Chapter 1317

Zhang Yanfang threatened Wu huayitong. Seeing that he was really afraid, she slowed down her voice: "don't be afraid. Our powerful organization is very strict with defectors, but as long as you fully cooperate with the work assigned to you by the organization, you will be rich and powerful in the future, and even extending your life to 500 years is not a dream."

Wu Hua looked up at Zhang Yanfang in shock. Can her life span be extended to so much?

He knew that with the superb technology of the divine religion, there must be a problem related to the life span of creatures, but he did not know the feasibility.

"Are you a godly man?" Wu Hua can't help thinking about this, and only the technology of the divine religion dares to say such words.


Zhang Yanfang said with great certainty: "the golden soldiers of the god religion are inhuman and can't make the same expression as human beings. Do you think I'm different from ordinary people just now?"

"The life span you said..."

"You don't need to care where our technology comes from, you just need to cooperate with us!"

Zhang Yanfang's tone was sharp again, and Wu Hua had to shut up.

Zhang Yanfang also asked about the transaction between Wu Hua and Cai Xiantian. She felt that there was no loophole and she was very satisfied with Wu Hua's cooperation. Then she said, "next, our goal is probe technology, which is also your only task. You only need to complete this. In the future, you will refuse the task I sent you. In addition to not quitting us, you can enjoy it as much as you like Use the money this mission gives you in return. "

Wu Hua had a strange expression on his face.

If he wasn't a double agent, I'm afraid he would like this sentence, but it's too late to say anything now.

"But what I study has nothing to do with probe technology. I study genetics, as you know." Wu Hua made his own protest.

Zhang Yanfang said faintly: "there are too many technologies involved in the probe. It is implanted into the human body and emits brain waves to deceive the brain, which is closely related to the brain function of the human body. The technologies involved can be said to be encyclopedias of the human body. Even if the researchers get it, they can't understand its principle and can only use it reluctantly."

Although Wu Hua has known the principle of probe technology for a long time, he still can't help but feel awe at Zhang Yanfang's words.

An intellectual's awe of the vast and unknown world.

The more you know about it, the more you admire it. How can you make such a thing.

In Wu Hua's view, epoch-making can no longer be used to describe probe technology, and it may be more accurate to surpass the times.

I'm afraid that human beings will not be able to develop to the present level of technology in a hundred years.

Zhang Yanfang continued: "next, we will promote the probe research department, saying that gene research may be beneficial to the decryption of probe technology. At that time, you will join the probe technology research department and wait for the opportunity to get the probe technology!"


Wu Hua's heart fiercely raised, although he is now a double agent, but how to hear such a secret theft plan, still make him instantly nervous.

"What are you afraid of! Didn't you do it once before? "

Zhang Yanfang reprimanded him and said, "we don't want what the Institute has developed with probe technology. We just need the probe technology itself. I don't think we can come up with anything in a short period of time in this broken Research Institute, so don't worry about it. "

Wu Hua could only express his admiration for Zhang Yanfang's disdain of Qingya Research Institute. He slandered Zhang Yanfang in his heart and said: you are so powerful. What probe technology do you need! In the final analysis, it's not like a dog who wants to make money after the cult.

It's the Shinto religion that is really superior.