Chapter 1256

Li Yunyuan saw sun Tianlai throw three bottles of open blue liquid in the past, but because he was too far away, there was nothing he could do about it. He could only watch the jelly monsters devour the blue liquid crazily.

"Bang bang ~!"

With the sound of firecrackers, jelly monsters' body size soared again. After eating a lot of nutrient solution, these phagocytic deformable cells finally came to the second stage of evolution.

In particular, some jelly monsters who eat more nutrient solution are almost as big as a truck, and the biggest one is the one that directly swallows a whole bottle of nutrient solution.

When it soared, it crushed countless compatriots, but its soft body expanded, and soon swallowed up the same kind of bodies and everything around it. Finally, it grew into a huge monster like a quadrangle house.


The huge jelly monster, five stories high, let out a roar. It seems to be stretching its strength. Its whole body is emitting blue light, which makes people feel a strong force surging.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Because of Li Yun's reminder, Jin Liuli has made great psychological preparation for today's encounter. She has also seen the magic dreamland of the eldest lady, but when she really saw the 20 meter high blue meat mountain, she was still surprised.

"Wow ~ ~ ~ the jelly monster has a mouth!" Xiao Mingxi exclaimed in surprise.

From the middle of the huge jelly monster's body, there is a huge gap. It opens and closes up and down several times. It's like a child learning to speak. He's not very proficient in his own body organs.

Then, on the mouth, there were two huge eyes, similar to human eyes, also black and white, round and lovely.

If you ignore its size.


The jelly monster made a huge cry with his mouth, as if he was venting his mood with excitement, and his body was also in a violent peristalsis.

It seems, "does it want to jump?" Li Yun was startled, this thing fat into five floors, can jump?

Or do you want to dance?

Sure enough, Li Yun is a crow mouth.

When the jelly monster's soft body was lifted up, it seemed that the human body was preparing to jump. Then the whole body of the jelly monster fell down again. With a loud bang, the jelly monster's huge fat meat ball hit the ground hard. The ground shook violently as if it had been hit by a 12 magnitude earthquake, and countless tiles fell down. The whole house in Chenqiao village was destroyed by the big meat The seven pieces were shaken.

"Gucho ~ ~"

it makes a happy sound and jumps 100 meters high. When it reaches the highest point, the jelly monster's soft body turns into a flat pancake. If someone looks up under it at the moment, this guy's blue body can disguise as the sky and not be found.

However, under the jelly monster, all the people in Chenqiao village were scared. When it jumped up, they had already fled to other places and didn't dare to stay.

Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu hold one of Xiao Mingxi's arms and fly with her to run out at a high speed. Fortunately, Xiao Mingxi's strength is not bad. When they touch the ground, they subconsciously push forward. The speed is not slow, and there is not much gold glaze.

Besides, she has leisure to look back at the sky.

"Wow, the jelly is falling."