Chapter 1383

"What kind of monster is this?"


When Li Yun asked questions, the monster from the second floor hit hard again, and the iron gate let out a sad cry helplessly. It could not hold on.

"We call him synthetic troll." Liu Jie hid from the horizon and said, "his strength is infinite, his body shape is stable, and he won't grow old and mutate rapidly, but he is extremely difficult to tame. It's useless..."


At the last impact, the iron door flew out, the screws embedded in the surrounding walls collapsed directly, and the 3-meter-high iron door was also thrown away.

People with explosion-proof shield far away to block the flying debris, in a burst of dust, vaguely see the shape of the beast man.

At first glance, what people saw was a huge red sarcoma. After a careful look, they found that it was the bald head of the giant beast man!

"My God! He was the iron door that he smashed open with his shoulder and head Exclaimed one.

"The troll is ten meters tall, with no hair, strong muscles, and hard armor covering all vulnerable parts of his body, just like a beetle."

Liu Jietian said quickly: "in addition to not being able to fly or control, I think he should be able to defeat the wing demon of the cult. Of course, you can go out into the wide space

Ten meters high, that is to say, the troll crawled through the passage. This narrow terrain undoubtedly greatly limited his combat power.

"What do you want to say?" Li Yun asked calmly.

"All I want to say is: run

Liu Jie's weather was so bad that he called out: "before the troll has climbed out of the tunnel, let's run! Don't think that your submachine gun and flamethrower are useful to him. His skin is very hard and he is not afraid of water and fire. His arms have hard crustaceans as defensive shields. Fight him in this terrain unless you want to die! "

In the conference room on the third floor, Gu Jiyu resentfully looks at the information from the intelligent system. The troll has a monitoring system, which has not been broken by Xiao AI. He can also know the situation ahead.

"The winged monster can't get in. This lab is still under my control. System, can the other party's network attacks be resisted? "

Gu Jiyu's only worry now is this. If the laboratory intelligent system falls into Xiao AI's hands, the situation will change immediately.

"The system infers that it can't defend the opponent's offensive before, but somehow, the opponent's offensive suddenly weakens, and it is suspected that the opponent is preparing for a big offensive."

"Hahaha, it's ok now. Control the second and third floors for me, especially the secret escape routes. Don't be controlled."



The intelligent system faithfully replied: "it can't be certain. If the system is attacked, everything about the laboratory will be known by the other party, including the secret escape route. If you want to defend there, it is suggested that the system delete the information about the secret channel. "

"Delete, delete for me!" Gu Jiyu is impatient to listen. Although the system sent by the sword shadow alliance can understand people's words, it's just a dead brain. It's not flexible at all.

"No." The intelligent system once again said, "in wartime, you need to go to the control room in person to order to delete the information."

"Tell me again?"

Gu Jiyu is very angry, "I have not been manipulated, you can't judge?"

"Unfortunately, this system has observed that your mental state is not very stable and you are not sure if you have been manipulated."

"Get the hell out of here!"

Gu Jiyu wanted to chop this retarded thing.

Intelligent system no longer pit sound.

"What's the situation with the troll?" Ancient season rain pressure down fire, active asked.

"Do you need the prompt of this system now?"

"Yes!" Gu Jiyu's teeth itch with hatred. He can understand "tell him to go away", but he can't understand that it's just his angry words.

"The trolls have come to the second floor and are fighting with the guards."
