Chapter 1393

"Three seconds, disappear, corridor..."

Xiao Jiayu murmured to himself, "if it's not relying on chameleon potion, then it's equivalent to saying that Gu Jiyu entered a certain room almost without stopping. Is the wall illusory?"

Li Yun glanced up and down the left and right walls, thoughtfully said: "we have checked the walls, it is not illusory, that is to say, Gu Jiyu is directly into the wall..."

"Gujiyu is inborn!"

Xiao Jiayu also quickly reflected that people didn't push it very hard just now. If Gu Jiyu had entered the wall directly, he would have used a lot of energy.

"But shall we examine them one by one?"


Li Yun said with a smile: "we don't know which wall is abnormal. Gu Jiyu is the same. There must be a wall around that is different from other places for him to identify. Little love. "

"Brother, it has been counted out. It's easier to recognize three places in total." Xiao AI has completely mastered the terrain by relying on the camera. As soon as Li Yun said, she has come to a conclusion.

"Well, show us."

"Ahead, there's a broken wall."

Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu came forward, and they pushed together. Without pushing, there was a solid wall inside. If they tried again, their hands would break through the wall.

"Second, there's a sign."

Still not, people are a little lost, it seems that Gu Jiyu did not disappear like this.

"Third, there is a raised mark on the wall." Little love calmly said: "this is also the most suspicious place."


After careful observation, they found that a line with a bulge of less than 0.3cm connected the ceiling and the ground up and down, just like the excavation was not finished.

"This is There's no sign of the door closing? "

Xiao Jiayu gets excited and asks Li Yun to guard for him. She goes forward and pushes hard.

With a click, the wide walls sank. Xiao Jiayu let go with a scream.

"Sure enough! Gu Jiyu actually disappeared like this. "


Li Yun came forward, and the Qi ran to his hands. With a fierce push, the stone gate suddenly sank more than 1 meter deep, and a channel was exposed on the side. Soon, the stone gate rebounded quickly.

The truth is clear.

Gu Jiyu rushed here and hit the stone gate directly. After entering, the stone gate immediately closed by the spring behind.

That is to say, Shimen only closed the door. After all, Gu Jiyu's speed was very fast.

"No wonder he disappeared in three seconds."

Entering the door, Xiao Jiayu sighed.

Li Yun said with a smile: "sometimes the truth is so simple."

There is a dark passage in the stone gate. In case, Li Yun specially brought an explosion-proof shield in. The two carefully walked dozens of meters away, and there was a fierce noise in front of them.

"I am Gu Jiyu!"

"Shut up, it should be me. I'm 60 years old!"

"You should shut up. I'm not that old!"

"Ha ha ha, I'm going to kill you all, so there's only one gujiyu left in the world!"

"You want to kill me? I'll kill you first

"In my memory, I'm only 20 years old. I just came into contact with the sword shadow alliance. Who can tell me what's going on, seniors?"

Li Yun and Xiao Jiayu were so surprised that they looked at each other and went out carefully.

There is a huge laboratory space in front of us. There are many secret rooms around us. At this moment, all these rooms have been opened, revealing a glass jar with a height of more than one person. What is inside the jar is It's a rainy season.

A lot of gujiyu, all in cans!

And some empty cans indicate that the people inside have come out and are arguing about who is the real gujiyu.

"Now, the joke is a little too big..."