Chapter 756

"Deputy monitor?"

"Li Yun, you are still alive!"

"What are you saying? Of course, our Deputy monitor is fine. Didn't you see his heroic posture last night? "

"That's what I said. Ha ha, deputy monitor is very powerful!"

As soon as Li Yun's news was sent out, his classmates exploded, and people expressed their concern to him. Of course, they also asked for some inside information.

After all, the important people of last night's incident were in their class. It's a waste to not ask for some inside information.

"Wait for the official notice, I can't say."

"It has been informed that the news released by China shipping market last night. [link] "

after reading it, Li Yun said helplessly:" the specific terrorist force has not been found out, and I believe other countries have not been able to find out who actually domesticated these monsters. "

"It's true," Qin Li said, "the notices issued by other countries this morning are all vague. Some of them are even planned by Al Qaeda, but it's obviously bullshit. Those people who have such strength have been making trouble for a long time and don't know what they are like!"

Li Yun was quite surprised: "other countries were attacked last night?"

"You don't know?"

"Li Yun, were you so busy last night?"

"I'm sure we're busy. We didn't sleep all night last night. We kept brushing the news for fear that monsters would attack us."




soon, several links were sent by students.

Li Yun silently looked at the information. It seems that people in Zhonghai city were also very scared last night. Many people couldn't sleep all night.

Foreign news is full of corpses. Monsters are rampant in the city. They rush into commercial buildings and plunder elite talents. Many tall buildings are knocked down by monsters, and the pillars supporting them collapse completely. There are countless casualties and losses.

Helicopters, tanks and fighter planes have been dispatched in turn. Some countries even use intercontinental missiles to deal with these monsters. Although they have all won, they have also won miserably.

The triumph of all mankind.

Li Yun has a hunch that this is just the beginning, and it is far from the end.

It is impossible for the cult to plunder so many talents just to destroy some buildings.

What's more, there is no news that any country has found the nest of Shinto in the world, and where the Shinto is hidden is still unknown.

This is a long and very difficult war.

Li Yun sighed. Xiao Jiayu asked anxiously, "Li Yun, what will our world look like in the future?"

"Don't worry."

Knowing that she was frightened by her performance, Li Yun said with a comforting smile: "at least the Shinto religion is afraid to declare war with us now. This is good news. We still have time to deal with them."


Li Yun thought for a moment and replied in the group: "I know that everyone is very worried about last night. I don't want to deliberately play up evil. However, our country and even the whole world are facing such problems. This is an unprecedented disaster. We should gather all our strength to deal with this disaster. Don't panic. Don't be afraid. There is no one who can help us before and after us.

Men, women, young and old, brothers and sisters, all human beings should and must contribute to this war.

Please believe that our country can overcome this disaster!

The good news is that we still have time, and they dare not take the initiative to declare war. This is our chance. "

There was a lot of applause in the crowd.

With the consent of Li Yun, the sentence was posted on Weibo.

The witness of the event, the man who tamed Feilong said in person, let this sentence quickly spread to every corner of the network.