Chapter 4136

It's not a big deal if you show your feet ahead of time before you know what the other party is talking about.

Fortunately, Wai Wang's reaction was more rapid. He quickly used cough to remind everyone. Several elders also reacted at once and quickly covered up their panic expression.

However, several companions behind Xun te noticed this.

It's just that they don't think much, because they also know a lot of things.

Last time, the inner court had told Baiyang the outer court how to do things, but it was because they didn't work hard that they came here.

The reason why several principal elders are so nervous is that they have realized that the inner court knows that they are not working well, so they are scared.

However, although they didn't think that they were nervous because of other reasons, they were basically sure that these guys didn't do a good job in the arrangement of the inner court last time.

"Is there anything that needs to be made clear by Ambassador bent? It seems that Shen Wai Wang is really noble and forgetful. He didn't even pay attention to the task given to you by the inner court! " Xun te said with a straight face.

"I see. Shen probably understood the meaning of Xun te's coming to this dynasty. However, you envoys have come all the way here. They are so dusty. Please come to our house and have a cup of hot tea! " When the king heard what the other side said, he let his heart down.

As for the reason why the inner court came here this time, they have been on pins and needles in the outer court for half a month. They have to worry about it countless times every day, for fear that they already know the secret of everyone's betrayal.

If they're not about it, they're here for Cheng Yu.

Now, these people are really coming for Cheng Yu. Everyone is relaxed, especially the elders who are in charge. They even look happy. It can be seen how much pressure that incident has put on them.

Xun te Shi didn't think so much. They really need a place to have a good rest now.

The foreign king quickly called the people to prepare a rest place for others, while Xunte envoy and several other people followed the foreign king and several elders to the assembly hall.

In the assembly hall, the servants had already prepared the steaming tea.

"This is the unique yunwuling tea in the jurisdiction of Baiyang foreign court. Please taste it!" The king politely invited him to drink the tea.

"Shen Waiwang's yunwuling tea is really refreshing. It's powerful and moistening. It's worthy of its reputation." Xunte took a sip, gently put the cup on the tea table and praised.

Other people also nodded, vaguely saw a little joy on the faces of the people, it can be seen that these people really like the cloud spirit tea.

"Thank you for your praise. Since these envoys like yunwuling tea so much, Shen can prepare some for you when you leave Baiyang outer court. If you drink this cloud fog spirit tea often, it will help to expand the meridians, moisten the spirit body, and is of great benefit to practice! " Wang is very generous said.

For monks, if they often use spiritual objects in their life, it is really of great benefit to practice.

Moreover, yunwuling tea is really a good thing. It can even help monks change their physique, but it takes years to drink it.

However, even if you can't drink it all the time, even if you only drink it for a period of time, it will be of great benefit to monks.

The envoys have no doubt about this.

It's because the yunwuling tea of Baiyang Dynasty is really famous. Every time Baiyang Dynasty pays tribute to Tiancai and Dibao, there is yunwuling tea.

On some special days, some dignitaries of the inner court will show them to you, which shows that they are precious.

Therefore, Xun te envoy once tasted yunwuling tea.

Now he comes to the Baiyang outer court. If the outer king doesn't take out some cloud spirit tea, maybe he will turn his face directly.

Moreover, for the monks like Xunte, if they can take these cloud and mist tea for a long time, their strength will definitely go up to a higher level.

What's more, Waiwang is taking the initiative. He said that we should reserve some for everyone, but it's not really just a little bit. It's no problem to drink for at least a few years, is it?

If you don't even prepare for them with this amount, it's really a bit too unkind.

After all, it's not very easy for them to take an inspection tour. They may even come to Baiyang court once in their life.

Therefore, if the foreign king takes out too little yunwuling tea, then he can't do it himself.

"That will cost the foreign king!" Xun te's face finally softened.

As the saying goes, short hands and short mouth.

This cloud fog spirit tea is a good thing, even in the whole dynasty, it is the best spirit tea.

As soon as he gets such a good thing, he can't face people any more!

When the king and the elders saw the subtle changes on Xun te's face, they also laughed in their hearts, and they were relieved.

They have already discussed before. If these people don't know about their betrayal of the dynasty, but for other things, or for Cheng Yu's sake, they have to treat these envoys well.

If these people are not willing to accept the spirit tea, it may also mean that the problem this time is very serious.

But now that they've taken it, it's easy.

"It's very kind of you to come to our Baiyang foreign court. It's our good fortune to have you here. We all welcome your special envoys here!" The king said with a smile.

"Thank you for your hospitality!" Sitter nodded, obviously enjoying the praise.

You know, the identity of Waiwang is still very high.

Even in the inner Dynasty, in fact, the identity of the outer king was also very noble.

Now he came to Baiyang foreign court as a special envoy. Even a noble man like a foreign king would come to hold him. Could he feel uncomfortable?

"Wai Wang, when it comes to this, I feel a little strange. Why are there so few people in your court? Just now we came all the way, but we seldom saw anyone passing by. What's the matter? Where have the people of your Dynasty gone? " One of the Deputy envoys wondered.

"Alas! I'm ashamed to say that. I don't mind if I don't say it! " Wai Wang sighed and waved his hand.

"What do you mean? What's the problem? Why don't you tell me? " Xun te asked curiously.

"Alas! It's also a disgrace to my Baiyang foreign court. " The king sighed again, as if not willing to say more.

"But it's no harm to say so." The envoys were more curious.

"Since several special envoys want to hear about it, let's talk about it simply. In fact, it has to start from the task that the inner court arranged for us last time!" The king saw that he could not shirk, so he had to say it!