Chapter 898

The press conference officially began.

However, more than a thousand people on and off the stage still don't know what the press conference is going to release. They are all hoodwinked, which makes Li Yun feel very comfortable.

It's like eating five barrels of pickled noodles with pickled sauerkraut.

Therefore, Li Yun jokingly said: "my name is Li Yun. Maybe many people don't know my name, so I'll introduce myself again."

"Ha ha ha ~" this joke is not funny at all.

"I believe everyone can't wait, so I officially announce that the launch of the 1.5 product of super energy technology officially begins!"


Everyone was shocked, this is too fast!

Also, what the hell is the 1.5 product?!

Yi Shan Shan is funny in the heart, can't help but give Li Yun a white eye, can still joke in this kind of serious moment, really don't know how to say him!

However, it seems very good, at least she is in a good mood, very happy.

Li Yun said with a smile: "the reason why it's the 1.5 product is that our super technology company does games. This product is not a game, so it can't be listed as a formal product, so it's the 1.5 product, which means an informal product."


Many reporters want to curse, informal products, do you dare to call us?

If change other company, they certainly throw sleeve to leave, also don't see you this broken product Conference!

Li Yun continued: "another reason for calling it the 1.5th product is that it does not bring 4000 times of revenue to the company like the first" angry chicken ". I estimate that now the value of super energy technology is 200 billion yuan. The 1.5th product can bring 1.5 times more revenue at most."

1.5 times more, that is 500 billion?!

A product more than 1.5 times the valuation, you are not satisfied?

Everyone was shouting in their hearts, even the employees of super tech were stunned and numb by Li Yun's cowhide.

If you really want to value it at 500 billion yuan, it can definitely rank in the top ten of domestic technology companies!


Among the people present, except for Lu Ming and Yi Shanshan, I'm afraid no one will believe what Li Yun said at the moment.

What products are so powerful that they can bring such high profits to the company?

Unless holographic technology or artificial intelligence technology is developed, it is possible to achieve this goal.

However, if these two technologies are really available, it will only be overnight for super energy technology to break through the trillion market value.

Li Yun felt very comfortable and said with a smile, "now that I'm finished, let's invite Yi Shanshan to give us a speech and sing a song!"

Everybody's stupid. Is that the end?

However, even though I don't understand, it's worthwhile to pay back the ticket price if Ethan sang.

This press conference, let it go with the wind, no one cares

Yi Shan Shan excitedly picked up the microphone and said: "I'm sorry ***…”

The people on the stage all laughed. Isan's words were very naive and lovely, like the words of a young girl.

People under the stage: We don't hear anything!

Ethan said again ***… What song do you want to hear me sing? "

The people under the stage continue to be confused and forced:

What the hell? Why did the speaker stop all of a sudden? I can't hear what I said before!

Sure enough, it was the young chairman who moved the speaker without permission!