Chapter 909

Many people on the Internet have noticed that it's easy to get the truth by connecting the last time Li Yun and Yi Shanshan rode on the wing monster with the black technology of this muffler.

What they can't figure out is that the state is supposed to be involved in the fight against the cult, but why is this technology given to Li Yun's super power technology company, rather than to its subsidiaries or other companies.

To the subsidiary companies, it is because the subsidiary companies have the participation of state-owned capital, which is equal to the dividend of both.

Is it because of Li Yun's great contribution that this technology is rewarded?

But soon, a few days later, when super power technology announced that it would put 200 billion yuan from the sale of silencers and a new round of financing into the AI subsidiary of super power technology again, they woke up.

The money is not all Li Yun's, but a new round of investment.

This time, almost all of the capital is state-owned, and the outside world has not been able to get a piece of it. In addition to the previous first round of investment in super tech employees, such as Lu Ming, Wu Enguo, Yi Shanshan and others, the rest are all shares of CNOOC and state-owned banks.

It seems that the state is very optimistic about the artificial intelligence project of super energy technology. In the first round, 50 billion yuan has been invested, and now another 200 billion yuan has been invested in it.

As high as 250 billion R & D funds, all the power is used to research artificial intelligence!

Such a terrible amount of money, although super technology has been very low-key, not too much publicity, but still caused great attention in the world.

It's extraordinary for ordinary giant companies to invest 10 billion yuan to research artificial intelligence. However, super power technology has directly thrown away 250 billion yuan, and it's just a few months to add the number again. The money last time may not have been used up, so it's urgent to invest in it. There's nothing inside to say. I don't believe it.

And this inside story is easy to guess, there is only one possibility: Shinto.

Only in order to cope with the divine religion, Huaxia and Chaoneng technology have reason to throw so much money into it.

But what they didn't guess was that it was not only because of the religion, but also because of little love.

Because of Li Xiaoai's strength as a living artificial intelligence organism, he made up his mind to develop his own artificial intelligence.

In order to verify the strength of Xiao AI, Li Yun's old leader temporarily approved her to take over an automated military base. Then they tried to attack. After a day and night of saturation attack, they found that compared with the original, Xiao AI could improve the defensive ability of the base three times by herself!

This is still in the case of no one to help Xiao AI. If there are fully controlled robots like a-5 and s-1, or even living human beings, as long as they accept Xiao AI's orders, the defense ability of this military base can reach an appalling level.

Li Yun's Super Science and technology has successfully attracted the attention of some people.

Five days after the launch of the muffler, seven mysterious people gathered in a corner of the world.

A beautiful girl, wearing a golden costume embroidered with Chinese dragon, has a clear scale of dragon, which seems to be embroidered with unknown gold metal, shining with magical light in the sun.

A young boy with blond hair and white skin, wearing short sleeve jeans, with a cynical smile on his face, golden skin and delicate face, makes him look like a noble young master.