Chapter 1287

Under the leadership of Professor Li Yunzhang, he entered the underground part of Qingya Research Institute.

When they enter an elevator, Li Yun sees that the elevator has only five buttons, ABCDE, while Professor Zhang chooses C.

Li Yun didn't ask where the buttons were going, and the elevator went straight down.

But after several minutes of decline, Li Yun finally couldn't help asking, "how deep are you going to hide the Institute? 100 meters or 200 meters? "

"Ha ha ha."

Professor Zhang's smile is not without complacency, pointing to five buttons, said: "the underground research institute is divided into five layers, a layer was originally designed to be the lowest layer, 100 meters deep, but later obtained you from the nanny base to bring back the excavator a-5, the lowest layer of a layer has become the highest layer, the lowest layer of D is as deep as kilometers, the space is much more spacious than the previous design."

Variable excavator, variable excavator, experimental body a-5, excavator used by Lingling to excavate nanny base

Li Yun said with a smile, "it seems that this excavator is easy to use."

"It's not only easy to use, it's a miracle on the construction site!"

Professor Zhang sighed: "with its existence, we only need to pour concrete on the walls and transport the experimental equipment to build this base. Other excavation and handling of soil to prevent landslides and so on, this machine has completed for us, the speed is more than 100 times the normal construction speed

Li Yun thought of the walls in the nanny base. If we master that kind of technology again, the speed of building houses is even faster than we can believe.

They come to the C floor, which is a central hall.

Li Yun glanced around and found that it was a rest hall, which was white in general and bright inside. He didn't know that it was buried hundreds of meters underground.

There are a lot of entertainment facilities, sofas, televisions, coffee machines, etc. in the central hall. There are also a lot of people. Many people are sitting in front of the table and eating while discussing problems.

However, when people see Li Yun and Professor Zhang, they immediately feel like hungry wolves seeing delicious flesh and blood. Their eyes are hot, just like seeing their lovers.

"Professor Zhang, who are you?"

"Director Zhang, did you bring something for us to study again?"

"New synthetic genes, or winged monsters, or sea trolls? Take it all out! "

The crowd swarmed up and asked around Professor Zhang.

"Go, go!" Professor Zhang scolded: "what are you doing! Has the previous study on the body structure of human clones been thorough? What about the elixir? One by one, the old ones think of the new ones before they finish their research. I think you are the typical hammers! Nothing in the end

Li Yun smiles. It turns out that this group of researchers are too enthusiastic about new things.

"But We can't make up our mind about the old one. It's too difficult. We are in a mess and have no clue. We need new technology to supplement the technical route of the Shinto religion, and we can find basic subjects to move on. " One whispered.

"If you can't study it, study it too!"

Professor Zhang's tone slowed down. He pointed to Li Yun and said, "this is the famous Li Yun. Let's have a look."


All of them exclaimed in amazement, and all of them gathered around.

The technology here is related to Li Yun, or he captured it or he brought it. It's hard for these researchers to recognize it.

"It's not so easy to get the new technological products of the religion."

Professor Zhang said meaningfully: "every one is the result of the efforts of the front-line soldiers. This time, we really obtained a new technology. However, we also paid tens of thousands of people's efforts, and the missiles went down like free money."

They had to nod their heads. Professor Zhang then assigned several people to study the jelly monster and asked them to prepare for a comprehensive physical examination for Li Yun.

"Cough, I think it's better to slow down first."