Chapter 1173

The source of light, in fact, is the probe technology of God.

A probe that can emit and simulate the electrical signals in human organism is put into human body to simulate human visual, auditory, olfactory, taste and other five senses. This is the principle of the source of light. It is the same technology as captain Gu and others to control winged monsters.

For example, after the probe is placed into the human body, a camera is used to transmit the captured object to the probe. The probe can send out electrical signals and simulate human nerve signals. Therefore, through the external camera, the human body can "see" the external things!

It's just that the technology is so creepy that it's easy to think of scenes in some movies.

For example, in the matrix, human beings are living in a false world. A biological cabin fully simulates the world perceived by human beings, creating the illusion that all people are living in a virtual life.

There is an experiment called "brain in a VAT". The basis of the experiment is that everything people experience will eventually be converted into neural signals in the brain.

Suppose a lunatic scientist, machine or any other consciousness takes a brain out of the human body and puts it into a tank filled with nutrient solution to maintain its physiological activity. Supercomputer transmits the same kinds of nerve electrical signals to the brain through nerve endings, and gives the same signal feedback as usual to the signals sent out by the brain, then the experience of the brain will be better The world is actually a kind of virtual reality made by computer. Can the brain realize that it lives in virtual reality?

"Brain in a VAT" was proposed by the philosopher Hilary Putnam. At the time when he proposed this hypothesis, there was no probe like technology, but it could cause a panic in the world.

Because if there is a technology that fully simulates human perception, then human beings will always know whether they live in a virtual world, whether your head is placed on your neck or in a vat full of nutrient solution, and you will never be able to tell.

Simulation of human sensory signals is undoubtedly a very advanced and terrible technology.

Li Yun laughed and asked him, "have you ever heard of artificial heart? If not, have you ever heard of prosthetics? It's someone who accidentally cuts off his leg and finally gets up again by machine. "

Strictly speaking, these people are all remoulding people, or robots, but the degree of remoulding is different.

Lawrence's face sank. "These technologies are completely different from what you're doing now. You know what you're doing! You are deceiving the consciousness of all mankind! You devil

Being scolded as a devil, everyone looks at Li Yun with worried eyes, for fear that he will suddenly get angry.

There are not only domestic journalists, but also many people sent by well-known foreign newspapers. This conflict is bound to spread to the whole world, no matter what the result is.

"What's the difference?" Li Yun calmly said: "I hope you can calmly analyze and explain it in detail, otherwise, it's easy for me to think that you are deliberately making trouble and blow you out."


Lawrence yelled angrily, "don't you understand? Put some probes into the human body... "

"Haven't you had an injection?" Li Yun asked in surprise.

"Of course I did I'm not talking about this! "

Lawrence soon woke up and said aloud again, "but the injection is totally different from your probe. You are transforming the human body, which is absolutely unacceptable!"