Chapter 1021

Chaoneng science and technology official blog was in chaos. The last microblog showing the delivery time of each city was forwarded by a large number of people, and the number of comments alone was more than one million.

People who buy it all praise it and give their detailed experience of using it. Without exception, the effect of this muffler is beyond their expectation. It can perfectly shield all external sounds and lock the sound emitted by the muffler within a certain range. Couples can do something without fear of being heard.

After hearing this news, the major hotels and hotels are ordering in batches, one in each room. In the future, it is expected that the muffler will become the standard configuration of hotel rooms.

As for those who didn't buy it, they were itching to see it. Every day they went to the official blog to leave a message urging them to increase the production of super technology.

Many of them have experienced it with their friends and colleagues, and they are even more looking forward to the muffler.

I didn't feel it before, but once there is something that can block the sound, it becomes a necessity immediately. I wish I had one immediately.

Under the indignation of the crowd, super technology finally issued an announcement, saying that it would continue to recruit suitable agents, decentralize the technology to all agents, and increase the output. It is estimated that the output of 10 million more units will be produced within a month, which meets the appetite of netizens and praises super technology one after another.

Yishanshan's microblog is praised and envied by many fans because of the big sale of silencers. She said that Shanshan is really good-looking. She fell in love with such an excellent company at a glance and gained tens of billions in just a few months.

Ethan's friends in the entertainment circle are even envious. One of her publicity and investment directly doubled her assets, from 5 billion to 30 billion at least.

The vast majority of stars dare not think about this amount of money. Even if they do not make movies in the future, the profits from the shares of Chaoneng technology company will be enough to make them rich for a lifetime.

But what people didn't expect was that an explosive news came out, which directly pushed super power technology into people's field of vision again, causing huge repercussions.

After the news came out, isan's fans began to worry that their idol's shares in super power technology were no longer guaranteed.

Because this news is related to the reorganization of super energy technology.

"It is suspected that super energy technology has been acquired. The founders of the three major technology companies jointly visited Dingwei building to discuss the acquisition."

But soon, everyone knew that the purchase of this news speculation was pure bullshit.

When the real news came out, they found out how weak their previous guess was.

"On the morning of February 20, the founders of China's three major technology companies, together with the leaders of taxi, shopping website, voice recognition, mobile phone, communication, UAV giant, takeaway group and home appliance group, visited Chaoneng technology company.

A person familiar with the matter disclosed that in addition to science and technology companies, leaders from Huaxia Academy of Sciences, Huaxia's important banks, Zhonghai's important leaders, Huaxia's important departments, education, agriculture, industry, etc. were present to inspect and observe. "

This piece of news, not to mention how sensational China is, the eyes of the whole world are basically attracted here.

People have speculated that the chairman of so many technology companies and the leaders of so many national departments gathered on the same day to visit the same company. What is the reason?

Certainly, there will be something amazing brewing, otherwise it will not be so inspiring.

Associate with the news of super energy technology recently, many people have a vague guess.