Chapter 1238

After Jin Liuli came back, he told Li Yun the amazing news.

When Xiao Jiayu saw their furtive appearance, she followed them to be lazy. After hearing Jin Liuli's words, she thought for a moment and asked Li Yun, "why do you think Guo Fuhua wants us to come here?"

"It depends on whether what we do to Guo Fuhua is presumption of guilt or innocence."


"In order to catch all three of Caixia." Li Yun quickly replied, pointing to the forest, and said: "maybe it's a remote location, so it's easy to start, maybe it's because here, you can set up a sniper gun from the forest."


Jin Liuli was startled. He stood up and said, "let's hide them. Let's go to the woods to find them!"

"Calm down!"

Xiao Jiayu is a veteran of many attacks on jinliuli, especially after she slaughtered tens of thousands of zombies and fought against the tyrant.

"What about the presumption of innocence?" Xiao Jiayu asked Li Yun again.

"Guo Fuhua just wants to come to a remote place, so that their conversation with Xiao Xi and Caixia or their actions will not be discovered."

"What do you think it is?"

"It's hard to say."

Xiao Jiayu looked discontented. Li Yun laughed and said, "I'm not a God. How can I know so clearly. But don't worry, from Liuli you Judging from the killers of the five shadow organizations, the rate of sun Tianlai's action this time is probably his own decision, without the participation of the divine religion. "

Jin Liuli stares at Li Yun with hatred, and his small mouth is not satisfied with him. He looks down on her again!

But losing to Li Yun is also a hard fact. Jin Liuli can't cheat herself that she didn't lose the battle last Saturday night.

Xiao Jiayu smiles a little, after entering the show, she also has great confidence in her own strength, "but we still have to be careful, now the relationship between the Kongming sect and the Shinto sect is too close."

"Well." Li Yun said mysteriously: "don't worry, I have informed captain Gu that he can support us at any time."

"That's good."

Xiao Jiayu was relieved. When Li Yun was there, she was inexplicably confident that she would defeat the enemy in the end!.

"Who is captain Gu?"

"Brother Yun, sister Liuli, have lunch ~ ~"

Xiao Mingxi's clear cry interrupts Jin Liuli's question, so she has to end the topic bitterly.

At noon, the students of class 1803 gathered in a circle and sat on their own dining cloth for lunch. Li Yun and others' lunch was put in the car, while Guo Fuhua's originally had a tricycle, but was knocked over by Liu denang's bodyguard.

What's more sad is that Liu De Neng thought of it when he was eating.


You look at me and I look at you. I don't know how to solve this problem for a moment.

"It's my fault in the morning, my lunch for you!"

Although Li Yun didn't say anything, Liu denang made such a decision by gritting his teeth. From the expression on his face, he was quite unwilling.

No wonder, after a morning's work, Liu De Neng was almost tired and wanted to have a good lunch. Who knew there was another one.

"Forget it, let's divide it up. Let's cut down on two bites for each person."

Seeing his good performance in the morning, Li Yun didn't embarrass him. He asked Liu De to find two pots and give them to him from everyone's lunch.

"Thank you, Mr. Li, Miss Xiao!" Liu De Neng can only shed tears. Today, he wanted to find some potential partners of Tianhua international school to exchange his feelings, but he didn't expect to do it!

Fortunately, Xiao Jiayu had people prepare a lot of lunches. She could drink enough soup.

No matter how bad it is, there are biscuits and fruits, but it's too shabby to eat biscuits for lunch