Chapter 971

Xiao Jiayu couldn't help clapping for Li Yun. Before talking with granny Xiao, he had already won. After all, he had anticipated the conversation and held the information of several talents in the Jianghu in his hand ahead of time.

If he doesn't win, who else will.

Everyone, look at me and I'll look at you. Everyone can't speak.

If what Li Yun said is true, then, before the age of 30, people who break through the innate are all proficient in modern scientific and cultural knowledge?

Isn't that to break through the inborn, we have to abandon the traditional Chinese culture and learn those things instead?

Granny Xiao said coldly, "do you mean it's useless to inherit Chinese culture for thousands of years? Those who have broken through nature before have never been able to learn modern science! "

"I didn't say it was useless. However, the effect is not as big as you think. It's not worth putting in so much energy to learn. "

Li Yun said: "it's true that traditional Chinese culture can cultivate one's self-cultivation, and it's not a problem to teach one to be a modest and polite gentleman and lady.

But what about other aspects?

Grandma, you have also said that people are gifted. Not everyone is suitable to learn the four books and five classics. This is just the category of modern Chinese, and not everyone is suitable to learn the six arts of the gentleman and the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. "

The Xiao family has money, so they can support their younger brother to learn these things in his later life. Ordinary people are completely blind, and riding alone can defeat more than half of them.

Reading in ancient times was a luxury, not in modern times.

"You still say that Sinology is useless!"

"In addition to self-cultivation, plus the cultivation of people's language skills, other functions are very small."

Li Yun said faintly: "I haven't learned four books and five classics. I don't know what's in it. However, with the vigorous development of modern science and the explosive development of knowledge, we can only get a disappointing result if we still cling to the things of our ancestors and hope to become a great scholar after learning these things. "

"In modern society, mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology have built a complete scientific system. From electromagnetic waves to mobile phones, from cars to rockets, from the Internet to artificial intelligence, which is not the product of the things handed down by our ancestors for thousands of years?"

Granny Xiao's head was blank, and she was speechless by Li Yun's words.

Li Yun continued: "I just saw the Xiao family's private school, and I still stay at the stage of rote learning. You probably ignore the importance of understanding. Recitation is a main learning method in both ancient and modern private schools. Although memory and recitation are proved to be effective learning methods by history, simply memorizing by rote without understanding will block children's imagination and annihilate children's spirituality.

If it is in such an environment, I don't think there will be any breakthrough results.

For example, Murong Qingyue's breakthrough at the age of 16 will probably never happen in such an environment. "

The people of the Xiao family are silent. Does it mean that if Xiao Jiayu grew up in the Xiao family, she would not have broken through at the age of 16?

"Maybe you don't know that Murong Qingyue is already a perfect cultivation."

Li Yun broke out another story and successfully shocked everyone. This rumor is true.

"When Murong Qingyue came back from studying abroad, she was already a doctor of biology, a 21-year-old doctor, and a 21-year-old congenitally perfect person. Whether there is any connection between them or not, please consider for yourself."

People's faces are very wonderful. Murong Qingyue, the first genius in the world, seems to be telling them with facts that you can't reach the innate level quickly without learning modern science!