Chapter 1424

"The formation of eight trigrams originated from Hetu and Luoshu. It was invented by Fuxi, the head of the three emperors and five emperors. Fuxi began to draw eight trigrams in Tianshui guatai mountain. The eight trigrams represent the yin-yang system of the change of things themselves. "

"Although we can't say that Baguamen is a sect handed down five thousand years ago, it has been recorded for at least 1300 years. It was founded by Yu Ci, a famous Taoist at that time, and has a long history."

While the three were walking on the stone road in the mountains, Wang mengyan chirped to them about the history of the eight trigrams gate. When they met the historical scenery around them, they focused on introducing it.

After all, this school has a history of more than 1000 years. Even if it takes ten years to dig a landscape, there are hundreds of places worthy of people's eyes.

When Li Yun reached the top of the mountain, there were at least 20 historical celebrities who could be named. In addition to the local governor, many famous poets also left their poems here, setting off the whole mountain as an aesthetic tourist attraction.

"Don't people come here usually?" Li Yun asked strangely.

If this place is open to the public, the evaluation of 5A level cultural attractions is indispensable, and it is not difficult to evaluate a world cultural heritage.

"Hee hee ~"

Wang mengyan covered her small mouth and laughed, "no one will come. Unless she is invited by the sect, she can't come in at all. This has always been the case in history. It's never open here, so it's well preserved. "

"Living in such a place, Miss Wang, your living environment is really enviable." Liu Peng said with emotion.

"Just call me Meng Yan."

Wang mengyan readily said, and then complained: "in fact, it's not very good. There are no modern things in the sect. The elders are so stubborn that they refuse to bring in good things. They say that our predecessors are like this and we should abide by it. They also say that it will not change in the next hundred years."

A conservative old school.

But Li Ming can't say who is right and who is wrong.

Walking on the mossy stone road, people are in the middle of the mountain. The distance is covered with clouds and fog. The clear bird calls come from the ear. The nose is fresh air. If you take a deep breath, you can relax yourself.

This fairyland scenery is absolutely impossible to see in a metropolis.

It's also the benefit of being old-fashioned.

"No wonder people are so arrogant."

Li Yun secretly thought that living in the mountains with thousands of years of history and culture, what ordinary people can't even think of is easily available here. The gap brings about class. The five disciples of Baguamen and lingjianlou were so rampant before, which is why they were so rampant.

When they reached the top of the mountain, Li Yun saw a group of white men standing in front of them, all holding swords and looking down at them on the mountain road.

"Yan Yan?"

One of them, a handsome man with a yellow crown, cried from a distance.

However, Wang mengyan heard his voice, the happy expression on her face quickly collapsed, a reluctant look, not disgusted, but looked like she didn't like to let him call like this.

Li Yun calmly followed her up, and the group of white men stood on a huge stone, holding a sword and looking down at Li Yun.

It seems that this visit to Baguamen is not as easy as Li Yun thought before.

"Who are you two?"