide people's eyes and ears.

"You can think of it as a sales company for biopharmaceuticals. We don't do the real R & D," Li said. Lu Ming, you should build up the structure first, and the first medicine will probably come out in the spring of next year. "

Lu Ming said: "as a person in the computer science and technology circle, how can I get the president of biotechnology?"

"Don't worry, make money!"

“…… Well, after the Spring Festival, if there is a shortage of people, you can temporarily transfer people from the existing departments, won't you object? "

"Well, just follow the rules."

Taisheng technology is not a wholly-owned subsidiary of Yuyue group. If it borrows, it needs to borrow according to the contract.

In a few words, he explained the matter, which made the newcomers who had never worked with Li Yun look silly. The chairman really threw off the boss.

Li Yun said with a smile: "I have nothing to say about the rest. I have only one requirement for you. That is to work fast, faster and fastest when you can still support yourself!

You think that tomorrow is the world war, and you are the hope of the future of the world. Go to work with such a mood! "

Everyone laughed. What else did they do in the world war? They ran for their lives.

"Of course, the reward for hard work will never be less. For the first game before, I gave 200 months' bonus to the employees. If the product is made before the end of next spring, the bonus will never be less!"

They all giggled again, thinking that the chairman was boasting again.

In the past, there were few people in super tech company, so of course they could pay so many bonuses. But now the size of the company is not the same as before. Thousands of people paid 200 months' wages, and the average salary of each person was 20000. That's at least 4 billion. It's against the sky!

Moreover, holographic technology, which wants to make products in a few months, is totally impossible!

Next came Lu Ming, Wu Enguo and others. Xiao Jiayu and Yi Shanshan also spoke with encouragement.

As for the eldest lady, Gao Leng said, "I have nothing to say to you" and just ignored it.

This was extremely hurtful, but under the beautiful voice of the first lady, everyone was attracted by her voice and ignored what she meant.

At the end of the meeting, these people also left Dingwei building and took the bus rented by the company to their workplace.

Dingwei building can accommodate these 1000 people, but it requires the people of sanshuiyue group to vacate the floor. In addition, the research of holographic technology requires all kinds of scientific instruments, which can't be made by sitting in a computer store. So Lu Ming simply bought a factory where all the new employees work.

Of course, the employees of super tech playing games are still in Dingwei building. Important meetings of Yuyue group, such as today's project mobilization meeting, are also held in Dingwei building.

This is mainly to accommodate the young lady, she just need to take the elevator downstairs.

New employees are very envious of the treatment of Dingwei building, but the new factory also implements free breakfast and dinner, and even has a five story old staff dormitory. Although the accommodation conditions are not very good, it can also give people who want to live in the company a choice.

At noon, Li Yun took the eldest daughter to have a meal with the company's management in the restaurant on the 48th floor to exchange feelings. The next few months will depend on their performance.