Chapter 917

No network, no satellite positioning, no mobile phone, no phone, no telegram, no fax.

Aircraft grounded, motor cars stopped, ships landed, factories shut down and the company was paralyzed.

February 11, 2019 is destined to go down in history. As commented in the newspaper, mankind has suddenly returned to the last century.

People were shocked to find that the technology they were proud of had become so vulnerable without the help of electromagnetic waves, as if it had suddenly changed from the 21st century back to the primitive world.

Many people even said with a wry smile that if the electromagnetic disaster continued for another day, I'm afraid the pigeon industry would get explosive growth.

Because in the future, communication will depend on pigeons!

Fortunately, after a night of panic waiting, at 8 a.m. the next day, the electromagnetic disaster ended as predicted.

Everything seems to be back to normal.

They were so surprised and happy that they picked up their mobile phones and frantically called their relatives. When they got hot, they were willing to stop.

Only when we lose it, can we know that it is so precious

according to the fact that it is not completely the same level afterwards, the call time on February 12 is longer than that in previous years!

And the Internet, also unprecedented prosperity, people on the Internet fierce discussion yesterday's electromagnetic accident, all the explanations, including what experts say sunspot, earth magnetic field anomaly and so on, are mercilessly ridiculed by netizens.

If there is no prior notice, I'm afraid some people will believe that sunspot activity may lead to electromagnetic disaster.

But now it's just one day to end this event, and people all over the world are pointing the finger at the god religion.

They may not know that this evil organization is called the cult, but the last attack by the winged monster has exposed this huge organization with strong scientific and technological strength to the world.

With the spread of doomsday theory, people begin to believe that one day, there will be a world-class disaster.

Maybe tomorrow, maybe a month.

Today morning post commented: "the electromagnetic disaster that happened yesterday, February 11, is an unspeakable and inestimable world disaster. On this day

Since the moment when electromagnetic wave was applied to communication technology, human beings on earth have never suffered such a severe blow.

We used to be proud of the advanced communication technology in the modern world, but after yesterday, I'm afraid everyone realized that human beings are like a toddler, and evil organizations have already destroyed half of our civilization before they even officially appeared.

Without electromagnetic wave, our missile can't even be launched, because the missile has no lead wire to ignite, and no hero dares to ignite the lead wire.

God bless the human world. "

Lujian news agency reported: "according to incomplete statistics, around the world, 12 airplanes crashed due to yesterday's electromagnetic disaster, 19 subway and EMU accidents collided, and 3562 patients were treated too late due to this electromagnetic disaster The accident caused a total of 123412 deaths and millions of people were injured to varying degrees.

As a result of this disaster, companies all over the world shut down, the loss can not be estimated, conservatively estimated to reach more than one trillion yuan.

On 11 February, this moment will always be remembered in human history. "

"We call on the whole world to unite to find out the truth of yesterday's disaster as soon as possible, so as to prevent mankind from Be destroyed