Chapter 1143

Lao Zheng asked tentatively, "is the memory of villa 114 and Zhou Qi in my mind false?"

After the shock, he could accept some of the mental world. After all, so many magical things have happened. It's not impossible to understand another memory modification.

Li Yun said: "if I ask you, how do you know that Zhou Qi is an eccentric person, you may not remember."

“…… I don't remember

"In addition, it's unreasonable to be eccentric but often get together with friends. Of course, it's not impossible. However, if you are open to acquaintances, you won't be eccentric and eccentric in front of outsiders. At most, you don't care about others."

Li Yun said with a smile: "so, I think these are just the memories instilled into you on Sunday."

Lao Zheng was very ashamed. He recalled what happened at the beginning and said: "the day before we were trapped here, Zhou Qi once brought his friends to Xiangshan. At that time At that time I forgot. " Lao Zheng was even more ashamed.

Everyone looked at each other, Lao Zheng's memory of Zhou Qi had become a mess. Don't try to find any useful information.

The first lady suddenly asked, "who is the neighbor of villa 114?"

"This..." Lao Zheng's head was empty and he could not remember anything: "I don't remember."

He almost got into a hole in the ground.

"This, I remember, is 56 and 89." Wang Quangui added.

Li Yun understood the meaning of the young lady, pointed to the villa next to him and asked, "No. 56 and No. 89, are they the two families around?"

Lao Zheng and Wang Quangui carefully identified them, but they all shook their heads.

Both of them were a little scared. They remember that No. 56 and 89 were neighbors of villa 114. Now they think that the villa in front of them is No. 114, but its neighbors are not 56 and 89 in their memory. They completely conflict!

"Let's go to villas 56 and 89, and we'll find the godly people!" Ethan said excitedly that she had understood the process.


The young lady calmly interrupts Yi Shan Shan's words, "still can't find, this is also false."


"All about the location of villa 114 has been hidden. You only have some scattered memories in your mind."

All the people present felt a chill. They had confirmed that there was a big problem with Villa 114, but they just couldn't find where it was!

Memory modification is really a terrible ability.

"So now we Can only wait for Zhang Xiaotian to contact us? " Li Yun asked her, a villa can not find reality, did not wait to find their mental exhaustion.

Miss pondered for a while, said: "you try to recall about villa 114, or related to the three most profound memories."

"White and red trousers." Lao Zheng said immediately.

Li Yun asked, "what do you mean?"

Lao Zheng shook his head. "About Zhou Qi and his friends, the most important thing I can think of in my mind is this."

"Anything else?"

“…… Villa 56 changed its owner last year. It's a beautiful woman. " Old Zheng face a red, "but this beauty only lived more than a month, so far this year have not appeared."


"Well, it's very beautiful." Lao Zheng took a look at Yi Shanshan, then quickly turned away and said: "she is also like an angel, giving people a very kind and holy feeling, and her character is also very good. It seems that she is called..."

"Dugu Lingxian!"