Chapter 1289

Go to the restaurant, close the call with Xiao'ai, Li Yun and Professor Zhang go to dish.

As he sat down, Li Yun suddenly thought that Xiaoai's initiative to contact him meant that he was always paying attention to herself as long as she was under the control of Xiaoai's camera?

Also It's possible.

Li Yun shakes his head to get rid of this year. Xiao AI is always concerned about him because he is given the order to take care of him by Lingling.

Next time you have a chance, talk to Xiao AI. You don't need to do it all the time. It's too exhausting.

"What's the matter?" Professor Zhang asked when he saw Li Yun shaking his head.

"No, nothing."

"Ha ha, I thought you were communicating with your mobile phone by brain waves."

Professor Zhang laughed and said, "you, I mean the people of the god religion and Gu Changting who control the winged demons and monsters, all of you have the ability to transmit and receive electromagnetic waves in your body. In a sense, you and us ordinary people, and even other creatures on earth, are almost two species."


Li Yun had a meal and was silent for a while. He said, "how do you say that?"

He knew that Professor Zhang didn't mean to point out that their bodies were different from ordinary people. If he wanted to say that, he couldn't directly tell Li Yun, it must be something else.

Professor Zhang said: "human beings, including all other creatures on earth, transmit information to each other by sound and gesture. Except for some cellular creatures, even dolphins call their companions by high-frequency sound waves, and so do bats' echolocation."

Li Yun nodded slightly, "that's why we are so different from other people."

"Well. After all, the speed of light and the speed of sound are totally different concepts. "

Professor Zhang said: "electromagnetic wave is the speed of light, and its speed in any medium is close to 300000 km / s, while the speed of sound in normal temperature air is only 340 m / s, and the difference is not an order of magnitude."

he gave Li Yun a pause to think about it, and said: "I have never experienced what kind of situation brain wave communication is, but theoretically speaking At the speed limit of normal people's brain, your communication speed is at least ten times faster than that of ordinary people. "

Li Yun admits: "it is true. If Xiaoai's artificial intelligence can express information quickly, the speed of communication can be more than 10000 times that of normal people."

Just like when we were fighting against the jelly monster just now, Xiao AI could cram hundreds of words of information about the jelly monster into the human brain, not only accurate, but also one to many communication.

This speed is faster than the normal person's word by word, I don't know how much.

Professor Zhang also said: "the acceleration of communication speed can greatly speed up production efficiency. If human society uses brain wave communication during work, productivity will get a qualitative leap, and I don't think it is much worse than the industrial revolution.

After all, the human brain communicates directly with the computer, at least in directing the computer to do things hundreds of times faster. "

Li Yun laughed: "the same is true in battle. If all the soldiers on the battlefield communicate with brain waves, their combat effectiveness will be doubled. Professor Zhang, are you a supporter of brain wave communication? "

"It's true."

Professor Zhang admitted frankly.

"But besides me, there are a lot of people who are against it."