Chapter 1042

As soon as this video is released, the voice of doubt all over the world disappears, and the identity of Li Xiaoai is about to emerge.

"I'm really stupid, really. I only know that I want to use AI to fight against theocracy, but I didn't expect that I have to study AI when I have AI."

"Eagle Morning Post" has basically expressed the voice of the people of the world, but netizens are still reluctant to let him go, and they go to his tweets and "A-Mei news" to ridicule him as much as they can. They didn't expect that they were all singing Down super technology before.

After Li Yun asked Yi Shanshan to release the video and hit the netizens all over the world, the executives of the world's major companies who still stayed in Zhonghai city had to go back to the five-star hotel and wait for the exorbitant price of Huaxia.

They are afraid to go. With the special effects video, the stock price of their company falls again. They doubt their life and stop losing. I'm afraid they will go bankrupt.

And the only way to bring confidence to the investors and stop selling stocks is to participate in the dragon soul project.

Otherwise, once Huaxia's own AI dragon soul is completed, what kind of impact it will have on the world's Internet can be seen in this real to abnormal video.

Xiaoai destroyed the global special effects industry with a 5-minute video, making their stock prices collapse instantly, and many people with poor resistance declared bankruptcy directly.

With such power, the influence of artificial intelligence can be seen.

Fortunately, Li Yun quickly informed guanbo to send a message that Xiaoai would never undertake film and television special effects, which stopped the stock price decline of film and television special effects companies.

There's no way. Before artificial intelligence really comes, the film and television industry still has to rely on these "backward" special effects.

Finally, after half a month of wrangling, the compromise conditions of all parties are that the dragon soul project will be refinanced and 30% of the shares will be given up. Companies around the world will spend 10 trillion to participate in the shares, and those with no cash can be discounted with various technical materials.

As for how to divide this 30%, those foreign companies are going to make a slow toss.

In addition to giving up shares, the dragon soul project also undertakes to distribute no less than 50% of the workload to major technology companies around the world, sharing strong artificial intelligence technology in disguise.

According to the official statement of the Ministry of foreign affairs of China, we should unite as one and have the technical conditions to resist the network intrusion of the cult as soon as possible. We should take the overall situation as the most important and eliminate the previous enmity.

Li Yun deeply thought so. He also asked diplomats to make a trial at the financing meeting to see if countries in the world are willing to strengthen cooperation and further share human science and technology.

For example, the people who escape from the divine religion can play the greatest role only when they gather together. After all, they know the root and the bottom together before. If they gather together, it is unimaginable to promote technology.

It's a pity that, despite the powerful theology, countries still have no idea of cooperation.

Li Yun has no choice but to give up. Now it's not a time of great danger. It's too difficult to persuade countries to cooperate sincerely.

It's just

The amount of investment exceeds 13 trillion, and the number of elites in the science and technology circle has reached 500000. As a super large company across dozens of countries, longhun is too big no matter how you look at it. No one can control such a large company.

Its size has reached the limit in human history, not the limit of the number of companies, but the limit of the people who can participate in a project.