Chapter 1093

Li Yun's sword was in his chest, but he didn't attack the four monsters with Xiao Jiayu. Instead, he made a powerful attack with his mental power.

The fan-shaped mental shock wave spreads out at a super fast speed. The four monsters are in a violent shape. Then, they are swept by Xiao Jiayu's snowing sword moves. The tip of the sword cuts their throats and kills four lickers with one sword!

“…… That's it? " Xiao Jiayu was stunned. Although she already knew that the mental power of appearance level was very powerful, she felt it personally, which was even more powerful than she imagined!

These four monsters, in the early days of their birth, had to fight with them, but under the impact of Li Yun's mental strength, they were killed by her in the blink of an eye, and they could not go any further smoothly!


After Xiao Jiayu's body, there were several cries of pain. The remaining three lickers rushed into the crowd. Their mouth was opened wider and their tongue, which was one meter long, swung fiercely. A security guard was entangled by their tongue.

the security guard screamed in horror. As soon as his submachine gun was raised, he couldn't shoot, so he was forced to swung by the licker's tongue and his gun fell Out, the whole person involuntarily pours on the licker's big mouth.


The head of the security guard was bitten off by the licker. When Li Yun looked back, he looked up to the sky and made a swallowing movement, and the head of the security guard was gulped down.

"My God

"Run away!"

"It's terrible!"

People are running away with guns. This scene is so scary!

Looking at the tragic situation of the security guard, Li Yun was burning up in anger and yelled: "I want you to die!"

The death of the security guard reminds Li Yun of his bad memories of losing his comrades in arms on the battlefield. His head is filled with blood. After a roar, his body flashes quickly. With the sword of love, he cleanly cuts off the licker who ate the security guard!

"Li Yun!" Xiao Jiayu was afraid that he would rush to the restaurant again, so she quickly followed him and cooperated with him to kill the last two lickers.

The rest of the security guards have run a distance, but after seeing the bravery of Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu, they summon up the courage to come back and continue to shoot at the zombies.

Xiao Jiayu took his hand anxiously and asked, "are you ok? Is it... "

Li Yun shook his head, "OK, I'm ok."

Since he entered xianhou, he has rarely lost control on the battlefield. It seems that he can't control his inner impulse only when facing Lingling. But this is a special case. Lingling can't control the sensing device in her body.

Li Yun sent a man to inform Wang Quangui and asked him to issue an order to prohibit discussion and imagination of zombies and lickers.

People are very puzzled, do you think there is a mistake?

With a series of crow mouth incidents in mind, Xiao Jiayu seems to be thinking that after the spiritual repression of dreamland has been lifted, there is a kind of weird "what you want to achieve".

Next, Li Yun and others fight and retreat, and he always reminds these people, "lickers don't evolve, don't worry, Jiayu and I can deal with them!"

After killing another licker, Xiao Jiayu roughly compared the difference between this licker and the previous one.

The original licker was the umbrella company's research on biological weapons. Although the umbrella company's overall strength is slightly inferior to that of the divine religion, it is no inferior in biological technology.

As a biological weapon similar to winged monsters, lickers are very ugly in appearance, but they are very powerful in combat.

With a fast evolving body, powerful power and fast speed, five sharp claws are comparable to steel claws, and their long tongue is a sharp weapon, not to mention their keen sense of smell. Although they have no eyes, they can easily smell the human smell several miles away.

With these super power lickers, it's really a nightmare for everyone.

But this is just the former lickers. Under the constant hints of Li Yun, Xiao Jiayu found that their speed of action has dropped by at least one step, and the number of people coming out at one time is far less than before!