Chapter 952

"It's just, I'm going to correct you one thing."

Li Yun said calmly: "I don't work for the country, but for the justice in my heart. It's everyone's duty to defeat the cult. I'm just working in this direction! "

Even now, Li Yun's beautiful appearance makes people feel like a little white face, but at this moment, his righteous words and aboveboard words reverberate in people's ears, but people don't feel any discomfort.

It seems that Li Yun is such a person. What he says is a reflection of his heart. There is no trace of fraud!

All of you here are forced by Li Yun's momentum. You can't help but look down and dare not look at him.

Xiao qianruo's eyes became more and more adored, so she rushed to sign for Li Yun.

"Oh, that's right. I'm a little girl who admires me for my great consciousness."

Xiao Wanrou said with a smile, then cooled down again, and asked: "but, as the saying goes, the fight between immortals will bring disaster to the fish in the pond. Before you defeat the cult, will the people around you be attacked by the cult you enrage? I'm afraid that as you fight with the cult, we innocent Xiao family members will also be implicated. Maybe they will be destroyed at the next moment. "

All the Xiao family members here were surprised. When you think about it carefully, it's true.

If the cult can't deal with Li Yun, it is likely to turn to attack his close friends, relatives, friends and his wife's family members.

In this way, Xiao Wanrou's eccentricity makes sense.

Xiao Yitian was relieved. It turned out that she had said so much for this reason. No wonder she was so strange before. She was very different from Wan Rou he knew.

"It's true."

In the face of people's questioning and dissatisfaction, Li Yun honestly admitted, "but"

Li Yun looked around the crowd and said seriously: "if we don't resist the god religion, isn't it that the goal of the god religion can be achieved? Maybe you don't know that the people in the cult are cold-blooded monsters. Are you willing to accept its jurisdiction and become such monsters? "

Xiao Wanrou's eyes flashed a trace of dangerous color, but it soon converged and turned back into a woman's charming color.

The party ended without end. Both sides didn't achieve their goals. They just met each other.

Next, Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu go to see Xiao Dingyi again, while Xiao Yu is called by granny Xiao. I don't know if she is grinding for money again.

Together with Xiao Dingyi, there are four elders and five elders, both of whom are promoted by Xiao Dingyi and the representatives of the Xiao family who are dissatisfied with granny Xiao.

Unfortunately, the gap at the congenital level means that even if Xiao Dingyi works hard, he can't compete with granny Xiao.

We can only choose to endure slowly. After grandma Xiao's death, we can get Xiao Dingyi's success.

But by then, Xiao Jiayu must have the strength to take over the Xiao family, but she didn't want to.

Therefore, under the premise that Xiao Jiayu does not take over the Xiao family, the two sides are still an alliance for the time being.

In the evening, some members of the Xiao family's branch, together with many well-known old people in the village, came to the Xiao family's old house to share the Lantern Festival.

The scene was extremely lively. Hundreds of Xiao family, servants or young masters and young ladies, sat down at different tables. The huge island in the middle of the lake was full of tables. The wine was elegant and the lights were intoxicated. The whole island was a sea of joy.

Li Yun estimates that this feast alone will cost more than five million yuan, which is much more expensive than a meal for two thousand people in jiugou village.